• Analysis of distributions reveals real differences on dichotic listening scores between left- and right-handers 

      Karlsson, Emma M; Hugdahl, Kenneth Jan; Hirnstein, Marco; Carey, David (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      About 95% of right-handers and 70% of left-handers have a left-hemispheric specialization for language. Dichotic listening is often used as an indirect measure of this language asymmetry. However, while it reliably produces ...
    • Case Report: No effect of electrical transcranial direct current stimulation adjunct treatment for epilepsia partialis continua in POLG disease 

      Marquardt, Lynn Anne; Eichele, Tom; Bindoff, Laurence; Olberg, Henning Kristian; Veiby, Gyri; Eichele, Heike; Kusztrits, Isabella; Hirnstein, Marco (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      We report a 15-year-old female with POLG-related mitochondrial disease who developed severe multifocal epilepsia partialis continua, unresponsive to standard anti seizure drug treatment and general anesthesia. Based on an ...
    • A comparative analysis of colour–emotion associations in 16–88-year-old adults from 31 countries 

      Jonauskaite, Domicele; Epicoco, Déborah; Al-rasheed, Abdulrahman S.; Aruta, John Jamir Benzon R.; Bogushevskaya, Victoria; Brederoo, Sanne G.; Corona, Violeta; Fomins, Sergejs; Gizdic, Alena; Griber, Yulia A.; Havelka, Jelena; Hirnstein, Marco; John, George; Jopp, Daniela S.; Karlsson, Bodil; Konstantinou, Nikos; Laurent, Éric; Marquardt, Lynn Anne; Mefoh, Philip C.; Oberfeld, Daniel; Papadatou-Pastou, Marietta; Perchtold-Stefan, Corinna M.; Spagnulo, Giulia F. M.; Sultanova, Aygun; Tanaka, Takumi; Tengco-Pacquing, Ma. Criselda; Uusküla, Mari; Wąsowicz, Grażyna; Mohr, Christine (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      As people age, they tend to spend more time indoors, and the colours in their surroundings may significantly impact their mood and overall well-being. However, there is a lack of empirical evidence to provide informed ...
    • Eliciting false auditory perceptions using speech frequencies and semantic priming: a signal detection approach 

      Laloyaux, Julien; Hirnstein, Marco; Specht, Karsten; Giersch, Anne; Larøi, Frank (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Introduction Individuals experiencing auditory hallucinations (AH) tend to perceive voices when exposed to random noise. However, the factors driving this tendency remain unclear. The present study examined the interaction ...
    • From core schemas about the self and others to voice phenomenology: Anxiety and depression affect voice hearers differently 

      Kusztrits, Isabella; Toh, Wei Lin; Thomas, Neil; Larøi, Frank; Meyers, Denny; Hirnstein, Marco; Rossell, Susan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Objectives Auditory verbal hallucinations (AVHs) occur as a symptom in various mental disorders, and show different phenomenological aspects, depending on their underlying psychopathology. Anxiety and depression, which ...
    • Gender stereotypes and incremental beliefs in STEM and non-STEM students in three countries: relationships with performance in cognitive tasks 

      Moè, Angelica; Hausmann, Markus; Hirnstein, Marco (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Women’s underrepresentation in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) has been linked, among others, to gender stereotypes and ability-related beliefs as well as gender differences in specific cognitive ...
    • Gender-stereotyping and cognitive sex differences in mixed- and same-sex groups 

      Hirnstein, Marco; Andrews, Lisa Coloma; Hausmann, Markus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-06-13)
      Sex differences in specific cognitive abilities are well documented, but the biological, psychological, and sociocultural interactions that may underlie these differences are largely unknown. We examined within a biopsychosocial ...
    • How brain asymmetry relates to performance – a large-scale dichotic listening study 

      Hirnstein, Marco; Hugdahl, Kenneth; Hausmann, Markus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-01-02)
      All major mental functions including language, spatial and emotional processing are lateralized but how strongly and to which hemisphere is subject to inter- and intraindividual variation. Relatively little, however, is ...
    • How to Write a Bachelor Thesis in (APA) Style 

      Hirnstein, Marco (UPED-skrift, Working paper, 2016)
      Bachelor students at the Faculty of Psychology in Bergen are required to write their thesis according to the guidelines of scientific writing by the American Psychological Association (APA). These guidelines provide help ...
    • Language lateralisation measured across linguistic and national boundaries 

      Hausmann, Markus; Brysbaert, Marc; van der Haegen, Lise; Lewald, Jörg; Specht, Karsten; Hirnstein, Marco; Willemin, Julie; Barton, Jack; Buchilly, Delia; Chmetz, Florian; Roch, Maja; Brederoo, Sanne; Dael, Nele; Mohr, Christine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      The visual half-field technique has been shown to be a reliable and valid neuropsychological measurement of language lateralisation, typically showing higher accuracy and faster correct responses for linguistic stimuli ...
    • Mapping psychotic-like experiences: Results from an online survey 

      Kusztrits, Isabella; Larøi, Frank; Laloyaux, Julien Freddy; Marquardt, Lynn Anne; Sinkeviciute, Igne; Kjelby, Eirik; Johnsen, Erik; Sommer, Iris Else Clara; Hugdahl, Kenneth; Hirnstein, Marco (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Suggestions have been made that psychotic‐like experiences (PLEs), such as hallucinatory and delusional experiences, exist on a continuum from healthy individuals to patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia. We used the ...
    • A multimodal study of the effects of tDCS on dorsolateral prefrontal and temporo-parietal areas during dichotic listening 

      Marquardt, Lynn Anne; Kusztrits, Isabella; Craven, Alexander R.; Hugdahl, Kenneth; Specht, Karsten; Hirnstein, Marco (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      The underlying neural mechanisms of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), especially beyond the primary motor cortex, remain unclear. Several studies examined tDCS effects on either functional activity, ...
    • The neural correlates of sex differences in left-right confusion 

      Hjelmervik, Helene; Westerhausen, Rene; Hirnstein, Marco; Specht, Karsten; Hausmann, Markus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-03-14)
      Difficulties in left–right discrimination (LRD) are commonly experienced in everyday life situations. Here we investigate the neurocognitive mechanisms of LRD and the specific role of left angular gyrus. Given that previous ...
    • Neurobiological mechanisms of ECT and TMS treatment in depression: study protocol of a multimodal magnetic resonance investigation 

      Frid, Leila Marie; Kessler, Ute; Ousdal, Olga Therese; Hammar, Åsa Karin; Haavik, Jan; Riemer, Frank; Hirnstein, Marco; Ersland, Lars; Erchinger, Vera Jane; Ronold, Eivind Haga; Nygaard, Gyrid; Jakobsen, Petter; Craven, Alexander R.; Osnes, Berge; Alisauskiene, Renata; Bartsch, Hauke; Hellard, Stephanie Francoise Claire Le; Stavrum, Anne-Kristin Støbakk; Oedegaard, Ketil J.; Oltedal, Leif (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Background: Noninvasive neurostimulation treatments are increasingly being used to treat major depression, which is a common cause of disability worldwide. While electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and transcranial magnetic ...
    • No Effects of Anodal tDCS on Local GABA and Glx Levels in the Left Posterior Superior Temporal Gyrus 

      Dwyer, Gerard Eric; Craven, Alexander R.; Hirnstein, Marco; Kompus, Kristiina; Assmus, Jörg; Ersland, Lars; Hugdahl, Kenneth; Grüner, Renate (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-01-08)
      A number of studies investigating the biological effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) using magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) have found that it may affect local levels of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), ...
    • No sex difference in an everyday multitasking paradigm 

      Hirnstein, Marco; Larøi, Frank; Laloyaux, Julien Freddy (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-03)
      According to popular beliefs and anecdotes, females best males when handling multiple tasks at the same time. However, there is relatively little empirical evidence as to whether there truly is a sex difference in multitasking ...
    • Olfactory hallucinations in a population-based sample 

      Wehling, Eike Ines; Bless, Josef J; Hirnstein, Marco; Kråkvik, Bodil; Vedul-Kjelsås, Einar; Hugdahl, Kenneth; Kalhovde, Anne Martha; Larøi, Frank (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Olfactory hallucinations referring to olfactory perceptions in the absence of chemical stimuli, occur in non-clinical and clinical populations. Few studies have investigated their prevalence in the general population and ...
    • An online survey on clinical and healthy individuals with auditory verbal hallucinations: Abuse did not lead to more negative voice content 

      Næss, Julie Øverbø; Hirnstein, Marco; Kusztrits, Isabella; Larøi, Frank (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Abstract Despite the clinical and theoretical importance of the negative content in auditory verbal hallucinations (AVHs), little research has been conducted on the topic. A handful of studies suggest that trauma or adverse ...
    • Pilot-RCT Finds No Evidence for Modulation of Neuronal Networks of Auditory Hallucinations by Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation 

      Marquardt, Lynn Anne; Craven, Alexander R.; Hugdahl, Kenneth Jan; Johnsen, Erik; Kroken, Rune Andreas; Kusztrits, Isabella; Specht, Karsten; Thomassen, Anne Synnøve; Weber, Sarah; Hirnstein, Marco (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022-10-12)
      Background: Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is used as treatment for auditory verbal hallucinations (AVH). The theory behind the treatment is that tDCS increases activity in prefrontal cognitive control ...
    • Sex/gender differences in the brain are not trivial—A commentary on Eliot et al. (2021) 

      Hirnstein, Marco; Hausmann, Markus (Journal article, 2021)
      In this commentary to the comprehensive review by Eliot et al. (2021), we fully comply with rejecting the ‘sexual dimorphism’ concept in its extreme, binary form. However, we criticise the authors’ extreme position and ...