Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Elvbakken, Kari Tove"
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Farlig fødselskontroll. Om stenging og likvidering av mødrehygienekontorer under annen verdenskrig
Andresen, Astri; Elvbakken, Kari Tove (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)I 1940 var det tolv mødrehygienekontorer i Norge. De ga opplysning og solgte prevensjon; noen drev også svangerskaps- og spedbarnskontroll. Mødrehygienekontorene var aksjeselskaper eid av arbeiderbevegelsens kvinneorganisasjoner. ... -
In peace and war: Birth control and population policies in Norway (1930-1945)
Andresen, Astri; Elvbakken, Kari Tove (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)While Norway in the 1930s had relatively liberal policies with regard to access to contraceptives, and an increasing number of legal abortions were carried out, the regime that was installed after occupation in 1940 reined ... -
Legene og abortspørsmålet - posisjoner og konfliktlinjer
Elvbakken, Kari Tove (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Legers og legegruppers roller og bidrag til utforming av norsk abortlovgivning er tema for denne artikkelen. Studien omfatter perioden fra ca. 1930 til 1978, da abortloven fra 1975 ble endret slik at kvinner fikk rett til ... -
Medical professional practices, university disciplines and the state: A case study from Norwegian hygiene and psychiatry 1800-1940
Elvbakken, Kari Tove; Ludvigsen, Kari (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-05-16)A number of studies have emphasized the close relations between the medical profession and the health authorities, both internationally and in Norway specifically. As the medical profession tends to be analysed as a ... -
Patients participating as co-researchers in health research: A systematic review of outcomes and experiences
Malterud, Kirsti; Elvbakken, Kari Tove (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Aims: We aimed to map out the scope and type of health research studies with patients involved as co-researchers throughout the research process and to explore the outcomes and experiences of such research. Methods: We ... -
Relationships between Academia, State and Industry in the Field of Food and Nutrition: The Norwegian Chemist Sigval Schmidt-Nielsen (1877-1956) and His Professional Roles, 1900-1950
Elvbakken, Kari Tove; Lykknes, Annette (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-11)The aim of this article is to shed light on the relationships between science, state and industry in the field of food and nutrition in Norway in the first half of the 20th century with reference to the scientist Sigval ... -
Research, knowledge, and policy on goitre and iodine in Norway (1850–2016)
Elvbakken, Kari Tove; Meltzer, Helle Margrete (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Our aim is to shed light on the relationships between research, knowledge, and policy in the case of goitre and the use of iodine as a preventive measure against it in Norway from the 1850s onward. Goitre was previously ... -
Vitenskap for politikk - Om bidrag til matkontroll og matforsyning
Elvbakken, Kari Tove; Lykknes, Annette (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Forholdet mellom fag og politikk er sentralt i forvaltningsforskningen. Denne artikkelen tar for seg leveranser fra vitenskap til politikk og forvaltning i første halvdel av 1900-tallet. I en tid hvor forvaltningen for ...