Now showing items 21-40 of 49

    • "Everyone Needs a Friend Sometimes" - social predictors of long-term remission in first episode psychosis 

      Bjørnestad, Jone Ravndal; Joa, Inge; Larsen, Tor Ketil; Langeveld, Johannes H.; Davidson, Larry; Hegelstad, Wenche; Anda-Ågotnes, Liss Gøril; Veseth, Marius; Melle, Ingrid; Johannessen, Jan Olav; Brønnick, Kolbjørn Selvåg (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-10-04)
      Background: Predictors of long-term symptomatic remission are crucial to the successful tailoring of treatment in first episode psychosis. There is lack of studies distinguishing the predictive effects of different social ...
    • Evidence for Reduced Long-Term Potentiation-Like Visual Cortical Plasticity in Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder 

      Valstad, Mathias; Roelfs, Daniel; Slapø, Nora Berz; Timpe, Clara Marie Fides; Rai, Ahsan; Matziorinis, Anna Maria; Beck, Dani; Richard, Geneviève; Sæther, Linn Sofie; Haatveit, Beathe; Nordvik, Jan Egil; Hatlestad-Hall, Christoffer; Einevoll, Gaute T.; Mäki-Marttunen, Tuomo; Haram, Marit; Ueland, Torill; Lagerberg, Trine V.; Steen, Nils Eiel; Melle, Ingrid; Westlye, Lars T.; Jönsson, Erik Gunnar; Andreassen, Ole A.; Moberget, Torgeir; Elvsåshagen, Torbjørn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Several lines of research suggest that impairments in long-term potentiation (LTP)-like synaptic plasticity might be a key pathophysiological mechanism in schizophrenia (SZ) and bipolar disorder type I (BDI) and II (BDII). ...
    • Exploring the Wnt signaling pathway in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder 

      Hoseth, Eva Zsuzsanna; Krull, Florian; Dieset, Ingrid; Mørch, Ragni Helene; Hope, Sigrun; Gardsjord, Erlend Strand; Steen, Nils Eiel; Melle, Ingrid; Brattbakk, Hans-Richard; Steen, Vidar Martin; Aukrust, Pål; Djurovic, Srdjan; Andreassen, Ole Andreas; Ueland, Thor (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)
      The Wnt signaling pathway plays a crucial role in neurodevelopment and in regulating the function and structure of the adult nervous system. Schizophrenia (SCZ) and bipolar disorder (BD) are severe mental disorders with ...
    • The genetic architecture of human brainstem structures and their involvement in common brain disorders 

      Elvsåshagen, Torbjørn; Bahrami, Shahram; van der Meer, Dennis; Agartz, Ingrid; Alnæs, Dag; Barch, Deanna M.; Baur-Streubel, Ramona; Bertolino, Alessandro; Beyer, Mona K.; Blasi, Giuseppe; Borgwardt, Stefan; Boye, Birgitte; Buitelaar, Jan; Bøen, Erlend; Celius, Elisabeth Gulowsen; Cervenka, Simon; Conzelmann, Annette; Coynel, David; di Carlo, Pasquale; Djurovic, Srdjan; Eisenacher, Sarah; Espeseth, Thomas; Fatouros-Bergman, Helena; Flyckt, Lena; Franke, Barbara; Frei, Oleksandr; Gelao, Barbara; Harbo, Hanne Flinstad; Hartman, Catharina A.; Håberg, Asta; Heslenfeld, Dirk; Hoekstra, Pieter J.; Høgestøl, Einar August; Jonassen, Rune; Jönsson, Erik G.; Kirsch, Peter; Kloszewska, Iwona; Lagerberg, Trine Vik; Landrø, Nils Inge; Le Hellard, Stephanie; Lesch, Klaus-Peter; Maglanoc, Luigi Angelo; Malt, Ulrik Fredrik; Mecocci, Patrizia; Melle, Ingrid; Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas; Moberget, Torgeir; Nordvik, Jan Egil; Nyberg, Lars; O’ Connell, Kevin S.; Oosterlaan, Jaap; Papalino, Marco; Papassotiropoulos, Andreas; Pauli, Paul; Pergola, Giulio; Persson, Karin; de Quervain, Dominique; Reif, Andreas; Rokicki, Jaroslav; Van Rooij, Daan; Shadrin, Alexey A.; Schmidt, André; Schwarz, Emanuel; Selbæk, Geir; Soininen, Hilkka; Sowa, Piotr; Steen, Vidar M.; Tsolaki, Magda; Vellas, Bruno; Wang, Lei; Westman, Eric; Ziegler, Georg C.; Zink, Mathias; Andreassen, Ole Andreas; Westlye, Lars Tjelta; Kaufmann, Tobias (Journal article, 2020)
      Brainstem regions support vital bodily functions, yet their genetic architectures and involvement in common brain disorders remain understudied. Here, using imaging-genetics data from a discovery sample of 27,034 individuals, ...
    • Genetic correlations and genome-wide associations of cortical structure in general population samples of 22,824 adults 

      Hofer, Edith; Roshchupkin, Gennady V.; Adams, Hieab H H; Knol, Maria J.; Lin, Honghuang; Li, Shuo; Zare, Habil; Ahmad, Shahzad; Armstrong, Nicola J.; Satizabal, Claudia L.; Panizzon, Matthew S.; Andreassen, Ole Andreas; Dale, Anders M.; Logue, Mark; Grasby, Katrina L.; Van Duijn, Cornelia M.; Grabe, Hans J.; Longstreth, William T.; Fornage, Myriam; Paus, Tomas; Debette, Stephanie; Ikram, M. Arfan; Schmidt, Helena; Schmidt, Reinhold; Seshadri, Sudha; Agartz, Ingrid; Alhusaini, Saud; Almeida, Marcio A.A.; Alnæs, Dag; Amlien, Inge Kasbohm; Doan, Nhat Trung; Gurholt, Tiril Pedersen; Kaufmann, Tobias; Richard, Geneviève; Sønderby, Ida Elken; van der Meer, Dennis; Wang, Yunpeng; Westlye, Lars Tjelta; Brandt, Christine Lycke; Djurovic, Srdjan; Kolskår, Knut-Kristian; Melle, Ingrid; Nordvik, Jan Egil; Steen, Vidar Martin; Espeseth, Thomas; Håberg, Asta; Wright, Margaret J.; Zhou, Juan; Stein, Jason L.; Thompson, Paul M.; Medland, Sarah E. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Cortical thickness, surface area and volumes vary with age and cognitive function, and in neurological and psychiatric diseases. Here we report heritability, genetic correlations and genome-wide associations of these ...
    • Genome-wide association study identifies 30 loci associated with bipolar disorder 

      Stahl, Eli A.; Breen, Gerome; Forstner, Andreas J.; McQuillin, Andrew; Ripke, Stephan; Trubetskoy, Vassily; Mattheisen, Manuel; Wang, Yunpeng; Coleman, Jonathan R.I.; Gaspar, Héléna A.; de Leeuw, Christiaan A.; Steinberg, Stacy; Pavlides, Jennifer M. Whitehead; Trzaskowski, Maciej; Byrne, Enda M.; Pers, Tune H.; Holmans, Peter A.; Richards, Alexander L.; Abbott, Liam; Agerbo, Esben; Akil, Huda; Albani, Diego; Alliey-Rodriguez, Ney; Als, Thomas D.; Anjorin, Adebayo; Antilla, Verneri; Awasthi, Swapnil; Badner, Judith A.; Bækvad-Hansen, Marie; Barchas, Jack D.; Bass, Nicholas; Bauer, Michael; Belliveau, Richard; Bergen, Sarah E.; Pedersen, Carsten Bøcker; Bøen, Erlend; Boks, Marco P.; Boocock, James; Budde, Monika; Bunney, William; Burmeister, Margit; Bybjerg-Grauholm, Jonas; Byerley, William; Casas, Miquel; Cerrato, Felecia; Cervantes, Pablo; Chambert, Kimberly; Charney, Alxander W.; Chen, Danfeng; Churchhouse, Claire; Clarke, Toni-Kim; Coryell, William; Craig, David W.; Cruceanu, Cristiana; Curtis, David; Czerski, Piotr M.; Dale, Anders; de Jong, Simone; Degenhardt, Franziska; Del-Favero, Jurgen; Depaulo, J. Raymond; Djurovic, Srdjan; Dobbyn, Amanda L.; Dumont, Ashley; Elvsåshagen, Torbjørn; Escott-Price, Valentina; Fan, Chun Chieh; Fischer, Sascha B.; Flickinger, Matthew; Foroud, Tatiana M.; Forty, Liz; Frank, Josef; Fraser, Christine; Freimer, Nelson B.; Frisén, Louise; Gade, Katrin; Gage, Diane; Garnham, Julie; Giambartolomei, Claudia; Pedersen, Marianne Giørtz; Goldstein, Jaqueline; Gordon, Scott D.; Gordon-Smith, Katherine; Green, Elaine K.; Green, Melissa J.; Greenwood, Tifany A.; Grove, Jakob; Guan, Weihua; Guzman-Parra, José; Hamshere, Marian L.; Hautzinger, Martin; Heilbronner, Urs; Herms, Stefan; Hipolito, Maria; Hoffmann, Per; Holland, Dominic; Huckins, Laura; Jamain, Stéphane; Johnson, Jessica S.; Juréus, Anders; Kandaswamy, Radhika; Karlsson, Robert; Kennedy, James L.; Kittel-Schneider, Sarah; Knowles, James A.; Kogevinas, Manolis; Koller, Anna C.; Kupka, Ralph; Lavebratt, Catharina; Lawrence, Jacob; Lawson, William B.; Leber, Markus; Lee, Phil H.; Levy, Shawn E.; Li, Jun Z.; Liu, Chunyu; Lucae, Susanne; Maaser, Anna; MacIntyre, Donald J.; Mahon, Pamela B.; Maier, Wolfgang; Martinsson, Lina; McCarroll, Steve; McGuffin, Peter; McInnis, Melvin G.; McKay, James D.; Medeiros, Helena; Medland, Sarah E.; Meng, Fan; Milani, Lili; Montgomery, Grant W.; Morris, Derek W.; Mühleisen, Thomas W.; Mullins, Niamh; Nguyen, Hoang; Nievergelt, Caroline M.; Adolfsson, Annelie Nordin; Nwulia, Evaristus A.; O'Donovan, Claire; Loohuis, Loes M. Olde; Ori, Anil P.S.; Oruc, Lilijana; Ösby, Urban; Perlis, Roy H.; Perry, Amy; Pfennig, Andrea; Potash, James B.; Purcell, Shaun M.; Regeer, Eline J.; Reif, Andreas; Reinbold, Céline S.; Rice, John P.; Rivas, Fabio; Rivera, Margarita; Roussos, Panos; Ruderfer, Douglas M.; Ryu, Euijung; Sánchez-Mora, Cristina; Schatzberg, Alan F.; Scheftner, William A.; Schork, Nicholas J.; Shannon Weickert, Cynthia; Shehktman, Tatyana; Shilling, Paul D.; Sigurdsson, Engilbert; Slaney, Claire; Smeland, Olav Bjerkehagen; Sobell, Janet L.; Søholm Hansen, Christine; Spijker, Anne T.; St Clair, David; Steffens, Michael; Strauss, John S.; Streit, Fabian; Strohmaier, Jana; Szelinger, Szabolcs; Thompson, Robert C.; Thorgeirsson, Thorgeir E; Treutlein, Jens; Vedder, Helmut; Wang, Weiqing; Watson, Stanley J.; Weickert, Thomas W.; Witt, Stephanie H.; Xi, Simon; Xu, Wei; Young, Allan H.; Zandi, Peter; Zhang, Peng; Zöllner, Sebastian; Adolfsson, Rolf; Agartz, Ingrid; Alda, Martin; Backlund, Lena; Baune, Bernhard T.; Bellivier, Frank; Berrettini, Wade H.; Biernacka, Joanna M.; Blackwood, Douglas H.R.; Boehnke, Michael; Børglum, Anders D.; Corvin, Aiden; Craddock, Nicholas; Daly, Mark J.; Dannlowski, Udo; Esko, Tõnu; Etain, Bruno; Frye, Mark; Fullerton, Janice M.; Gershon, Elliot S.; Gill, Michael; Goes, Fernando; Grigoroiu-Serbanescu, Maria; Hauser, Joanna; Hougaard, David M.; Hultman, Christina M.; Jones, Ian; Jones, Lisa A.; Kahn, René S.; Kirov, George; Landén, Mikael; Leboyer, Marion; Lewis, Cathryn M.; Li, Qingqin S.; Lissowska, Jolanta; Martin, Nicholas G.; Mayoral, Fermin; McElroy, Susan L.; McIntosh, Andrew M.; McMahon, Francis J.; Melle, Ingrid; Metspalu, Andres; Mitchell, Philip B.; Morken, Gunnar; Mors, Ole; Mortensen, Preben Bo; Müller-Myhsok, Bertram; Myers, Richard M.; Neale, Benjamin M.; Nimgaonkar, Vishwajit; Nordentoft, Merete; Nöthen, Markus M.; O'Donovan, Michael C; Ødegaard, Ketil Joachim; Owen, Michael J.; Paciga, Sara A.; Pato, Carlos; Pato, Michele T.; Posthuma, Danielle; Ramos-Quiroga, Josep Antoni; Ribasés, Marta; Rietschel, Marcella; Rouleau, Guy A.; Schalling, Martin; Schofield, Peter R.; Schulze, Thomas G.; Serretti, Alessandro; Smoller, Jordan W.; Stefansson, Hreinn; Stefansson, Kari; Stordal, Eystein; Sullivan, Patrick F.; Turecki, Gustavo; Vaaler, Arne; Vieta, Eduard; Vincent, John B.; Werge, Thomas; Nurnberger, John I.; Wray, Naomi R.; Di Florio, Arianna; Edenberg, Howard J.; Cichon, Sven; Ophoff, Roel A.; Scott, Laura J.; Andreassen, Ole Andreas; Kelsoe, John; Sklar, Pamela (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Bipolar disorder is a highly heritable psychiatric disorder. We performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) including 20,352 cases and 31,358 controls of European descent, with follow-up analysis of 822 variants with ...
    • GWAS meta-analysis reveals novel loci and genetic correlates for general cognitive function: a report form the COGENT consortium 

      Trampush, Joey W.; Yang, M.L.Z.; Yu, Jin; Knowles, Emma; Davies, Gail; Liewald, David C.M.; Starr, John M.; Djurovic, Srdjan; Melle, Ingrid; Sundet, Kjetil Søren; Christoforou, Andrea; Reinvang, Ivar; DeRosse, Pamela; Lundervold, Astri; Steen, Vidar Martin; Espeseth, Thomas; Räikkönen, Katri; Widén, Elisabeth; Palotie, Aarno; Eriksson, Johan Gunnar; Giegling, Ina; Konte, Bettina; Roussos, Panos; Giakoumaki, Stella; Burdick, Katherine E.; Payton, Antony; Ollier, William E.R.; Horan, Michael Arthur; Chiba-Falek, Ornit; Attix, Deborah K.; Need, Anna C.; Cirulli, Elizabeth Trilby; Voineskos, Aristotle N.; Stefanis, Nikos C.; Avramopoulos, Dimitrios A.; Hatzimanolis, Alex; Arking, Dan E.; Smyrnis, Nikolaos; Bilder, Robert Martin; Freimer, Nelson A.; Cannon, Tyrone D.; London, Edyth; Poldrack, Russell Alan; Sabb, Fred W.; Congdon, Eliza L.; Conley, Emily Drabant; Scult, Matthew A.; Dickinson, Dwight; Straub, Richard E.; Donohoe, Gary J.; Morris, Derek W.; Corvin, Aiden; Gill, Michael; Hariri, Ahmad; Weinberger, Daniel R.; Pendleton, Neil; Bitsios, Panos; Rujescu, Dan; Lahti, Jari; Le Hellard, Stephanie; Keller, Matthew C.; Andreassen, Ole Andreas; Deary, Ian John; Glahn, David C.; Malhotra, Anil K.; Lencz, Todd (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-01-17)
      The complex nature of human cognition has resulted in cognitive genomics lagging behind many other fields in terms of gene discovery using genome-wide association study (GWAS) methods. In an attempt to overcome these ...
    • GWAS of suicide attempt in psychiatric disorders and association with major depression polygenic risk scores 

      Mullins, Niamh; Bigdeli, Tim B.; Børglum, Anders D.; Coleman, Jonathan R.I.; Demontis, Ditte; Mehta, Divya; Power, Robert A.; Ripke, Stephan; Stahl, Eli A.; Starnawska, Anna; Anjorin, Adebayo; Corvin, Aiden; Sanders, Alan R.; Forstner, Andreas J.; Reif, Andreas; Koller, Anna C.; Świątkowska, Beata; Baune, Bernhard T.; Müller-Myhsok, Bertram; Penninx, Brenda W.J.H.; Pato, Carlos; Zai, Clement; Rujescu, Dan; Hougaard, David M.; Quested, Digby; Levinson, Douglas F.; Binder, Elisabeth B.; Byrne, Enda M.; Agerbo, Esben; Streit, Fabian; Mayoral, Fermin; Bellivier, Frank; Degenhardt, Franziska; Breen, Gerome; Morken, Gunnar; Turecki, Gustavo; Rouleau, Guy A.; Grabe, Hans J.; Völzke, Henry; Jones, Ian; Giegling, Ina; Agartz, Ingrid; Melle, Ingrid; Lawrence, Jacob; Walters, James T.R.; Strohmaier, Jana; Shi, Jianxin; Hauser, Joanna; Biernacka, Joanna M.; Vincent, John B.; Kelsoe, John; Strauss, John S.; Lissowska, Jolanta; Pimm, Jonathan; Smoller, Jordan W.; Guzman-Parra, José; Berger, Klaus; Scott, Laura J.; Jones, Lisa A.; Azevedo, M. Helena; Trzaskowski, Maciej; Kogevinas, Manolis; Rietschel, Marcella; Boks, Marco; Ising, Marcus; Grigoroiu-Serbanescu, Maria; Hamshere, Marian L.; Leboyer, Marion; Frye, Mark; Nöthen, Markus M.; Alda, Martin; Preisig, Martin; Nordentoft, Merete; Boehnke, Michael; O'Donovan, Michael C.; Owen, Michael J.; Pato, Michele T.; Renteriá, Miguel E.; Budde, Monika; Weissman, Myrna M.; Wray, Naomi R.; Bass, Nicholas; Craddock, Nicholas; Smeland, Olav Bjerkehagen; Andreassen, Ole Andreas; Mors, Ole; Gejman, Pablo V.; Sklar, Pamela; McGrath, Patrick; Hoffmann, Per; McGuffin, Peter; Lee, Phil H.; Mortensen, Preben Bo; Kahn, René S.; Ophoff, Roel A.; Adolfsson, Rolf; Van der Auwera, Sandra; Djurovic, Srdjan; Kloiber, Stefan; Heilmann-Heimbach, Stefanie; Jamain, Stéphane; Hamilton, Steven P.; McElroy, Susan L.; Lucae, Susanne; Cichon, Sven; Schulze, Thomas G.; Hansen, Thomas; Werge, Thomas; Air, Tracy M.; Nimgaonkar, Vishwajit; Appadurai, Vivek; Cahn, Wiepke; Milaneschi, Yuri; Fanous, Ayman H.; Kendler, Kenneth S.; McQuillin, Andrew; Lewis, Cathryn M. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Objective: More than 90% of people who attempt suicide have a psychiatric diagnosis; however, twin and family studies suggest that the genetic etiology of suicide attempt is partially distinct from that of the psychiatric ...
    • Identifying nootropic drug targets via large-scale cognitive GWAS and transcriptomics 

      Lam, Max; Chen, Chia-Yen; Ge, Tian; Xia, Yan; Hill, David W.; Trampush, Joey W.; Yu, Jin; Knowles, Emma; Davies, Gail; Stahl, Eli A.; Huckins, Laura; Liewald, David C.; Djurovic, Srdjan; Melle, Ingrid; Christoforou, Andrea; Reinvang, Ivar; DeRosse, Pamela; Lundervold, Astri J.; Steen, Vidar Martin; Espeseth, Thomas; Räikkönen, Katri; Widen, Elisabeth; Palotie, Aarno; Eriksson, Johan G.; Giegling, Ina; Konte, Bettina; Hartmann, Annette M.; Roussos, Panos; Giakoumaki, Stella; Burdick, Katherine E.; Payton, Antony; Ollier, William; Chiba-Falek, Ornit; Koltai, Deborah; Need, AC; Cirulli, Elizabeth T.; Voineskos, Aristotle N.; Stefanis, Nikos C.; Avramopoulos, Dimitrios; Hatzimanolis, Alex; Smyrnis, Nikolaos; Bilder, Robert M.; Freimer, Nelson B.; Cannon, Tyrone D.; London, Edythe; Poldrack, Russell A.; Sabb, Fred W.; Congdon, Eliza; Conley, Emily Drabant; Scult, Matthew A.; Dickinson, Dwight; Straub, Richard E.; Donohoe, Gary; Morris, Derek; Corvin, Aiden; Gill, Michael; Hariri, Ahmad; Weinberger, Daniel R.; Pendleton, Neil; Bitsios, Panos; Rujescu, Dan; Lahti, Jari; Hellard, Stephanie Francoise Claire Le; Keller, Matthew C.; Andreassen, Ole; Deary, Ian J.; Glahn, David C.; Huang, Hailiang; Liu, Chunyu; Malhotra, Anil K.; Lencz, Todd (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Broad-based cognitive deficits are an enduring and disabling symptom for many patients with severe mental illness, and these impairments are inadequately addressed by current medications. While novel drug targets for ...
    • Immune marker levels in severe mental disorders: associations with polygenic risk scores of related mental phenotypes and psoriasis 

      Werner, Maren Caroline Frogner; Wirgenes, Katrine Verena; Shadrin, Alexey; Lunding, Synve Hoffart; Rødevand, Linn; Hjell, Gabriela; Ormerod, Monica Bettina E. Greenwood; Haram, Marit; Agartz, Ingrid; Djurovic, Srdjan; Melle, Ingrid; Aukrust, Pål; Ueland, Thor; Andreassen, Ole; Steen, Nils Eiel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Several lines of evidence implicate immune abnormalities in the pathophysiology of severe mental disorders (SMD) and comorbid mental disorders. Here, we use the data from genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of autoimmune ...
    • Improvement in verbal learning over the first year of antipsychotic treatment is associated with serum HDL levels in a cohort of first episode psychosis patients 

      Gjerde, Priyanthi Borgen; Simonsen, Carmen Elisabeth; Lagerberg, Trine Vik; Steen, Nils Eiel; Ueland, Torill; Andreassen, Ole Andreas; Steen, Vidar Martin; Melle, Ingrid (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-04-27)
      To investigate whether changes in serum lipids are associated with cognitive performance in first episode psychosis (FEP) patients during their first year of antipsychotic drug treatment. One hundred and thirty-two ...
    • Impulsivity across severe mental disorders: a cross-sectional study of immune markers and psychopharmacotherapy 

      Hjell, Gabriela; Rokicki, Jaroslav; Szabo, Attila; Holst, Rene; Tesli, Natalia; Bell, Christina; Fischer-Vieler, Thomas; Werner, Maren Caroline Frogner; Lunding, Synve Hoffart; Elkjær Greenwood Ormerod, Monica Bettina; Johansen, Ingrid Torp; Djurovic, Srdjan; Ueland, Thor; Andreassen, Ole; Melle, Ingrid; Lagerberg, Trine Vik; Mørch-Johnsen, Lynn Egeland; Steen, Nils Eiel; Haukvik, Unn Kristin Hansen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Background Impulsivity is a transdiagnostic feature linked to severe clinical expression and a potential target for psychopharmacological strategies. Biological underpinnings are largely unknown, but involvement of ...
    • Increase in serum HDL level is associated with less negative symptoms after one year of antipsychotic treatment in first-episode psychosis 

      Gjerde, Priyanthi Borgen; Dieset, Ingrid; Simonsen, Carmen Elisabeth; Hoseth, Eva Zsuzsanna; Iversen, Trude Seselie Jahr; Lagerberg, Trine Vik; Lyngstad, Siv Hege; Mørch, Ragni Helene; Skrede, Silje; Andreassen, Ole Andreas; Melle, Ingrid; Steen, Vidar Martin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-07)
      Background A potential link between increase in total cholesterol and triglycerides and clinical improvement has been observed during antipsychotic drug treatment in chronic schizophrenia patients, possibly due to drug ...
    • Increased circulating IL-18 levels in severe mental disorders indicate systemic inflammasome activation 

      Szabo, Attila; O'Connell, Kevin Sean; Ueland, Thor; Sheikh, Mashhood Ahmed; Agartz, Ingrid; Andreou, Dimitrios; Aukrust, Pål; Boye, Birgitte; Bøen, Erlend; Drange, Ole Kristian; Elvsåshagen, Torbjørn; Engh, John; Hope, Sigrun; Høegh, Margrethe Collier; Joa, Inge; Johnsen, Erik; Kroken, Rune Andreas; Lagerberg, Trine Vik; Lekva, Tove; Malt, Ulrik Fredrik; Melle, Ingrid; Morken, Gunnar; Nærland, Terje; Steen, Vidar Martin; Sørensen, Kjetil; Wedervang-Resell, Kirsten; Weibell, Melissa Anne Elin Authen; Westlye, Lars Tjelta; Steen, Nils Eiel; Andreassen, Ole; Djurovic, Srdjan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Background Schizophrenia (SCZ) and bipolar disorder (BD) are severe mental illnesses (SMI) that are part of a psychosis continuum, and dysregulated innate immune responses have been suggested to be involved in their ...
    • Indicated association between polygenic risk score and treatment-resistance in a naturalistic sample of patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders 

      Werner, Maren Caroline Frogner; Wirgenes, Katrine Verena; Haram, Marit; Bettella, Francesco; Lunding, Synve Hoffart; Rødevand, Linn Nilsen; Hjell, Gabriela; Agartz, Ingrid; Djurovic, Srdjan; Melle, Ingrid; Andreassen, Ole Andreas; Steen, Nils Eiel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Background One third of people diagnosed with schizophrenia fail to respond adequately to antipsychotic medication, resulting in persisting disabling symptoms, higher rates of hospitalization and higher costs for society. ...
    • Inflammation and cognition in severe mental illness: patterns of covariation and subgroups 

      Sæther, Linn Sofie; Ueland, Thor; Haatveit, Beathe; Maglanoc, Luigi; Szabo, Attila; Djurovic, Srdjan; Aukrust, Pål; Roelfs, Daniël; Ormerod, Monica Bettina E. Greenwood; Lagerberg, Trine Vik; Steen, Nils Eiel; Melle, Ingrid; Andreassen, Ole; Ueland, Torill (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      A potential relationship between dysregulation of immune/inflammatory pathways and cognitive impairment has been suggested in severe mental illnesses (SMI), such as schizophrenia (SZ) and bipolar (BD) spectrum disorders. ...
    • Interleukin-18 signaling system links to agitation in severe mental disorders 

      Hjell, Gabriela; Szabo, Attila; Mørch-Johnsen, Lynn Egeland; Holst, Rene; Tesli, Natalia; Bell, Christina; Fischer-Vieler, Thomas; Werner, Maren Caroline Frogner; Lunding, Synve Hoffart; Ormerod, Monica Bettina E. Greenwood; Johansen, Ingrid Torp; Dieset, Ingrid; Djurovic, Srdjan; Melle, Ingrid; Ueland, Thor; Andreassen, Ole; Steen, Nils Eiel; Haukvik, Unn Kristin Hansen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Objective Agitation is a challenging clinical feature in severe mental disorders, but its biological correlates are largely unknown. Inflammasome-related abnormalities have been linked to severe mental disorders and ...
    • Lifetime Cannabis Use Is Not Associated With Negative Beliefs About Medication in Patients With First Treatment Psychosis 

      Gjerde, Priyanthi Borgen; Steen, Synne Wollen; Vedal, Trude Seselie Jahr; Steen, Nils Eiel; Reponen, Elina Johanna; Andreassen, Ole; Steen, Vidar Martin; Melle, Ingrid (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Objective: Cannabis use is common among patients with psychosis, and along with negative beliefs about medication, it has been found to predict poor adherence to antipsychotic drug treatment. Such lack of adherence to ...
    • Limited association between infections, autoimmune disease and genetic risk and immune activation in severe mental disorders 

      Werner, Maren Caroline Frogner; Wirgenes, Katrine Verena; Shadrin, Alexey; Lunding, Synve Hoffart; Rødevand, Linn; Hjell, Gabriela; Ormerod, Monica; Haram, Marit; Agartz, Ingrid; Djurovic, Srdjan; Melle, Ingrid; Aukrust, Pål; Ueland, Thor; Andreassen, Ole; Steen, Nils Eiel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Background Low-grade inflammation may be part of the underlying mechanism of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. We investigated if genetic susceptibility, infections or autoimmunity could explain the immune activation. ...
    • Metabolic dysfunctions in the kynurenine pathway, noradrenergic and purine metabolism in schizophrenia and bipolar disorders 

      Steen, Nils Eiel; Dieset, Ingrid; Hope, Sigrun; Vedal, Trude Seselie Jahr; Smeland, Olav Bjerkehagen; Matson, Wayne; Kaddurah-Daouk, Rima; Agartz, Ingrid; Melle, Ingrid; Djurovic, Srdjan; Jönsson, Erik Gunnar; Bogdanov, Mikhail; Andreassen, Ole Andreas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Background: We aimed at exploring potential pathophysiological processes across psychotic disorders, applying metabolomics in a large and well-characterized sample of patients and healthy controls. Methods: Patients with ...