• Atlantic water properties, transport and heat loss from mooring observations north of Svalbard 

      Koenig, Zoe Charlotte; Kalhagen, Kjersti; Kolås, Eivind Hugaas; Fer, Ilker; Nilsen, Frank; Cottier, Finlo (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      The Atlantic Water inflow to the Arctic Ocean is transformed and modified in the area north of Svalbard, which influences the Arctic Ocean heat and salt budget. Year-round observations are relatively sparse in this region ...
    • Calving rates at tidewater glaciers vary strongly with ocean temperature 

      Luckman, Adrian; Benn, Doug; Cottier, Finlo; Bevan, Suzanne; Nilsen, Frank; Inall, Mark (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-10-09)
      Rates of ice mass loss at the calving margins of tidewater glaciers (frontal ablation rates) are a key uncertainty in sea level rise projections. Measurements are difficult because mass lost is replaced by ice flow at ...
    • In the dark: a review of ecosystem processes during the Arctic polar night 

      Berge, Jørgen; Renaud, Paul; Darnis, Gérald; Cottier, Finlo; Last, Kim; Gabrielsen, Tove M.; Johnsen, Geir; Seuthe, Lena; Weslawski, Jan Marcin; Leu, Eva; Moline, Mark A.; Nahrgang, Jasmine; Søreide, Janne; Varpe, Øystein; Lønne, Ole Jørgen; Daase, Malin; Falk-Petersen, Stig (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-08-28)
      Several recent lines of evidence indicate that the polar night is key to understanding Arctic marine ecosystems. First, the polar night is not a period void of biological activity even though primary production is close ...
    • Water mass modification in an Arctic fjord through cross-shelf exchange: The seasonal hydrography of Kongsfjorden, Svalbard 

      Cottier, Finlo; Tverberg, Vigdis; Inall, Mark; Svendsen, Harald; Nilsen, Frank; Griffiths, Colin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2005-12-08)
      Kongsfjorden and the West Spitsbergen Shelf is a region whose seasonal hydrography is dominated by the balance of Atlantic Water, Arctic waters, and glacial melt. Regional seasonality and the cross-shelf exchange processes ...