• The PC Algorithm and the Inference to Constitution 

      Casini, Lorenzo; Baumgartner, Michael Clemens (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Gebharter has proposed using one of the best known Bayesian network causal discovery algorithms, PC, to identify the constitutive dependencies underwriting mechanistic explanations. His proposal assumes that mechanistic ...
    • Glaube und Aberglaube nach Wittgenstein: Zu nonkognitiven Deutungen der Grammatik des religiösen Glaubens 

      Pichler, Alois (Chapter, 2023)
      Der Beitrag diskutiert, inwieweit eine generell nonkognitiv ausgerichtete Deutung von religiösen Glaubenssätzen der tatsächlichen Grammatik dieser Sätze gerecht wird. Die Antwort ist nein. Nonkognitivistische Ansätze sind ...
    • Interactive Dynamic Presentation (IDP) and Semantic Faceted Search and Browsing (SFB) of the Wittgenstein Nachlass 

      Pichler, Alois (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      In 2000 the Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen (WAB) published the CD-ROM edition of Wittgenstein’s Nachlass: The Bergen Electronic Edition (BEE). Moreover, since then WAB has worked towards complementing ...
    • The Partially Impartial Spectator 

      Sivertsen, Sveinung (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      According to Adam Smith, we appeal to the imagined reactions of an ‘impartial spectator’ when justifying moral judgements of others and aspire to be impartial spectators when making judgements of ourselves. However, ...
    • Social Identities and Representation: How Art Can Affect Epistemic Injustice 

      Genesini, Federica (Master thesis, 2022-09-01)
      Målet med denne oppgaven er å vise hvordan representasjon gjennom kunst, både når det gjelder emnet for kunstverket og når det gjelder kunstneren, kan understøtte epistemisk – spesifikt hermeneutisk – urettferdighet av ...
    • Om løgn og bedrag og tillit i norsk politikk 

      Schrøder, Haakon Ben (Master thesis, 2022-09-01)
    • A Byzantine Metaphysics of Artefacts? The Case of Michael of Ephesus’ Commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics 

      Papandreou, Marilu (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022-08-11)
      The ontology of artefacts in Byzantine philosophy is still a terra incognita. One way of mapping this unexplored territory is to delve into Michael of Ephesus’ commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics. Written around 1100, ...
    • Epistemisk nytte og permissivisme; gode og dårlige nyheter 

      Eilertsen, Andre (Master thesis, 2022-05-20)
      En nylig debatt i epistemologi har tatt for seg spørsmålet om hvor tolerant (eng.: permissive) rasjonalitet er: hvorvidt rasjonelle agenter med samme bevis om en påstands sannhet kan komme til forskjellige konklusjoner når ...
    • Et filosofisk forsvar for kategoriteori som grunnlag for matematikk 

      Grieg, John Christian Edvard (Master thesis, 2022-05-20)
      Det finnes ikke noe overnaturlig, verden forstås gjennom vitenskap og matematikk som gir innsikt i hvordan naturen fungerer. Matematikk er heller ikke overnaturlig. Det er utgangspunktet for denne oppgaven. Første del av ...
    • The “Diktat für Schlick”: Authorship Research and Computational Stylometry Revisited 

      Oakes, Michael; Pichler, Alois (Chapter, 2022)
      Both the authorship and the dating of the so-called “Diktat für Schlick” (DFS), once attributed to Ludwig Wittgenstein and assigned by Georg Henrik von Wright to the Wittgenstein Nachlass as item 302, are debated topics ...
    • Examen philosophicums betydning som fellesskapsdannende grunnlag for dialog og refleksjon 

      Sampson, Kristin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Examen philosophicum (ex.phil.) er noe det store flertallet av studenter i Norge må ta. Dette gir faget en særskilt mulighet til å virke fellesskapsdannende. Samtidig har det i de senere år vært en tendens til å utvikle ...
    • Brytninger i ELE-tradisjonen 

      Kolflaath, Eivind (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Artikkelen diskuterer begrepsmessig mangfold på tvers av ulike lærebøker i tradisjonen som oppsto med Arne Næss’ En del elementære logiske emner (ELE). Selv om hovedtemaene i ELE-tradisjonen langt på vei har forblitt de ...
    • Filosofi og allmenndanning som vesentleg omstridde omgrep 

      Hansteen, Hans Marius (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Både filosofi og allmenndanning er vesentleg omstridde omgrep, som det korkje er mogleg eller ynskjeleg å gje eintydige definisjonar. Avklåring av slike omgrep dreier seg meir om å skjøna korleis og kvifor dei er omstridde, ...
    • Logical contextualism 

      Antonsen, Pål Fjeldvig (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      This paper outlines a contextualist version of logical pluralism. One motivation for this idea comes from a desire to block a principal argument against pluralism called ‘the meaning-variance objection’. The paper also ...
    • Qualitative Comparative Analysis and robust sufficiency 

      Baumgartner, Michael Clemens (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Some methodologists take the search target of Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) to be causal INUS-conditions, others contend that QCA should instead be used to search for some form of sufficiency that is more substantive ...
    • Exploring the Metaphysics of Hegel's Racism: The Teleology of the ‘Concept’ and the Taxonomy of Races 

      James, Daniel; Knappik, Franz Ulrich (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      This article interprets Hegel's hierarchical theory of race as an application of his general views about the metaphysics of classification and explanation. We begin by offering a reconstruction of Hegel's hierarchical ...
    • Expressing logical disagreement from within 

      Fjellstad, Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Against the backdrop of the frequent comparison of theories of truth in the literature on semantic paradoxes with regard to which inferences and metainferences are deemed valid, this paper develops a novel approach to ...
    • The philosophy of logical practice 

      Martin, Benjamin Joseph Lewis (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      While we now have an increasingly detailed understanding of the varied goals and methods that constitute the sciences and mathematics, our understanding of logic as a research area lags behind. A significant reason for ...
    • Anti-exceptionalism about logic as tradition rejection 

      Martin, Benjamin Joseph Lewis; Hjortland, Ole Thomassen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      While anti-exceptionalism about logic (AEL) is now a popular topic within the philosophy of logic, there’s still a lack of clarity over what the proposal amounts to. currently, it is most common to conceive of AEL as the ...
    • Individuation by agreement and disagreement 

      Huvenes, Torfinn Thomesen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      It is common to explain agreement and disagreement in terms of relations among mental states. The main purpose of the present discussion is to present an alternative way of thinking about the relationship between mental ...