• Advances in Lifelog Data Organisation and Retrieval at the NTCIR-14 Lifelog-3 Task 

      Gurrin, Cathal; Joho, Hideo; Hopfgartner, Frank; Zhou, Liting; Van, Tu-ninh; Le, Tu-Khiem; Albatal, Rami; Dang Nguyen, Duc Tien; Healy, Graham (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Lifelogging refers to the process of digitally capturing a continuous and detailed trace of life activities in a passive manner. In order to assist the research community to make progress in the organisation and retrieval ...
    • Analogical News Angles from Text Similarity 

      Tessem, Bjørnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      The paper presents an algorithm providing creativity support to journalists. It suggests analogical transfer of news angles from reports written about different events than the one the journalist is working on. The problem ...
    • Attacks on Integer-RLWE 

      Budroni, Alessandro; Chetioui, Benjamin; Franch, Ermes (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      In 2019, Gu Chunsheng introduced Integer-RLWE, a variant of RLWE devoid of some of its efficiency flaws. Most notably, he proposes a setting where n can be an arbitrary positive integer, contrarily to the typical construction ...
    • A Bit-Vector Differential Model for the Modular Addition by a Constant 

      Azimi, Seyyed Arash; Ranea, Adrián; Salmasizadeh, Mahmoud; Mohajeri, Javad; Aref, Mohammad Reza; Rijmen, Vincent Stefaan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      ARX algorithms are a class of symmetric-key algorithms constructed by Addition, Rotation, and XOR, which achieve the best software performances in low-end microcontrollers. To evaluate the resistance of an ARX cipher against ...
    • Computing Consensus: A Logic for Reasoning About Deliberative Processes Based on Argumentation 

      Dyrkolbotn, Sjur Kristoffer; Pedersen, Truls Andre (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Argumentation theory can encode an agent’s assessment of the state of an exchange of points of view. We present a conservative model of multiple agents potentially disagreeing on the views presented during a process of ...
    • Consistency of Heterogeneously Typed Behavioural Models: A Coalgebraic Approach 

      Wolter, Uwe Egbert; König, Harald (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Systematic and formally underpinned consistency checking of heterogeneously typed interdependent behavioural models requires a common metamodel, into which the involved models can be translated. And, if additional system ...
    • Coset leaders of the first order Reed-Muller codes in the classes of Niho functions and Thershold functions 

      Carlet, Claude Michael; Feukoua, Serge; Sălăgean, Ana (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      The notion of coset leader has applications in coding theory and cryptography. It has been studied in several papers. In this paper, we extend a recent study, made on the coset leaders of the first order Reed-Muller codes, ...
    • FINDSAMPO: A Linked Data Based Portal and Data Service for Analyzing and Disseminating Archaeological Object Finds 

      Rantala, Heikki; Ikkala, Esko; Rohiola, Ville; Koho, Mikko; Tuominen, Jouni; Oksanen, Eljas; Wessman, Anna; Hyvonen, Eero (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      This paper presents the FINDSAMPO system for analyzing and disseminating archaeological object finds made by the public. The system is based on Linked Open Data (LOD), and consists of a web portal and an open data service. ...
    • Generalization of a class of APN binomials to Gold-like functions 

      Davidova, Diana; Kaleyski, Nikolay Stoyanov (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      In 2008 Budaghyan, Carlet and Leander generalized a known instance of an APN function over the finite field F212 and constructed two new infinite families of APN binomials over the finite field F2n , one for n divisible ...
    • Geometric Planar Networks on Bichromatic Points 

      Bandyapadhyay, Sayan; Banik, Aritra; Bhore, Sujoy; Nollenburg, Martin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      We study four classical graph problems – Hamiltonian path, Traveling salesman, Minimum spanning tree, and Minimum perfect matching on geometric graphs induced by bichromatic ( Open image in new window and Open image in new ...
    • Group Belief 

      Ågotnes, Thomas; Wang, Yi N. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      While logical formalizations of group notions of knowledge such as common and distributed knowledge have received considerable attention in the literature, most approaches being based on modal logic, group notions of belief ...
    • Guarding the First Order: The Rise of AES Maskings 

      Askeland, Amund; Dhooghe, S.; Petkova-Nikova, Svetla Iordanova; Rijmen, Vincent Stefaan; Zhang, Zhenda (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      We provide three first-order hardware maskings of the AES, each allowing for a different trade-off between the number of shares and the number of register stages. All maskings use a generalization of the changing of the ...
    • I Can See Clearly Now: Clairvoyant Assertions for Deadlock Checking 

      Abusdal, Ole Jørgen; Din, Crystal Chang; Pun, Violet Ka I; Stolz, Volker (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Static analysers are traditionally used to check various correctness properties of software. In the face of refactorings that can have adverse effects on correctness, developers need to analyse the code after refactoring ...
    • ImageCLEF 2019: Multimedia retrieval in lifelogging, medical, nature, and security applications 

      Ionescu, Bogdan; Müller, Henning; Peteri, Renaud; Dang Nguyen, Duc Tien; Piras, Luca; Riegler, Michael; Tran, Minh Triet; Lux, Mathias; Gurrin, Cathal; Cid, Yashin Dicente; Liauchuk, Vitali; Kovalev, Vassili; Ben Abacha, Asma; Hasan, Sadid A.; Datla, Vivek; Liu, Joey; Demner-Fushman, Dina; Pelka, Obioma; Friedrich, C.; Chamberlain, Jon; Clark, Adrian; de Herrera, Alba Garcia Seco; Garcia, Narciso; Kavallieratou, Ergina; del Blanco, Carlos Roberto; Rodriguez, Carlos Cuevas; Vasillopoulos, Nikos; Karampidis, Konstantinos (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Chapter; Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      This paper presents an overview of the foreseen ImageCLEF 2019 lab that will be organized as part of the Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum - CLEF Labs 2019. ImageCLEF is an ongoing evaluation initiative (started ...
    • Improving Judgment Reliability in Social Networks via Jury Theorems 

      Galeazzi, Paolo; Rendsvig, Rasmus K; Slavkovik, Marija (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Opinion aggregators—such as ‘like’ or ‘retweet’ counters—are ubiquitous on social media platforms and often treated as implicit quality evaluations of the entry liked or retweeted, with higher counts indicating higher ...
    • The Information Disorder Level (IDL) Index: A Human-Based Metric to Assess the Factuality of Machine-Generated Content 

      Dierickx, Laurence; Linden, Carl-Gustav; Opdahl, Andreas Lothe (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Large language models have enabled the rapid production of misleading or fake narratives, presenting a challenge for direct detection methods. Considering that generative artificial intelligence tools are likely to be used ...
    • Making the BKW Algorithm Practical for LWE 

      Budroni, Alessandro; Guo, Qian; Johansson, Thomas; Mårtensson, Erik; Stankovski Wagner, Paul (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      The Learning with Errors (LWE) problem is one of the main mathematical foundations of post-quantum cryptography. One of the main groups of algorithms for solving LWE is the Blum-Kalai-Wasserman (BKW) algorithm. This paper ...
    • The mersenne low hamming combination search problem can be reduced to an ILP problem 

      Budroni, Alessandro; Tenti, Andrea (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Chapter; Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      In 2017, Aggarwal, Joux, Prakash, and Santha proposed an innovative NTRU-like public-key cryptosystem that was believed to be quantum resistant, based on Mersenne prime numbers q=2N−1 . After a successful attack designed ...
    • A novel CCA attack using decryption errors against LAC 

      Guo, Qian; Johansson, Thomas; Yang, Jing (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Cryptosystems based on Learning with Errors or related problems are central topics in recent cryptographic research. One main witness to this is the NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization effort. Many submitted ...
    • Numerical Method for 3D Quantification of Glenoid Bone Loss 

      Malyshev, Alexander; Noreika, Algirdas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Let a three-dimensional ball intersect a three-dimensional polyhedron given by its triangulated boundary with outward unit normals. We propose a numerical method for approximate computation of the intersection volume by ...