Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Moen, Jøran Idar"
Now showing items 1-17 of 17
Challenges and Strategic Research Plans for Earth and Heliosphere: Research Infrastructures, Projects and Initiatives
Mann, Ingrid; Kauristie, Kirsti; Bamford, Ruth; McCrea, Ian; Moen, Jøran Idar; Oksavik, Kjellmar; Yamauchi, Masanori; Johnsen, Magnar Gullikstad; Turunen, Esa (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-07-24)We describe existing research infrastructures relevant for space weather and open issues of space weather research including the need for sustainable observation networks and for high-quality data products as basis for ... -
The Cusp as a VLF Saucer Source: First Rocket Observations of Long‐Duration VLF Saucers on the Dayside
Moser, Chrystal; LaBelle, James William; Hatch, Spencer Mark; Moen, Jøran Idar; Spicher, Andres; Takahashi, Toru; Kletzing, Craig A.; Bounds, Scott Randolph; Oksavik, Kjellmar; Sigernes, Fred; Yeoman, Timothy K. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Auroral whistler‐mode radio emissions called saucers are of fundamental interest because they require an unusually stationary emission process in the dynamic auroral environment, and it is a mystery how that can happen in ... -
Dayside Field-Aligned Current Impacts on Ionospheric Irregularities
Follestad, Anna Kristine Fæhn; Herlingshaw, Katie; Ghadjari, Hossein; Knudsen, David J.; McWilliams, Kathryn A.; Moen, Jøran Idar; Spicher, Andres; Wu, Jingjing; Oksavik, Kjellmar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) are subject to disturbances caused by plasma irregularities in the ionosphere. Studies have suggested that in addition to the gradient drift and Kelvin‐Helmholtz instabilities, ... -
Dynamic properties of throat aurora revealed by simultaneous ground and satellite observations
Chen, Xiangcai; Han, Desheng; Lorentzen, Dag Arne; Oksavik, Kjellmar; Moen, Jøran Idar; Baddeley, Lisa (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-03)Throat aurora is defined as south-north aligned auroral arcs equatorward of the dayside cusp aurora and was suggested to be the results of cold magnetospheric plasma interaction with magnetopause reconnection, but its ... -
GPS scintillation and irregularities at the front of an ionization tongue in the nightside polar ionosphere
van der Meeren, Christer; Oksavik, Kjellmar; Lorentzen, Dag Arne; Moen, Jøran Idar; Romano, Vincenzo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-10)In this paper we study a tongue of ionization (TOI) on 31 October 2011 which stretched across the polar cap from the Canadian dayside sector to Svalbard in the nightside ionosphere. The TOI front arrived over Svalbard ... -
GPS scintillations associated with cusp dynamics and polar cap patches
Jin, Yaqi; Moen, Jøran Idar; Oksavik, Kjellmar; Spicher, Andres; Clausen, Lasse Boy Novock; Miloch, Wojciech Jacek (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)This paper investigates the relative scintillation level associated with cusp dynamics (including precipitation, flow shears, etc.) with and without the formation of polar cap patches around the cusp inflow region by the ... -
Interferometric Study of Ionospheric Plasma Irregularities in Regions of Phase Scintillations and HF Backscatter
Spicher, Andres; LaBelle, James; Bonnell, John W.; Roglans, Roger; Moser, Chrystal; Fuselier, Stephen A.; Bounds, Scott; Clausen, Lasse; Di Mare, Francesca; Feltman, Connor A.; Jin, Yaqi; Kletzing, Craig; Miloch, Wojciech Jacek; Moen, Jøran Idar; Oksavik, Kjellmar; Sawyer, Rhyan; Takahashi, Toru; Yeoman, Tim K. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)We investigate the nature of small-scale irregularities observed in the cusp by the Twin Rockets to Investigate Cusp Electrodynamics-2 (TRICE-2) in regions of enhanced phase scintillations and high-frequency coherent radar ... -
Multiple transpolar auroral arcs reveal insight about coupling processes in the Earth’s magnetotail
Zhang, Qing-He; Zhang, Yong-Liang; Wang, Chi; Lockwood, Michael; Yang, Hui-Gen; Tang, Bin-Bin; Xing, Zan-Yang; Oksavik, Kjellmar; Lyons, Larry R.; Ma, Yu-Zhang; Zong, Qiu-Gang; Moen, Jøran Idar; Xia, Li-Dong (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)A distinct class of aurora, called transpolar auroral arc (TPA) (in some cases called “theta” aurora), appears in the extremely high-latitude ionosphere of the Earth when interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) is northward. ... -
On the Production of Ionospheric Irregularities Via Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability Associated with Cusp Flow Channels
Spicher, Andres; Deshpande, Kshitija; Jin, Yaqi; Oksavik, Kjellmar; Zettergren, Matthew D.; Clausen, Lasse Boy Novock; Moen, Jøran Idar; Hairston, Marc R.; Baddeley, Lisa (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)We present a multi‐instrument multiscale study of a channel of enhanced, inhomogeneous flow in the cusp ionosphere occurring on November 30, 2014. We provide evidence that strong Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) ... -
Overview of the Rocket Experiment for NeutralUpwelling Sounding Rocket 2 (RENU2)
Lessard, Marc R.; Fritz, Bruce; Sadler, Brent; Cohen, Ian J.; Kenward, David; Godbole, Niharika; Clemmons, James H.; Hecht, James H.; Lynch, Kristina A.; Harrington, Meghan; Roberts, Thomas M.; Hysell, David; Crowley, Geoff; Sigernes, Fred; Syrjäsuo, Mikko; Ellingsen, Pål Gunnar; Partamies, Noora; Moen, Jøran Idar; Clausen, Lasse Boy Novock; Oksavik, Kjellmar; Yeoman, Timothy (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)The Rocket Experiment for Neutral Upwelling 2 (RENU2) rocket was launched on 13 December 2015 at 07:34 UT. The payload transited the cusp region during a neutral upwelling event, supported by a comprehensive set of onboard ... -
The red-sky enigma over Svalbard in December 2002
Sigernes, Fred; Lloyd, N.; Lorentzen, Dag Arne; Neuber, R.; Hoppe, U.-P.; Degenstein, D.; Shumilov, N.; Moen, Jøran Idar; Gjessing, Yngvar; Havnes, Ove; Skartveit, Arvid; Raustein, Elmer; Ørbæk, J.B.; Deehr, CS (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2005)On 6 December 2002, during winter darkness, an extraordinary event occurred in the sky, as viewed from Longyearbyen (78° N, 15° E), Svalbard, Norway. At 07:30 UT the southeast sky was surprisingly lit up in a deep red ... -
Scintillation and loss of signal lock from poleward moving auroral forms in the cusp ionosphere
Oksavik, Kjellmar; van der Meeren, Christer; Lorentzen, Dag Arne; Baddeley, Lisa; Moen, Jøran Idar (Journal article, 2015-10-27)We present two examples from the cusp ionosphere over Svalbard, where poleward moving auroral forms (PMAFs) are causing significant phase scintillation in signals from navigation satellites. The data were obtained using a ... -
Simultaneous observations of traveling convection vortices: Ionosphere-thermosphere coupling
Kim, Hyomin; Lessard, Marc R.; Jones, Sarah L.; Lynch, Kristina A.; Fernandes, Philip A.; Aruliah, Anasuya L.; Engebretson, Mark J.; Moen, Jøran Idar; Oksavik, Kjellmar; Yahnin, Alexander G.; Yeoman, Timothy K. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-05)We present simultaneous observations of magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere coupling over Svalbard during a traveling convection vortex (TCV) event. Various spaceborne and ground-based instruments made coordinated ... -
Simultaneous rocket and scintillation observations of plasma irregularities associated with a reversed flow event in the cusp ionosphere
Jin, Yaqi; Moen, Jøran Idar; Spicher, Andres; Oksavik, Kjellmar; Miloch, Wojciech Jacek; Clausen, Lasse Boy Novock; Pożoga, Mariusz; Saito, Yoshifumi (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-08-02)We present an overview of the ionospheric conditions during the launch of the Investigation of Cusp Irregularities 3 (ICI‐3) sounding rocket. ICI‐3 was launched from Ny‐Ålesund, Svalbard, at 7:21.31 UT on 3 December 2011. ... -
A space hurricane over the Earth’s polar ionosphere
Zhang, Qing-He; Zhang, Yong-Liang; Wang, Chi; Oksavik, Kjellmar; Lyons, Larry R.; Lockwood, Michael; Yang, Hui-Gen; Tang, Bin-Bin; Moen, Jøran Idar; Xing, Zan-Yang; Ma, Yu-Zhang; Wang, Xiang-Yu; Ning, Ya-Fei; Xia, Li-Dong (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)In Earth’s low atmosphere, hurricanes are destructive due to their great size, strong spiral winds with shears, and intense rain/precipitation. However, disturbances resembling hurricanes have not been detected in Earth’s ... -
Space weather challenges of the polar cap ionosphere
Moen, Jøran Idar; Oksavik, Kjellmar; Alfonsi, Lucilla; Dåbakk, Yvonne Rinne; Romano, Vineenzo; Spogli, Luca (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)This paper presents research on polar cap ionosphere space weather phenomena conducted during the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) action ES0803 from 2008 to 2012. The main part of the work has been ... -
Swarm in situ observations of F region polar cap patches created by cusp precipitation
Goodwin, Lindsay; Iserhienrhien, Blessing; Miles, David M.; Patra, Swadesh; van der Meeren, Christer; Buchert, Stephan C.; Burchill, Jonathan; Clausen, Lasse Boy Novock; Knudsen, David J.; McWilliams, Kathryn A.; Moen, Jøran Idar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-02-26)High-resolution in situ measurements from the three Swarm spacecraft, in a string-of-pearls configuration, provide new insights about the combined role of flow channel events and particle impact ionization in creating F ...