Department of Comparative Politics
Recent Submissions
Demokrati på arbeidsplassen. Demokratiske val og avgrensingar i den tilsetteeigde verksemda Kantega
(Master thesis, 2024-06-06)Democratic enterprises, businesses owned and controlled by employees, have been supported by Marxists, anarchists, social democrats, and democratic theorists for various reasons. The left and anarchists see them as an ... -
Ytre høyres bruk av humor - En casestudie av Alliansen
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Denne oppgaven er en casestudie av det politiske partiet Alliansens bruk av humoristiske memer som deles på en åpen gruppe på Telegram. Ved å gjøre en analyse av 305 memer på gruppen «Venner av Alliansen» har jeg undersøkt ... -
Tilbakekall av norsk statsborgerskap: Konsekvenser for integrering og samfunnstillit i det norsk-somaliske miljøet?
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Sammendrag Denne masteroppgaven undersøker konsekvensene av UDIs praksis med tilbakekall av norsk statsborgerskap for norske somalieres tillit til myndighetene og staten, samt hvordan denne praksisen påvirker integreringen ... -
Demokratiet i Tsjekkia i perioden 2008 til 2023: Et robust demokrati eller begynnende avdemokratisering?
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03) -
Maktfordeling og beslutningsprosesser i flernivåstyringssystem: En analyse av kommunesammenslåingsprosessen mellom Ballangen, Hamarøy, Narvik og Tysfjord.
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Denne oppgaven tar for seg en kommunesammenslåingsprosess hvor Tysfjord kommune er hovedaktøren. Temaet i oppgaven er hvordan interessekonflikt og ulikt maktforhold påvirker politiske beslutningsprosesser på lokalt, regionalt ... -
Populisme og autokratisering: En komparativ casestudie av Nayib Bukeles og Jair Bolsonaros presidentskap
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)This master’s thesis theorizes populism, democracy, and the relationship between them. The alleged threat that populist leaders impose to the democratic characteristics of political systems, brings up the question of how ... -
Global Visions, Regional Realities: EU Migration and Asylum Policy in light of the UN Compacts on Migration and Refugees
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)This thesis examines the development of the European Union’s migration and asylum policy post-2018, focusing on its alignment and misalignment with the United Nation’s Global Compacts on Migration and Refugees. It explores ... -
Identification and Participation in the United States: A Panel Matching Analysis of Voter ID Laws’ Effect on State-level Turnout
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)The United States has a long and controversial history with voter suppression. Has voter suppression returned in the form of voter ID laws? My research question is "to what degree do voter ID laws affect turnout in the ... -
Investigating the Salience of Liberalism in US Economic Foreign Policy: An analysis of the CHIPS Act of 2022
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)This paper examines the extent to which liberalism has become less salient in US economic foreign policy post-2017. The direction of US foreign policy has been a topic of extensive debate among scholars and analysts through ... -
Is There a Switch in Accent for the Heavenly Chorus? Explaining differences in interest group preference attainment in the European Union’s climate action policies
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Over the past five years, there has been an increase in national and supranational efforts to combat climate change. The European Union’s (EU) ambitious climate initiative, the European Green Deal (EUGD), remains the Union’s ... -
Indigenous People’s Self-governing Bodies and the Role of Civil Society: The Case of the Norwegian Sámi
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)In this paper, the authors look at the relationship between the Sámi Parliament in Norway and the Sámi civil society as seen both from the perspective of the party leaders and representatives, the civil society organisations, ... -
Farewell note: a decade as RFS Editor
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)This farewell note reflects on a decade of editorship for Regional & Federal Studies (RFS). It draws on this experience to highlight some areas of change and continuity in the journal’s life, the publishing industry, and ... -
Why countries do (not) lower the voting age: A mixed-methods study of conditions and processes
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Many countries around the world have successfully lowered their voting ages to 16 at either the local, regional, and/or national level. These countries have applied differing methods for their implementation process. Some ... -
Do Electoral Systems Influence Political Equality? - A Multimethod Thesis on the Relationship Between Electoral Systems and Political Equality
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)In this thesis I look at the relationship between political equality and electoral systems. While I mention several different aspects of electoral systems in the thesis, mostly I focus on the effects of district magnitude ... -
How do Global Capital Flows Affect Economic Growth? Unlocking the Puzzle via a Meta-Regression Analysis of Existing Studies
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Due to the various empirical and theoretical perspectives of capital flows and management techniques’ effects on economic growth, the thesis asks: “How do Global Capital Flows Affect Economic Growth?”. The relationship ... -
Endogenous Popularity: How Perceptions of Support Affect the Popularity of Authoritarian Regimes
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Being popular makes it easier for dictators to govern. A growing body of scholarship therefore focuses on the factors that influence authoritarian popularity. However, it is possible that the perception of popularity itself ... -
Grant or deny? Gatekeeping on the Norwegian Supreme Court
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Interest in the Supreme Court has grown within political science. The rapidly expanding research on the United States Supreme Court has inspired scholars worldwide to study their own national courts. This field is expanding ... -
Does policy context matter for citizen engagement in policymaking? Evidence from the European Commission's public consultation regime
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The European Commission has shown efforts to strengthen citizens’ participation in its policy formulation processes through public consultation opportunities. However, we currently lack a systematic analysis of the factors ... -
A Sami land-claims settlement? Assessing Norway's Finnmark Act in a comparative perspective
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The Sami, the Indigenous peoples of Fennoscandia, assert ownership-, use-, and management-rights to their traditional lands. Norway's 2005 Finnmark Act is the only legislation so far to broadly respond to those assertions. ...