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dc.contributor.authorAbdeh, Idriseng
dc.description.abstractDenne oppgaven er delt i 6 kapitler. Kapittel 1 inneholder innledning, problemstilling, informasjon mo kildene og sekundær litteraturen og til slutt teoretiske og metodiske tilnærminger. Kapitel 2 inneholder en historisk og geografisk beskrivelse av Kurdistan, med hoved fokuset på den iranske Kurdistan. I Kapittel 2 vil historiografiske beskrivelser av kurdernes identitet og historie bli presentert. Deretter vil den politiske utviklingen i den iranske Kurdistan etter førsteverdenskrig frem til Irans revolusjon i 1979 bli fortalt i korte versjoner. Kapittel3 handler om Kurdistans politiske situasjon rundt revolusjonen i Iran fra 1979 til 1980. I dette kapittelet vil først den kulturelle og økonomiske situasjonen i den iranske Kurdistan under Pahlavis siste tiårene bli presentert. Der etter de kurdiske demonstrasjonene mot Sjahen og den politiske utviklingen i den iranske Kurdistan under Bazargans regjeringstid ble diskutert. Kapittel 4 vil handle om viktige politiske bevegelser eller partier i Irans Kurdistan fra 1979 til 1989. I dette kapittelet vil partienes viktige strategiskpolitikk og dets påvirkning på den kurdiske konflikten i Iran bli presentert. Kapittel 5 fokuserer på den politiske og militære utviklingen i Kurdistan etter Bazargans regjeringen. Fra 1980 og utover fikk den islamske republikken i Iran sterkere fotfeste. De igangsatte intense militære kampanjer i den iranske Kurdistan. Det hadde ødeleggende effekt med fatale konsekvenser for kurdernes kultur, politiske og den økonomiske infrastrukturen. Kapittel 5 vil gå gjennom disse hendelsene men samtidig fokuserer på den kurdiske opposisjonens politiske forbindelser med både Iranske Partier som Mojahedin osv. og andre kurdisk politiske partiet fra andre del av Kurdistan, Hovedsakelig fra den irakiske Kurdistan. kap.6 og siste del vil oppsummere og verifisere eller falsifisere hypotesene jeg nevnt for oppgavens problemstilling, nemlig om det at det var aggressiv sentralisering politikk eller mangel på en fellesfront blant kurderne selv som hindret en fredelig løsning på denne konflikten eller det var svikt i alle mekanismene som hindret fredsprosessen i den Iranske Kurdistan.en_US
dc.description.abstractSummery The Kurdish issue in Iranian Kurdistan has always been the biggest challenge for central government. During centuries the Kurds have struggled to achieve self-government. But their struggle has always been crushed by the central governments. After the Islamic revolution in Iran the Kurds once again raised the demand for self-government and autonomy. These demands was a huge challenge for the new not democratic government in Tehran. The center periphery policy and the unresolved issue of national identity has always been an obstacle for modernization and prosperity in Iran. The government in Iran has always denied the right of ethnic minorities furthermore it denies that Iran has a multi ethnical profile. Hence they are rejecting the demands of minorities for more freedom and self-government. The policy of creating a national unity has always favored the culture and language of Persian people who they are the majority in Iran. This political and cultural discrimination has always created a dynamic conflict between the government and the ethnic minorities in Iran. These conflicts usually emerge when the government is weak. After revolution in 1979 the government lost control of Kurdish provinces and Kurds were able to take control of their region. They demanded to have autonomy and begun to negotiate with the government. From 1979 to 1980 the Kurds tried to resolve their problem through peace negotiations. But these negotiations were always sabotaged by Islamic fundamentalists who wished to have the political and military control of the country. The supreme leader Ayatollah Khomeini who had been backed by Islamic movements and Iranian nationalists was not pleased about the Kurdish demands. He was afraid a Kurdish autonomy would create a chain reaction and other minorities in Iran would demand the same and that would lead to break up of the country. That would certainly weaken the central government, something the Iranian nationalist would not be happy about. Therefore the peace negotiations did not succeed and instead ended in a civil war and a political conflict which still has not been resolved. During 1980s there were several different ideologies and parties in Kurdistan. The most prominent parties to mention were the liberal Islamic party led by Ahmad Moftizadeh and Sheikh Izzadin Husseini, the Kurdish nationalist party of Kurdistan Democratic Party PDK-I and the Marxist movement which was led by Komala. These three movements had a confrontational policy towards each other rather than a reconciliatory and constructive dialogue. This thesis will discuss the political relationship between the central government and the Kurds from 1979 to 1989. It tries to explain the political obstacles which were between the Islamic republic and the Kurds. Furthermore it discusses the development of the political relationship between the Kurdish political parties who played considerable role after revolution. This thesis has 6 chapters. Chapter one contains the theoretical and instrumental explaining of the framework. Chapter 2 will give a historical background of Kurds and Kurdistan, with main focus on the political and nationalist movement in Kurdistan. Chapter three will briefly discuss the political and economical development in Iranian Kurdistan during Pahlavi era. Then it focuses on political development in the region and the central government's involvement and efforts in Iranian Kurdistan. Chapter 4 discusses the ideological diversities between different political parties in Kurdistan. It also gives a brief presentation of PDK-I and Komala. Chapter 5 will continue to discuss the development of the Kurdish conflict with the Islamic republic from 1980 to 1989. It focuses on the governments aggressive policies towards Kurdistan. Chapter 6 will give a conclusion and a review of this master thesis.en_US
dc.format.extent2515918 byteseng
dc.publisherThe University of Bergeneng
dc.titleDen kurdiske konflikten i Iran. En historisk undersøkelse av den politiske utviklingen i den iranske Kurdistan fra 1979 til 1989eng
dc.typeMaster thesis
dc.rights.holderCopyright the author. All rights reserved
dc.description.degreeMaster i Historie

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