Browsing Department of Information Science and Media Studies by Title
Now showing items 41-60 of 903
Automated Front Detection - Using computer vision and machine learning to explore a new direction in automated weather forecasting
(Master thesis, 2017-04-22)In weather forecasting, automation and computing are the driving forces of innovation. More computing power and better techniques allow for faster and more accurate weather data systems. The task of detecting fronts ... -
An automated system to analyze system dynamics model
(Master thesis, 2004)For a very long time, software oriented to analyze system dynamics models using eigenvalue analysis technique was not more than a dream. System Dynamics has been hampered by the lack of such software used to analyze the ... -
Automatic Detection of Manipulative Consent Management Platforms and the Journey into the Patterns of Darkness
(Chapter, 2023)We study how to automatically classify different types of manipulative interface design pattern for Content Management Platforms (CMPs), also known as a cookie consents. Our approach uses a scraper to extract different ... -
Automatic Facial Anonymisation Using Average Face Morphing. An explorative attempt at designing a tool for investigating the normative views of journalism practices in dealing with manipulation and usage of facial press photographies.
(Master thesis, 2017-07-08)This thesis describes the process of developing and evaluating a design science research artefact for anonymising faces in images. The artefact is developed for use in RRI-research in the ViSmedia research group at the ... -
Automatic quiz generation for elderly people
(Master thesis, 2016-06-01)Studies have indicated that games can be beneficial for the elderly, in areas such as cognitive functioning and well-being. Taking part in social activities, such as playing a game with others, could also be beneficial. ... -
Automating Science Journalism Tasks: Emerging Opportunities
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Digital tools have the potential to both semi-automate science journalist tasks including the incorporation of more diverse voices in science journalism. This paper reports new design science research that developed then ... -
Automation and redistribution of work: the impact of social distancing on live TV production
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023) -
Autonomous yet moral machines
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Autonomous machines, both software and embodied artificial intelligent (AI) agents, will continue to relieve us of the burden that are monotone, repetitive, or dangerous tasks. The more autonomous machines inhabit our ... -
Avislesing i den digitale kvardagen
(Master thesis, 2013-05-15)Denne oppgåva ser nærare på avislesing i den digitale kvardagen, med utgangspunkt i tre spørsmål; 1) Korleis går avislesinga føre seg i dagleglivet? 2) Korleis blir avislesinga i dagleglivet grunngjeven? 3) Korleis blir ... -
Backward evaluation in peer assessment: A scoping review
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Implementing backward evaluation as part of the peer assessment process enables students to react to the feedback they receive on their work within one peer assessment activity cycle. The emergence of online peer assessment ... -
Bakgrunnen for Media Norge
(Research report, 2010-06) -
«De bare krangler». Nordmenns holdninger til TV-sendte valgdebatter
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-03)Televised election debates are frequently criticised by journalists, politicians and academics. In this article, we investigate Norwegian voters’ attitudes towards television debates and whether or not they agree with the ... -
Beefeater beslutningsstøttesystem. Læring av erfaring
(Master thesis, 2000)Hovedoppgaven er et bidrag i arbeidet med å øke forståelsen av hvordan beslutningsstøttesystemer eventuelt kan påvirke beslutningstageres måleffektivitet, gjennom å øke læringen av erfaring. Det er tatt utgangspunkt i et ... -
Beretningen om et varslet kupp. Nyhetsgestaltning av statskuppet i Venezuela 2002
(Master thesis, 2006) -
Bergens Tidende – En yndet medspiller og fryktet motstander. En kvalitativ analyse av Bergens Tidendes roller i bybanesaken
(Master thesis, 2008-02-08)Masteroppgaven drøfter hvilke roller Bergens Tidende har spilt i bybanesaken, og hvordan disse har innvirket på hverandre. Analysematerialet består av kvalitative intervju med aktører både i og utenfor BT, som på ulike ... -
Beste praksis for å tilgjengeliggjøre åpne offentlige data ved bruk av semantiske vevteknologier
(Master thesis, 2011-06-01)Organisasjoner i offentlig sektor innehar store mengder data som kan tilgjengeliggjøres som åpne data slik at andre aktører kan gjenbruke dataene. Tilgjengeliggjøring ved bruk av semantiske vevteknologier vil gi dataene ... -
Between ritual and information: Three phases of Norwegian news audiences’ sense-making of the election of Donald Trump
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)This article investigates sense-making processes of news audiences when faced with destabilizing global events. The destabilizing event is Trump’s 2016 election win, which we study from the perspective of audiences far ... -
Beyond representation: Public service media, minority audiences and the promotion of capabilities through entertainment
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Entertainment programming is an important means for public service media (PSM) to address minority audiences, and to fulfill their social mission vis-à-vis these groups. We argue that these efforts are plagued by a thin ... -
Beyond the Game: The Role of Mega-Sport Events and Media in Shaping Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment. An Analytical Study of the International Olympic Committee's Influence on Media Representation and Social Change
(Doctoral thesis, 2024-08-30)Denne doktorgradsavhandlingen er en omfattende undersøkelse av forholdet mellom store idrettsarrangementer, mediedekning og implikasjonene for likestilling og kvinners myndiggjøring, med fokus på Den internasjonale olympiske ... -
Beyond the Limits of Survey Experiments: How Conjoint Designs Advance Causal Inference in Political Communication Research
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-09-13)This paper calls attention to what is arguably the most notable advancement in survey experiments over the last decade: conjoint designs. The benefit of conjoint design is its capacity to study and compare the causal effects ...