• Asynchronous Accumulation of Organic Carbon and Nitrogen in the Atlantic Gateway to the Arctic Ocean 

      Paulsen, Maria Lund; Seuthe, Lena; Reigstad, Marit; Larsen, Aud; Cape, Matthias; Vernet, Maria (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-11-15)
      Nitrogen (N) is the main limiting nutrient for biological production in the Arctic Ocean. While dissolved inorganic N (DIN) is well studied, the substantial pool of N bound in organic matter (OM) and its bioavailability ...
    • Earlier sea-ice melt extends the oligotrophic summer period in the Barents Sea with low algal biomass and associated low vertical flux 

      Kohlbach, Doreen; Goraguer, Lucie; Bodur, Yasemin V.; Müller, Oliver; Amargant Arumí, Martí; Blix, Katalin; Bratbak, Gunnar; Chierici, Melissa; Dabrowska, Anna Maria; Dietrich, Ulrike; Edvardsen, Bente; Garcia, Laura; Gradinger, Rolf Rudolf; Hop, Haakon; Jones, Elizabeth Marie; Øyvind, Lundesgaard; Olsen, Lasse Mork; Reigstad, Marit; Saubrekka, Karoline; Tatarek, Agnieszka; Wiktor, Josef Maria; Wold, Anette; Assmy, Philipp (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      The decrease in Arctic sea-ice extent and thickness as a result of global warming will impact the timing, duration, magnitude and composition of phytoplankton production with cascading effects on Arctic marine food-webs ...
    • Food web functions and interactions during spring and summer in the arctic water inflow region: Investigated through inverse modeling 

      Olli, Kalle; Halvorsen, Elisabeth; Vernet, Maria; Lavrentyev, Peter J.; Franzè, Gayantonia; Sanz-Martín, Marina; Paulsen, Maria Lund; Reigstad, Marit (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-05-28)
      We used inverse modeling to reconstruct major planktonic food web carbon flows in the Atlantic Water inflow, east and north of Svalbard during spring (18–25 May) and summer (9–13 August), 2014. The model was based on three ...
    • Interannual differences in sea ice regime in the north-western Barents Sea cause major changes in summer pelagic production and export mechanisms 

      Amargant I Arumi, Marti; Müller, Oliver; Bodur, Yasemin Vicdan; Ntinou, Iliana Vasiliki; Vonnahme, Tobias; Assmy, Philipp Kurt Wolf; Kohlbach, Doreen; Chierici, Melissa; Jones, Elizabeth Marie; Olsen, Lasse Mork; Tsagaraki, Tatiana; Reigstad, Marit; Bratbak, Gunnar; Gradinger, Rolf Rudolf (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      The Barents Sea is a highly dynamic and productive marine ecosystem and a hotspot of global warming. Variability in sea ice extent is a common feature in the Barents Sea with substantial movements of the sea ice edge on ...
    • Microbial communities and processes in ice-covered Arctic waters of the northwestern Fram Strait (75 to 80° N) during the vernal pre-bloom phase 

      Seuthe, Lena; Töpper, Birte; Reigstad, Marit; Thyrhaug, Runar; Vaquer-Sunyer, Raquel (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011-09-20)
      Marine microbial communities have been little studied in Arctic waters, especially during the winter–spring transition before the development of extensive phytoplankton blooms. This study investigated microbial plankton ...
    • Nutrients vs. turbulence, and the future of Arctic Ocean primary production 

      Randelhoff, Achim; Sundfjord, Arild; Fer, Ilker; Reigstad, Marit; Tremblay, Jean-Eric; Guthrie, John D. (Conference poster, 2016)
    • Seasonality of the Physical and Biogeochemical Hydrography in the Inflow to the Arctic Ocean Through Fram Strait 

      Randelhoff, Achim; Reigstad, Marit; Chierici, Melissa; Sundfjord, Arild; Ivanov, Vladimir; Cape, Matthias; Vernet, Maria; Tremblay, Jean-Éric; Bratbak, Gunnar; Kristiansen, Svein (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-06-29)
      Eastern Fram Strait and the shelf slope region north of Svalbard is dominated by the advection of warm, salty and nutrient-rich Atlantic Water (AW). This oceanic heat contributes to keeping the area relatively free of ice. ...
    • Still Arctic? — The changing Barents Sea 

      Gerland, Sebastian; Ingvaldsen, Randi Brunvær; Reigstad, Marit; Sundfjord, Arild; Bogstad, Bjarte; Chierici, Melissa; Hop, Haakon; Renaud, Paul Eric; Smedsrud, Lars Henrik; Stige, Leif Christian; Årthun, Marius; Berge, Jørgen; Bluhm, Bodil Annikki Ulla Barbro; Borgå, Katrine; Bratbak, Gunnar; Divine, Dmitry V; Eldevik, Tor; Eriksen, Elena; Fer, Ilker; Fransson, Agneta; Gradinger, Rolf Rudolf; Granskog, Mats A.; Haug, Tore; Husum, Katrine; Johnsen, Geir; Jonassen, Marius Opsanger; Jørgensen, Lis Lindal; Kristiansen, Svein; Larsen, Aud; Lien, Vidar Surén; Lind, Sigrid; Lindstrøm, Ulf Ove; Mauritzen, Cecilie; Melsom, Arne; Mernild, Sebastian H.; Müller, Malte; Nilsen, Frank; Primicerio, Raul; Søreide, Janne; van der Meeren, Gro Ingleid; Wassmann, Paul (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      The Barents Sea is one of the Polar regions where current climate and ecosystem change is most pronounced. Here we review the current state of knowledge of the physical, chemical and biological systems in the Barents Sea. ...
    • Vertical fluxes of nitrate in the seasonal nitracline of the Atlantic sector of the Arctic Ocean 

      Randelhoff, Achim; Fer, Ilker; Sundfjord, Arild; Tremblay, Jean-Éric; Reigstad, Marit (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-07)
      This study compiles colocated oceanic observations of high-resolution vertical profiles of nitrate concentration and turbulent microstructure around the Svalbard shelf slope, covering both the permanently ice-free Fram ...