Browsing Department of Information Science and Media Studies by Title
Now showing items 822-841 of 902
Ubehagets estetikk. En analyse av filmen Hundedager av Ulrich Seidl.
(Master thesis, 2006)Denne oppgaven skal handle om alternativ filmfortelling, en såkalt overskridende film, både i forhold til form og innhold. Jeg vil ta utgangspunkt i den østerrikske filmskaperen Ulrich Seidl sin film Hundedager fra 2001. ... -
Under hammermerket. Hvordan utvikler norsk arbeiderbevegelse en retorisk instruksjonslitteratur på 1930-tallet?
(Doctoral thesis, 2013-04-17)Under the Hammer Flag: The Norwegian labor movement’s development of rhetorical literature in the 1930s. This thesis has six chapters: Chapter 1 is an analysis of two contextual issues that define Arbeiderpartiets, The ... -
Underholdningens gunst: Leif Juster og filmkomedien
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2006)Artikkelen belyser karrieren til komikeren Leif Juster med særlig henblikk på endringer i komisk stil i hans filmkomedier. I tillegg til å sette hans filmkomikk inn i en filmisk og scenisk tradisjon, belyses det ambivalente ... -
Understanding APPropriation: A study of everyday use of smartphones in two age groups
(Master thesis, 2013-06-01)This thesis examines the use of smartphones within two different age groups and makes an attempt to understand how people appropriate smartphones and integrate them into their everyday life. The thesis also tries to ... -
Understanding digital disconnection beyond media studies
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Digital disconnection or ‘digital detox’ has become a key reference point for media scholars interested in how media technology increasingly gains influence on our everyday lives. Digital disconnection from intrusive media ... -
Understanding How News Recommender Systems Influence Selective Exposure
(Chapter, 2023)News recommender systems (NRSs) offer benefits in the realm of information consumption and person- alized news delivery. Yet, some critics argue that overly personalized news recommendations can pose a threat to democracy ... -
Understanding the Audience Turn in Journalism: From Quality Discourse to Innovation Discourse as Anchoring Practices 1995–2020
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Paying close attention to news users has become fully integrated in professional journalism. Even though this practice may still meet with resistance, becoming more audience responsive is no longer automatically condemned ... -
Undersøkende journalistikk i fagpressen
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Dette er en kvalitativ studie som bygger på semistrukturerte intervju med redaktører i seks ulike fagpressepublikasjoner. Gjennom en fenomenologisk tilnærming og tematisk analyse undersøkes fagpressen som utgangspunkt for ... -
Undersøkende journalistikk i TV-serien "De siste dødsdømte" (NRK)
(Master thesis, 2022-12-01)Masteroppgaven tar utgangspunkt i den historiske, undersøkende TV-serien "De siste dødsdømte" (NRK) som handler om 25 nordmenn som ble henrettet etter norsk lov etter andre verdenskrig. Oppgaven består av to deler, en ... -
Unified Enterprise Modelling Ontology (UEMO), 2010-10-29
(Others, 2011-03-30)Unified Enterprise Modelling Ontology (UEMO) is a reformulation of UEML's common ontology in OWL/OWL2 DL form. As a result, the ontology becomes more precise and better supported by automated reasoning tools. The reformulation ... -
Usability evaluations of mobile mental health technologies: A systematic review study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Background: Many mobile health (mHealth) apps for mental health have been made available in recent years. Although there is reason to be optimistic about their effect on improving health and increasing access to care, there ... -
Use of Eye Tracking for eSports Analytics in a MOBA Game
(Master thesis, 2017-01-31)Eye tracking refers to using the movement of the eye to determine where the user is looking (Zhang, 2008). This thesis will look at the use of eye tracking within a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena game (MOBA) and investigate ... -
The use of gamification in learning applications
(Master thesis, 2013-11-27)The aim of this thesis was to investigate and identify the elements of gamification used in learning applications and how they affect user experience. The three main research questions were How are gamification elements ... -
Use of Wikipedia content, structural connections and usage statistics to generate context aware query augmentation in a topical search engine
(Master thesis, 2012-12-22)This thesis presents the TCSearch2, a Master's project. The thesis studies different approaches to bridging the gap between user expectations and existing search engine result and their impact on the quality of the results. ... -
User Needs of Young Czech Adults with Multiple Sclerosis in a Lifestyle App Design
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)This paper presents a study that examined desired functionality, content, and design of a mobile application for young Czech adults living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). The study was structured around a high-fidelity ... -
User-centered design of Internet of Things enabled applications: The case of the VIZUM app.
(Master thesis, 2015-12-15)This thesis looks at how to implement user-centered design to Internet of Things enabled application with the design development of an application for reservations of parking spaces. It will look at how to apply user-centered ... -
User-centred design of clinical dashboards for guided iCBT
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)As Internet-based technology spreads to most areas of life, it becomes a challenge to grasp opportunities arising from enormous amounts of data being generated from various sources such as smart homes, smart cities, health ... -
User-Environment Relations : A Postphenomenology of Virtual Reality
(Doctoral thesis, 2023-03-30)Innen HCI blir interaksjon tradisjonelt forstått som noe som skjer mellom de forhåndsantatte enhetene «menneskelig bruker» og «teknologisk objekt». Særlig tvinger omsluttende VR-teknologi oss til å revurdere disse antagelsene, ... -
Users’ perception on factors contributing to electronic medical records systems use: a focus group discussion study in healthcare facilities setting in Kenya
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Background Electronic medical records systems (EMRs) adoption in healthcare to facilitate work processes have become common in many countries. Although EMRs are associated with quality patient care, patient safety, and ...