Browsing Department of Information Science and Media Studies by Title
Now showing items 661-680 of 902
Quantifying over information change with common knowledge
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Public announcement logic (PAL) extends multi-agent epistemic logic with dynamic operators modelling the effects of public communication. Allowing quantification over public announcements lets us reason about the existence ... -
Radio i alderdommen - En kvalitativ studie av radioens plass og betydning i eldres hverdag
(Master thesis, 2008) -
RadioWeb. The Design, Development and Formative Evaluation of Web-Based Learning Material for Radiology
(Master thesis, 2003)This dissertation describes the RadioWeb project. The scope of this project was toplan, design, develop and evaluate a prototype for delivering web-based learningmaterial in radiology at the University of Bergen. The ... -
Readiness: en app for å støtte beslutningstaking for lagledere i brannvesenet
(Master thesis, 2017-06-14)Noen yrkesgrupper har arbeidsoppgaver som kan ha direkte påvirkning for egen eller andres liv og helse. For å gjennomføre slike arbeidsoppgaver stilles det gjerne høyere krav til dagsform og sertifiseringer enn i andre ... -
Realistic face manipulation by morphing with average faces
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Face manipulation has become a standard feature of many social media services. Most of these applications use the feature for entertainment purposes. However, such manipulation techniques could also have potential in a ... -
Reality og ritual - en analyse av The Ultimate Fighter LIVE! Cruz vs. Faber
(Master thesis, 2012-12-05)En analyse av en reality-serie der MMA-fightere kjemper om en proff-kontrakt. Analysen baserer seg på teori om maskulinitet, såpeopera, sport som kitsch og narrative strukturer -
Reasoning about Knowledge and Action in Cluedo using Prolog
(Master thesis, 2016-06-01)This thesis will look at how to define a representation for the implementation of Cluedo and dynamic epistemic logic into Prolog. It looks at basics of modal logic, and definitions of dynamic epistemic logic. The thesis ... -
Recommender systems in the healthcare domain: state-of-the-art and research issues
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Nowadays, a vast amount of clinical data scattered across different sites on the Internet hinders users from finding helpful information for their well-being improvement. Besides, the overload of medical information (e.g., ... -
Recurrent vs Non-Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks for Heart Sound Classification
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) has been widely proposed for different tasks of heart sound analysis. This paper presents the results of a novel study on the performance of a conventional CNN in comparison to the different ... -
Reel peace. The emerging field of peace film
(Master thesis, 2014-05-15)Masteroppgaven tar for seg det fremvoksende fredsfilmfeltet og diskursene som beskriver dette feltet. Den fokuserer på et område innen fredsmedia som har vært i stadig vekst siden millenniumskiftet, men som så langt har ... -
A Reference Architecture for Data-Driven and Adaptive Internet-Delivered Psychological Treatment Systems: Software Architecture Development and Validation Study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Background: Internet-delivered psychological treatment (IDPT) systems are software applications that offer psychological treatments via the internet. Such IDPT systems have become one of the most commonly practiced and ... -
Reimagining Medical Self-Report : Using Interaction Design to Enhance Respondent Experience
(Doctoral thesis, 2024-06-17)Helsevesenet er i stadig utvikling, med økende vektlegging på pasientorienterte tilnærminger som aktivt involverer pasienter i deres egen behandling. Selvrapportering spiller en avgjørende rolle i denne endringen ved å ... -
#Relatable - En kvalitativ studie av unge voksnes forhold til internett-memer.
(Master thesis, 2021-06-15)Denne oppgaven undersøker internett-memer og meme-kultur som et utbredt kulturelt fenomen blant unge voksne, og oppgaven søker etter å finne svar på hvilken funksjon memer har i dagens ungdomskultur. Problemstillingen som ... -
Relativt komplekst om narrativ kompleksitet
(Journal article, 2009-04) -
Remembering Tanjug: Analysing re-articulation of journalistic roles at the national news agency of socialist Yugoslavia
(Journal article, 2022)Historically, the role of journalism in society is bound to the prevailing conceptualization of the freedom of the press, specific societal, institutional, and material conditions of news production. This study explores ... -
Remote Female Fixation—A Grounded Theory on Semi-Illegal Sharing of Nude Imagery Online
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)In this article, we present the classic grounded theory of remote female fixation, which provides new knowledge on the illegal sharing of sexualized images of young girls in networked communities on the internet. This ... -
Representasjoner av reality-tv i norsk reklamefilm. En kvalitativ tekstanalyse av reklamefilmer fra TINE, ICA og Gulesider
(Master thesis, 2013-02-01)Dette prosjektet ser nærmere på nyere norsk reklamefilm som benytter seg av et konsept knyttet til reality-tv i sine tv-reklamer. TINE, ICA og Gulesider viser tre forskjellige måter å utnytte en slik appell via ulike former ... -
Representations of madness in the cinema: Three contemporary cases
(Master thesis, 2014-12-01)The aim of this thesis is to develop a better understanding of how madness is depicted in contemporary Hollywood films. Specifically, it discusses what shapes the depiction of madness, how and why it differs from reality, ... -
Research Director, Colleague, Schoolmaster? Preferred and Experienced Supervising Styles of PhD-Students at Four Faculties
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)What do the PhD candidates think of their supervisors’ supervising styles? What practices do they see as characteristic of their primary supervisors, and how does this compare to their own preferred style of supervision? ... -
Researching Players to Understand the Game
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2008)Since the advent of the study of games, scholars have emphasised the idea of games as subsets of the real world, as make-believe and as representational systems. Games have been understood as delimited from the real world ...