Department of Sociology
Recent Submissions
The societal impact of individual placement and support implementation on employment outcomes for young adults receiving temporary health-related welfare benefits: A difference-in-differences study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Background Individual placement and support (IPS) is an evidence-based practice that helps individuals with mental illness gain and retain employment. IPS was implemented for young adults at a municipality level through ... -
Trajectories among recipients of social assistance in Norway: A local approach
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024) -
Skjønn og skjønnheit i den digitale tidsalderen
(Journal article, 2023) -
Nav og ny teknologi: Betydningen for de ansatte og brukerne sett fra de ansattes perspektiv
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Da Nav ble opprettet i 2006 var tanken at de lokale Nav-kontorene skulle være et sted hvor brukerne møtte opp og fikk en helhetlig oppfølging, i tillegg til individuell hjelp og tilrettelegging. Med digitaliseringen av ... -
The Shadow of the Future: A Qualitative Study on Norwegian Young Adults’ Motivations for Starting, Maintaining, and Quitting Substance Use
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Narrative biographical interviewing of six respondents revealed a plethora of motivations for starting, continuing and ending substance use with a focus on cocaine and cannabis. For initiated use, these are tied to health, ... -
A Dual-Process Perspective on the Relationship between Implicit Attitudes and Discriminatory Behavior
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The dual-process perspective (DPP), which contrasts intuitive and deliberative cognitive processes, has advanced our understanding of the conditions under which cultural orientations, such as implicit attitudes, influence ... -
The Lives of Third-Country National Migrant Youth in Europe: Between Perceived Vulnerabilities and Available Resources
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023) -
If unpartnered at the birth of a child, how would you fare? A life-course perspective on contemporary single motherhood
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)In this article, we use population-based administrative data and multichannel sequence analysis to investigate the trajectories of single mothers in Norway who had a child while unpartnered in 1993, 2001 and 2008. Our ... -
Elevar sine opplevingar og bruk av ferdigheiter i samfunnskunnskap: Ein kvalitativ studie av sosiale klasseskilje i norsk vidaregåande skule
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Ferdigheiter i samfunnskunnskapsemne skal setje elevar i stand til å delta i samfunnet på like vilkår, men vi veit lite om korleis dette skjer i praksis. For å skaffe meir inngåande kunnskap om ulikskap i ferdigheitstileigning ... -
Siblings’ educational mobility and the educational stratification of families
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)This study examines same-sex siblings’ educational mobility using high-quality register data from Norway. The study explores how the educational level of younger siblings varies with the education of parents and firstborn ... -
Consonant and Dissonant Experiences—Young Migrants’ Understandings of Integration: A Cross-Country Comparison between Germany, Luxembourg, and Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Our article addresses two aspects of young migrants’ understandings of integration: their own ideas of what integration is, and their perception of the destination society’s concepts and expectations regarding their ... -
Minority Ethnic Staff in Universities: Organisational Commitments, Reputation and the (Re)structuring of the Staff Body
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)This article problematises whether organisational commitments impact the representation of ethnic minorities in the university workforce. In doing so, it considers the institutional context and the broader restructuring ... -
Nøkkeltallrapport Bergen: Elevers erfaringer med og meninger om valg av videregående skole
(Bergen Studies in Sociology;18/2024, Research report, 2024) -
Dokumentasjonsrapport om spørreundersøkelsen «Valg av videregående skole», gjennomført i 2023
(Bergen Studies in Sociology;17/2024, Research report, 2024) -
Changing Temporal Opportunity Structures? Two Cohorts of Young Women’s Thoughts about Future Work, Family and Education
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)This article seeks to explore if and how period specific conditions affect young women’s thoughts about their future lives. A contextualist analysis is done of a small sample of biographical interviews with Norwegian women ... -
Intuitive and Deliberative Behavior : The Role of Cognition in Sociological Models of Action
(Doctoral thesis, 2024-03-22)Denne avhandlingen utforsker kognisjonens rolle i utformingen av menneskelig atferd. Med utgangspunkt i en misnøye med de altfor forenklede antakelsene om menneskelig kognisjon som finnes i mange av dagens sosiologiske ... -
Bündnis der Gesamtschulgegner*innen? Die Rolle der CDU in der Bildungspolitik von NRW in den 1950er bis 1970er Jahren
(Journal article, 2023)Die späten 1960er und frühen 1970er Jahre waren das letzte Zeitfenster in Deutschland, in dem die flächendeckende Einführung der Gesamtschule und die Abschaffung des Gymnasiums in reformorientierten Kreisen als realistische ... -
“It gave us a thrill”: Emotions, exile, and narratives of (dis)engagement among activists from Syria
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Building on qualitative interviews with Syrians who participated in the anti-regime movement of 2011 and now live in Berlin and Oslo, the article unpacks the ways that these contexts affected participants’ decision to ... -
Tilbakeføring av innsatte. En kvalitativ undersøkelse om hvordan ulike etater og organisasjoner jobber og samarbeider om tilbakeføringen av tidligere straffedømte
(Master thesis, 2023-12-01)I dette prosjektet så har jeg lyst til å se på å undersøke hvordan det blir jobbet med tilbakeføring av tidligere innsatte av de ulike etatene og organisasjonene. Datamaterialet er hentet gjennom semistrukturtert intervju ...