Department of Comparative Politics
Nye registreringer
State-led Environmentalism and China’s E-waste Industry: A Case Study of Shanghai
(Master thesis, 2024-11-20)In this master’s thesis, I examine China's environmental policy in practice, with a focus on Shanghai as a case study. I base my analysis on theories of authoritarian environmentalism and explore whether such a system of ... -
The Democratisation of Eastern Europe 1989-2004. A closer look at how Latvia, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Bulgaria have handled the challenges of economic development, good governance, nationalism and xenophobia
(Doctoral thesis, 2009-06-23)In the period since the fall of communism in 1989-1991, Eastern Europe has gone through massive societal turmoil. This dissertation takes a closer look at how five East European countries, Latvia, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary ... -
Gender, Governance, and Education: Is there Intra-Autocratic Variation in Women’s Influence on Education Outcomes?
(Master thesis, 2024-11-20) -
The Spatial Dimension of Climate Change Attitudes: A Study of the Urban-Rural and Center-Periphery Divide in Norway
(Master thesis, 2024-11-20)Climate change attitudes are crucial in shaping public support for climate policies, yet geographic divides in these attitudes remain underexplored. This thesis investigates how rurality and the center-periphery divide ... -
Personalization and de-institutionalization: Our common conceptual framework
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024) -
The Trumpization of the Grand Old Party
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Background: The purposes of this article are to (1) detail the extent to which the Republican Party personalized in the period from Donald Trump's first becoming a presidential candidate through 2022 and the process by ... -
Context matters- The Influence of Municipal Characteristics on Representatives' Role Perceptions in Norway
(Master thesis, 2024-11-20) -
Policy Actors' Struggle for Attention: The Role of Peer Networks in the Migration Discourse on Twitter (X)
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Policy actors (PAs) like nongovernmental organizations, political parties or governmental institutions strategically communicate on social media to gain attention and thus influence the public agenda. We argue that networks ... -
Recognizing international protection how institutional arrangements affect asylum decisions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2025)More than 70 years after the adoption of the United Nations’ 1951 Refugee Convention, there still exists large cross-country differences in terms of protection recognition. In this article, we argue that cross-country ... -
Why We Need Minimum Wages: Pay, Recognition, and Economic Citizenship
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Statutory minimum wages have become an important tool for regulating labor markets. One major reason is the decline in collective wage bargaining. But how can minimum wages be justified? We show that their best justification ... -
Innen rimelig tid. Sakskompleksitet og saksbehandlingstid i straffesaker i lagmannsrettene
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Mens undersøkelser viser at lagmannsrettene ikke innfrir Stortingets måltall om tre måneders gjennomsnittlig saksbehandlingstid i straffesaker, mangler vi fortsatt kunnskap om årsakene til overskridelsene. I denne artikkelen ... -
EUs påvirkning på ikke-medlemmers autonomi: Norges og Storbritannias handlingsrom innenfor klima og energi
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)EUs grønne giv kan ha omfattende konsekvenser også for land som ikke er medlemmer, men som er tilknyttet EU. Mens Norge møter klimakrisen med å samarbeide tettere med EU, har Storbritannia trukket seg ut av viktige avtaler. ... -
Going Regional: Regional and Multilevel Electoral Democracy in Western Europe in Times of Decentralization (1945-2019)
(Doctoral thesis, 2024-10-31)I vest-europeiske land har regionalforvaltning opplevd en betydelig forandring siden andre verdenskrig. Denne forandringen involverer etableringen av nye regioner, forsterkning av mange eksisterende regioner og innføringen ... -
Decoding Legitimacy: Public Perceptions of AI-Assisted Decision-Making in the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)This master thesis addresses the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and automated decision-making (ADM) systems in public decision-making. The study’s main objective is to investigate to what extent the use of AI ... -
Does executive autonomy reduce second-order election effects?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The second-order election (SOE) model expects voters to punish parties in national government and reward opposition, small and new parties because there is ‘less at stake’ in an SOE. One key assumption that is rarely studied ... -
Does party identification still matter for political efficacy? A cross-national assessment, 1996–2016
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)It has been argued that party membership has declined in most liberal democracies over the past several decades, and the remaining party members are even more committed to party goals and policies. If partisanship becomes ... -
Demokrati på arbeidsplassen. Demokratiske val og avgrensingar i den tilsetteeigde verksemda Kantega
(Master thesis, 2024-06-06)Democratic enterprises, businesses owned and controlled by employees, have been supported by Marxists, anarchists, social democrats, and democratic theorists for various reasons. The left and anarchists see them as an ... -
Maktfordeling og beslutningsprosesser i flernivåstyringssystem: En analyse av kommunesammenslåingsprosessen mellom Ballangen, Hamarøy, Narvik og Tysfjord.
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Denne oppgaven tar for seg en kommunesammenslåingsprosess hvor Tysfjord kommune er hovedaktøren. Temaet i oppgaven er hvordan interessekonflikt og ulikt maktforhold påvirker politiske beslutningsprosesser på lokalt, regionalt ... -
Populisme og autokratisering: En komparativ casestudie av Nayib Bukeles og Jair Bolsonaros presidentskap
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)This master’s thesis theorizes populism, democracy, and the relationship between them. The alleged threat that populist leaders impose to the democratic characteristics of political systems, brings up the question of how ... -
Global Visions, Regional Realities: EU Migration and Asylum Policy in light of the UN Compacts on Migration and Refugees
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)This thesis examines the development of the European Union’s migration and asylum policy post-2018, focusing on its alignment and misalignment with the United Nation’s Global Compacts on Migration and Refugees. It explores ...