Browsing University of Bergen Library by Author "Jackson, Christopher A.-L."
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Complex fault system revealed by 3-D seismic reflection data with deep learning and fault network analysis
Wrona, Thilo; Pan, Indranil; Bell, Rebecca E.; Jackson, Christopher A.-L.; Gawthorpe, Rob; Fossen, Haakon; Osagiede, Edoseghe Edwin; Brune, Sascha (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Understanding where normal faults are located is critical for an accurate assessment of seismic hazard; the successful exploration for, and production of, natural (including low-carbon) resources; and the safe subsurface ... -
Halokinetic modulation of sedimentary thickness and architecture: A numerical modelling approach
Cumberpatch, Zoë A.; Finch, Emma; Kane, Ian A.; Pichel, Leonardo Muniz; Jackson, Christopher A.-L.; Kilhams, Ben; Hodgson, David M.; Huuse, Mads (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Subsurface salt flow can deform overlying strata and influence contemporaneous sedimentary systems. Studying salt-sediment interactions is challenging in the subsurface due to poor imaging adjacent to salt, and in the field ... -
Normal Fault Kinematics and the Role of Lateral Tip Retreat: An Example From Offshore NW Australia
Lathrop, Bailey A.; Jackson, Christopher A.-L.; Bell, Rebecca E.; Rotevatn, Atle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Understanding how normal faults grow is key to determining the tectono-stratigraphic evolution of rifts. According to recent studies, normal faults tend to grow in two temporally distinct stages: a lengthening stage, ... -
Physical modelling of the interplay between salt-detached gravity gliding and spreading across complex rift topography, Santos Basin, offshore Brazil
Pichel, Leonardo Muniz; Ferrer, Oriol; Jackson, Christopher A.-L.; Roca, Eduard (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)The Santos Basin, offshore Brazil contains a complex set of salt-tectonic structures, the origins of which are debated, that is, the Albian Gap and the São Paulo Plateau (SPP). The Albian Gap is a ca. 450 km long, 60 km ... -
Rift kinematics preserved in deep-time erosional landscape below the northern North Sea
Wrona, Thilo; Whittaker, Alexander C.; Bell, Rebecca E.; Gawthorpe, Rob; Fossen, Haakon; Jackson, Christopher A.-L.; Bauck, Marit Stokke (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Our understanding of continental rifting is, in large parts, derived from the stratigraphic record. This record is, however, incomplete as it does not often capture the geomorphic and erosional signal of rifting. New 3D ... -
Strain migration during multiphase extension, Stord Basin, northern North Sea rift
Fazlikhani, Hamed; Aagotnes, Synne; Refvem, Marte; Hamilton-Wright, James; Bell, Rebecca E.; Fossen, Haakon; Gawthorpe, Rob; Jackson, Christopher A.-L.; Rotevatn, Atle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)In regions experiencing multiple phases of extension, rift‐related strain can vary along and across the basin during and between each phase, and the location of maximum extension can differ between the rift phase. Despite ... -
Structure and kinematics of an extensional growth fold, Hadahid Fault System, Suez Rift, Egypt
Jackson, Christopher A.-L.; Whipp, Paul S.; Gawthorpe, Robert; Lewis, Matthew M. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Normal faulting drives extensional growth folding of the Earth's upper crust during continental extension, yet we know little of how fold geometry relates to the structural segmentation of the underlying fault. We use field ... -
Topological Characterization of a Fault Network Along the Northern North Sea Rift Margin
Osagiede, Edoseghe Edwin; Nixon, Casey William; Gawthorpe, Rob; Rotevatn, Atle; Fossen, Haakon; Jackson, Christopher A.-L.; Tillmans, Fabian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The factors that control the spatial variation of the topological characteristics of normal fault networks at the rift-scale are poorly understood. Here, we use 3D seismic reflection data from the northern North Sea to ... -
Turbidites, topography and tectonics: Evolution of submarine channel-lobe systems in the salt-influenced Kwanza Basin, offshore Angola
Howlett, Danielle; Gawthorpe, Rob; Ge, Zhiyuan; Rotevatn, Atle; Jackson, Christopher A.-L. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Understanding the evolution of submarine channel‐lobe systems on salt‐influenced slopes is challenging as these systems react to subtle, syn‐depositional changes in sea‐floor topography. The impact of large blocking ...