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Recent Submissions
Toxoplasma gondii infection associated with inflammasome activation and neuronal injury
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Toxoplasma gondii (TOXO) infection typically results in chronic latency due to its ability to form cysts in the brain and other organs. Latent toxoplasmosis could promote innate immune responses and impact brain function. ... -
Cryptosporidium species and subtypes in Norway: predominance of C. parvum and emergence of C. mortiferum
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)PCR-based diagnostics has revealed the previously largely unknown Cryptosporidium transmission and infections in high-income countries. This study aimed to determine domestic and imported subtypes of Cryptosporidium species ... -
Effect of play-based intervention on children’s mental status and caregiver involvement during hospitalization: findings from Pakistan
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Background The nurturing care framework (NCF) encompasses responsive caregiving, health, nutrition, safety and security by parents and other caregivers. It improves health, development and wellbeing of children. A ... -
Dakar Niño under global warming investigated by a high-resolution regionally coupled model
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)In this study, we investigated interannual variability in sea surface temperature (SST) along the northwestern African coast, focusing on strong Dakar Niño and Niña events and their potential alterations under the RCP8.5 ... -
Lungelegar sine erfaringar med lindrande sedering i livets sluttfase
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Bakgrunn Legeforeningen har utarbeidd retningslinjer for lindrande sedering i livets sluttfase, sist revidert i 2014. Vi ville undersøke lungelegar sin kjennskap til retningslinjene og bruk av lindrande sedering ved ... -
Insidens og letalitet av akutt hjerteinfarkt i Norge 2013–21
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Bakgrunn Tidligere studier av insidens og letalitet etter hjerteinfarkt i Norge er basert på administrative data som ikke skiller mellom hjerteinfarkt med og uten elevasjon av ST-segmentet (STEMI- og NSTEMI-infarkt). I ... -
Arenicolidae (Annelida) in Norwegian waters: Species occurrence, bathymetric distribution and identification of juvenile specimens
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The two species of Arenicolidae, Arenicola marina and Arenicolides ecaudata, are common along the Norwegian coast. Juveniles and anterior fragments are often encountered when grab sampling, making traditional morphological ... -
Persistently high plasma procalcitonin levels despite successful treatment of tuberculous pleuritis and tuberculous lymphadenitis patients
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)In a prospective cohort study, we evaluated plasma PCT levels in 48 TB lymphadenitis (TBLN) and 41 TB pleuritis (TBPE) patients. Measurements of PCT were done in unstimulated plasma of microbiologically and clinically ... -
Colonization and extinction lags drive non-linear responses to warming in mountain plant communities across the Northern Hemisphere
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Global warming is changing plant communities due to the arrival of new species from warmer regions and declining abundance of cold-adapted species. However, experimentally testing predictions about trajectories and rates ... -
Primary health care challenges: insights from older people with multimorbidity in Malawi – a qualitative study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Background The global population is undergoing a significant surge in aging leading to increased susceptibility to various forms of progressive illnesses. This phenomenon significantly impacts both individual health and ... -
High-dose folic acid use and cancer risk in women who have given birth: A register-based cohort study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Objective This study was undertaken to study whether high-dose folic acid (>1 mg daily) use is associated with an increased risk of cancer in all women who have given birth and in women with epilepsy. High-dose folic ... -
Concentrations of potentially toxic metals and trace elements in pregnant women and association with birth outcomes: A cross-sectional study in Malawi
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Potentially toxic metals and trace elements have been used in Malawi for a long time. However, data on exposure to these elements by susceptible groups like pregnant women and its associations with reproductive health ... -
Reviews and syntheses: Biological indicators of low-oxygen stress in marine water-breathing animals
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Anthropogenic warming and nutrient over-enrichment of our oceans have resulted in significant, and often catastrophic, reductions in dissolved oxygen (deoxygenation). Stress on water-breathing animals from this deoxygenation ... -
Possible transport routes of IgM to the gut of teleost fish
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Fish rely on mucosal surfaces as their first defence barrier against pathogens. Maintaining mucosal homeostasis is therefore crucial for their overall well-being, and it is likely that secreted immunoglobulins (sIg) play ... -
Elastic Bands Improve Oral Appliance Treatment Effect on Obstructive Sleep Apnoea: A Randomised Crossover Trial
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Background Oral appliances (OAs) that limit mouth opening during sleep, such as monobloc appliances, have shown superior treatment effects in subgroups of patients with obstructive sleep apnoea. The application of elastic ... -
Observed Pathways and Interannual Variability of the Warm Inflow Onto the Continental Shelf in the Southern Weddell Sea
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Model projections suggest that the continental shelf in the southern Weddell Sea may experience a shift from today's near-freezing temperature to a much warmer state, where warm water floods the shelf and basal melt rates ... -
Extreme wind events responsible for an outsized role in shelf-basin exchange around the southern tip of Greenland
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The coastal circulation around Southern Greenland transports fresh, buoyant water masses from the Arctic and Greenland Ice Sheet near regions of convection, sinking, and deep-water formation in the Irminger and Labrador ... -
How prices and income influence global patterns in saturated fat intake by age, sex and world region: a cross-sectional analysis of 160 countries
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Objective When considering proposals to improve diets, it is important to understand how factors like price and income can affect saturated fat (SF) intake and demand. In this study, we examine and estimate the influence ... -
Early postnatal growth failure in infants <1500 g in a Ugandan referral hospital: a retrospective cohort study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Background Postnatal growth failure (PGF), a multifactorial condition is common in preterm infants and infants born weighing <1500 g and is associated with impaired neurodevelopmental and growth outcomes. In low-resource ...