• Congruence and party responsiveness in Western Europe in the 21st century 

      Ibenskas, Raimondas; Polk, Jonathan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Research on party responsiveness in established democracies suggests that parties follow shifts in the preferences of either the general electorate or party supporters. Drawing on theoretical models of party competition ...
    • From convergence to congruence: European integration and citizen–elite congruence 

      Devine, Daniel J.; Ibenskas, Raimondas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Recent research argues that European integration has led to an ideological convergence of member state party systems, which is purported to have significant consequences for democratic representation. We argue that convergence ...
    • Interest group networks in the European Union 

      Bunea, Adriana; Ibenskas, Raimondas; Weiler, Florian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Interest group networks are crucial for understanding European Union (EU) integration, policymaking and interest representation. Yet, comparative analysis of interest organisation networks across EU policy areas is limited. ...
    • Legislators, organizations and ties: understanding interest group recognition in the European Parliament 

      Ibenskas, Raimondas; Bunea, Adriana (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      What explains Members of European Parliament's (MEPs’) decisions to recognize some interest groups as relevant policy actors? Addressing this question is fundamental for understanding the role of political elites in shaping ...
    • One More Time? Parties’ Repeated Electoral Entry in Younger Democracies 

      Ibenskas, Raimondas; van de Wardt, Marc (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Why and how parties continue contesting elections (“repeated entry”) is an underresearched question despite its essence for party survival and party-system stability. We study repeated entry in three decades of elections ...
    • Party Responsiveness to Public Opinion in Young Democracies 

      Ibenskas, Raimondas; Jonathan, Polk (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Are political parties in young democracies responsive to the policy preferences of the public? Compared to extensive scholarship on party responsiveness in established democracies, research on party responsiveness in young ...