Browsing Department of Information Science and Media Studies by Title
Now showing items 21-40 of 902
Allmenn- eller nisje-tv?
(Master thesis, 2013-05-15)Allmenn- eller nisje-tv? Problemstillingen er: I hvilken grad skiller NRK3 seg ut fra sine kommersielle konkurrenter FEM og MAX? Problemstillingen blir belyst gjennom en sammenlignende kvantitativ sendeflateanalyse, analyse ... -
Ambjørnsen i bok og på film- narrative analyser av adaptasjonsfilmene Døden på Oslo S, Elling og Øyenstikker
(Master thesis, 2010-06-01)Oppgaven tar for seg de endringene og de valg som fordres itransfomasjonen av litterære fortellinger til film. Sentrert rundtnarrative analyser av tre filmer (Døden på Oslo S, Elling ogØyenstikker), alle basert på tekster ... -
Analogical News Angles from Text Similarity
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The paper presents an algorithm providing creativity support to journalists. It suggests analogical transfer of news angles from reports written about different events than the one the journalist is working on. The problem ... -
Analogical Reuse of Object-Oriented Analysis Models
(Doctoral thesis, 2008-05-29)Software reuse involves using again software artifacts that have been successfully built before.To be successful with software reuse, techniques for reuse must be integrated into both theinformation system development ... -
Analysis and Design of Computational News Angles
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)A key skill for a journalist is the ability to assess the newsworthiness of an event or situation. To this purpose journalists often rely on news angles, conceptual criteria that are used both i) to assess whether something ... -
An analysis of image folksonomy generation
(Master thesis, 2009-06-01) -
Analysis of patient pathways with contextual process mining
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)The volume and diversity of healthcare information available through the use of modern technology offers great potential for improving health services delivery. Giving healthcare practitioners and health system administrators ... -
Aporia & Epiphany in Context: Computer Game Agency in Baldur’s Gate II & Heroes of Might & Magic IV
(Master thesis, 2003)This thesis studies computer games from a recipient’s perspective by doing an analysis ofhow an implied player is expected by game design to take action in computer games. Fromthe assumption that the player of computer ... -
The application of personality and emotion in artificial agents
(Master thesis, 2016-06-01)Denne oppgaven prøver å utvikle ett allsidig og gjenkjennelig emosjons of personlighets system basert på Ortony, Clore, Collins emosjons modellen og Zamora personlighets taxonomien. Den tester om ett sånt system kan lett ... -
ARTree. Designing & evaluating handheld augmented reality art
(Master thesis, 2011-06-01)Augmented reality is a technology combining physical and virtual objects. This study aimes to explore the use of this technology in art. The prototype ARTree was developed through contributions from an artist, and consists ... -
Askeladden og ministeren - Tolkningsrammer og medielogikk i "Aker-saken" 2009.
(Master thesis, 2010-06-01)Denne masteroppgaven ser på VGs dekning avkonflikten mellom regjeringen og Kjell Inge Røkkei 2009, også kjent som Aker-saken.Problemstillingen er: "Hvilke tolkningsrammerbruker VG i Aker-saken, og hva gjør deforskjellige ... -
ASPIRE Adaptive strategy prediction in a RTS environment
(Master thesis, 2012-06-01)When playing a Real Time Strategy(RTS) game against the non-human player(bot) it is important that the bot can do different strategies to create a challenging experience over time. In this thesis we aim to improve the way ... -
Assessment of HIV Data Reporting Performance by Facilities During EMR Systems Implementations in Kenya
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)There is little evidence that implementations of Electronic Medical Record Systems (EMRs) are associated with better reporting completeness and timeliness of HIV routine data to the national aggregate system. We analyzed ... -
At the crossroads of logics: Automating newswork with artificial intelligence—(Re)defining journalistic logics from the perspective of technologists
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)As artificial intelligence (AI) technologies become more ubiquitous for streamlining and optimizing work, they are entering fields representing organizational logics at odds with the efficiency logic of automation. One ... -
Attached or Detached? Subjective Methods in War Journalism
(Master thesis, 2005-02-01) -
Attitudes to Open Source Software in Bergen Kommune
(Master thesis, 2012-01-30)This work describes key elements of Open Source Software, computer history and the attitudes found in the municipal of Bergen to Open Source Software. It tries to describe the use of the software, which attitudes that can ... -
Audiences’ Communicative Agency in a Datafied Age: Interpretative, Relational and Increasingly Prospective
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)This article develops a conceptualization of audience agency in the face of datafication. We consider how people, as audiences and users of media and technologies, face transforming communicative conditions, and how these ... -
Automated analysis of Norwegian text
(Doctoral thesis, 2019-06-28)In this thesis we look at how we can develop automated analysis tools for Norwegian text. We look at 3 different tasks: Part-of-Speech (PoS) tagging, Named-Entity Chunking (NEC), and Named-Entity Recognition (NER). For our ... -
Automated Claim Detection for Fact-checking: A Case Study using Norwegian Pre-trained Language Models
(Chapter, 2023)We investigate to what extent pre-trained language models can be used for automated claim detection for fact-checking in a low resource setting. We explore this idea by fine-tuning four Norwegian pre-trained language models ... -
Automated Fact-Checking to Support Professional Practices: Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Fact-checking is a time-consuming process that automation can potentially make more efficient. This study provides a comprehensive, multidisciplinary state of the art that considers a holistic and sociotechnical approach ...