Faculty of Social Sciences
Sub-communities within this community
Department of Economics [423]
Department of Geography [823]
Department of Government [578]
Department of Sociology [521]
Recent Submissions
Citizenship education after Ukraine: Global citizenship education in a world of increasing international conflict
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Purpose: Following globalisation, a rich literature on global citizenship education developed (Akkari & Maleq 2020; Goren & Yemini 2017). However, recent developments in international politics prompt us to ask whether ... -
Sykere av å vente: Henger ventetid til behandling sammen med varighet av sykmeldinger?
(Master thesis, 2024-09-02) -
Siblings’ outcomes and social mobility : Educational attainment, occupations, and class destinations
(Doctoral thesis, 2024-10-18)Denne avhandlingen undersøker søskens utdanningsoppnåelse, yrkesutfall og klassedestinasjoner. Forskningsspørsmålene som stilles i avhandlingen er: ‘Hvilke sosiale posisjoner har en tendens til å opptre sammen i søskenflokker?’ ... -
A survey on popularity bias in recommender systems
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Recommender systems help people find relevant content in a personalized way. One main promise of such systems is that they are able to increase the visibility of items in the long tail, i.e., the lesser-known items in a ... -
Decoding Legitimacy: Public Perceptions of AI-Assisted Decision-Making in the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)This master thesis addresses the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and automated decision-making (ADM) systems in public decision-making. The study’s main objective is to investigate to what extent the use of AI ... -
Framing the Intersectional Representation of the Landless Workers’ Movement on Instagram
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The Landless Workers’ Movement (MST) is a grassroots organization influenced by Marxism, which has attracted national and international attention for its strategies for the occupation and redistribution of land in Brazil. ... -
The Rebound Effect: Autonomous Ships Rebound Effect on Energy Consumption
(Master thesis, 2024-08-15)The maritime industry is transforming with autonomous ships driven by advancements in artificial intelligence. This study examines the rebound effect of adopting autonomous ships in Norway, where energy efficiency gains ... -
Generosity's Double-Edged Sword: Unmasking the Impact of Raised Social Assistance Rates in Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)As long as welfare arrangements have been in existence, there has been a strong belief that high-benefit generosity leads to welfare reliance. In this study, we investigate whether an increase in welfare generosity in ... -
Organizing for Wicked Problems : What coordinating agencies do, and why they do it
(Doctoral thesis, 2024-10-11)Denne avhandlinga har som utgangspunkt at organisering er viktig, og at det er med organisering som verkemiddel statar forsøker å løyse problem samfunnet står overfor. Men kva skjer når statar møter såkalla gjenstridige ... -
Modelling Endogenized Human Behavior: A System Dynamics Based Integration of Pro-Environ- mental Intention in Integrated Assessment Modelling
(Master thesis, 2024-06-28)This thesis investigates the system dynamic representation of human behavior, i.e. pro-environmental behavior, within Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs). The research is grounded in psychological theories, i.e. Theory of ... -
Same but different: On continuity and change in agricultural policy reforms
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)This article contributes to the Historical Institutionalism literature on stability and change by unpacking how an institution has persisted for more than 70 years despite substantial contextual changes. The overall stability ... -
Does executive autonomy reduce second-order election effects?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The second-order election (SOE) model expects voters to punish parties in national government and reward opposition, small and new parties because there is ‘less at stake’ in an SOE. One key assumption that is rarely studied ... -
The Role of Parliaments in Exceptional Times
(Chapter, 2024)What is the role of Parliaments during the COVID-19 pandemic? Countries had to adjust their decision-making procedures to address the challenges posed by the pandemic. In most countries, this has been done by strengthening ... -
Does party identification still matter for political efficacy? A cross-national assessment, 1996–2016
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)It has been argued that party membership has declined in most liberal democracies over the past several decades, and the remaining party members are even more committed to party goals and policies. If partisanship becomes ... -
Health Status, Life Expectancy and Early Claiming of Pension
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Prior to 2011, individual life expectancy played no role in the Norwegian old-age pension system. However, after the 2011 reform, life expectancy became a central factor for early pension take-up. Asymmetric information ... -
Participatory system dynamics modeling for groundwater resources management (Case study: Marand Plain, Iran)
(Journal article, 2024)Introduction The capacity of groundwater systems to offer various services depends on their geographically varying properties and is dynamically influenced by ongoing natural and human processes. Because groundwater is ... -
Den aksiale tidsalder og ulike typar modernitetar: Den islamske moderniteten, ideologiske «entreprenørar» og terrornettverk
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Denne artikkelen har to hovudtema. Det første er å gje ein introduksjon til Eisenstadts historiske analyse av framvekstane av dei ulike religiøse tradisjonane eller verdsreligionane (jødedom, buddhisme, Konfutses lære, ... -
Møtet mellom mennesker og maskiner: En komparativ casestudie av blå– og hvitsnipparbeideres samspill med kunstig intelligens i olje- og energisektoren i Stavanger
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Kunstig intelligens og dens ekspansjon har tatt hele verdens oppmerksomhet med sitt potensiale. Feltet påvirker majoriteten av yrker, og det er derfor viktig for sosiologer å undersøke kunstig intelligens i alle dimensjoner ... -
Episodic populist backlashes against urban climate actions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Populism is multilayered and involves two main dimensions – ideology and strategy – which are employed within and beyond political parties. These dimensions can result in sometimes overlapping but generally divergent ...