Department of Government
Recent Submissions
Norske læreres skjønnsutøvelse i gjennomføring av seksualitetsundervisning - En eksperimentell surveystudie
(Master thesis, 2024-12-02)I denne oppgaven undersøker jeg hvordan lærere i Norge tar opp og tenker rundt temaer i seksualitetsundervisningen som gjelder kjønns- og seksualitetsmangfold og funksjonsnedsattes seksualitet. Seksualitet er en sentral ... -
Variations of riskification: Climate change adaptation in four European cities
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)This study explores the manifestations of riskification in climate change adaptation (CCA) across four European cities, examining the roles of actors, discourses, and tools. Through comparative analysis, it aims to delineate ... -
I’m a Survivor: Political Dynamics in Bureaucratic Elites’ Partisan Identification
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)This article challenges the common assumption that the partisan identification of bureaucratic elites is fixed over time. Building on principal-agent and organization theory, we hypothesize that bureaucratic elites may ... -
Intraorganizational Mobility and Employees’ Work-related Contact Patterns: Evidence from Panel Data in the European Commission
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Programs to encourage staff to move within public-sector organizations have become increasingly widespread in recent decades. Yet, although there are some anecdotal accounts, the effects of such intraorganizational mobility ... -
Organizational Stability and Resocialization in Public Administrations: Theory and Evidence from Norwegian Civil Servants (1986-2016)
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The organizational theory approach to public administration emphasizes that organizational features of public bureaucracies shape civil servants' role perceptions and opinions. This study brings forward a novel refinement ... -
Public participation in decisions about measures to manage the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Background During the COVID-19 pandemic, governments and health authorities faced tough decisions about infection prevention and control measures such as social distancing, face masks and travel. Judgements underlying those ... -
Organizational resilience: exploring the health insttitution in Ghana during the Covid 19
(Master thesis, 2024-06-17) -
Beyond the Ballot: The Impact of Voting Margin and Turnout on the Legitimacy of Referendum Outcomes in Europe
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)This study delves into the criteria under which referendums can legitimise political choices. It employs survey experiments regarding EU membership across seven European nations, focusing on variations in referendum outcomes, ... -
‘Importing’ the personal vote to maximise the party vote? ‘Parachute personalization’ in an intraparty preference electoral system
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)This article seeks to contribute to the electoral and party politics debate in three main ways. The first is the claim that parachuting politicians into districts in which they have no prior connections is not a nomination ... -
Citizenship education after Ukraine: Global citizenship education in a world of increasing international conflict
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Purpose: Following globalisation, a rich literature on global citizenship education developed (Akkari & Maleq 2020; Goren & Yemini 2017). However, recent developments in international politics prompt us to ask whether ... -
Organizing for Wicked Problems : What coordinating agencies do, and why they do it
(Doctoral thesis, 2024-10-11)Denne avhandlinga har som utgangspunkt at organisering er viktig, og at det er med organisering som verkemiddel statar forsøker å løyse problem samfunnet står overfor. Men kva skjer når statar møter såkalla gjenstridige ... -
Same but different: On continuity and change in agricultural policy reforms
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)This article contributes to the Historical Institutionalism literature on stability and change by unpacking how an institution has persisted for more than 70 years despite substantial contextual changes. The overall stability ... -
The Role of Parliaments in Exceptional Times
(Chapter, 2024)What is the role of Parliaments during the COVID-19 pandemic? Countries had to adjust their decision-making procedures to address the challenges posed by the pandemic. In most countries, this has been done by strengthening ... -
AI and the quest for legitimacy in the modern society How does the use of artificial intelligence in public governance impact institutional legitimacy? The case of Norway.
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)This study examines the impact of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in public governance on institutional legitimacy by using a multilevel mixed methods research design. Institutional legitimacy is an essential ingredient ... -
Organisering av servicekontor i en «ny» kommune: En komparativ casestudie av servicekontorene i Alver kommune og Sogndal kommune
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Denne masteroppgaven har analysert hvordan implementering av kommunereformen har påvirket organisering av servicekontorene i Alver og Sogndal kommune. Kommunereformen er en strukturreform som hadde som mål at kommuner ... -
Hvilken rolle spiller ekspertise i politikkutforming?: en analyse av ekspertutvalgs funksjoner på klima- og energiområdet
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Denne avhandlingen har som søkelys å utforske hensikten bak hvorfor den norske regjeringen oppretter ekspertutvalg på klima- og energiområdet. Problemstillingen for avhandlingen blir derfor følgende: hvorfor oppretter den ... -
Kriminalomsorgens organisering i møte med radikalisering som gjenstridig problem. En kvalitativ studie av radikaliseringskoordinatorene i Kriminalomsorgen.
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Sammendrag Denne studien har til hensikt å beskrive og forklare hvordan organisering og koordinering kan ha betydning for offentlig virksomhets håndtering av gjenstridige problem. Jeg har valgt å gjennomføre en casestudie ... -
Forandret bakkebyråkratisk skjønnsutøvelse ved innskudd av Kunstig intelligens
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Denne masteroppgaven har analysert hvordan skjønnsprosessen til bakkebyråkrater kan forandres gjennom implementeringen av kunstig intelligens i offentlig sektor. For å undersøke forandringen tokk oppgaven i bruk lærere som ... -
Tillit i turbulente tider - Endres mål- og resultatstyring i Forsvaret av tillitsreformen?
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Denne oppgaven omhandler tillitsreformen i Forsvaret og dens innvirkning på mål- og resultatstyring. I tillegg vurderer oppgaven hvor mye hendelser i omgivelsene (mer spesifikt krigen i Ukraina og to kommisjoner) innvirker ...