Browsing Faculty of Psychology by Subject "litteraturgjennomgang"
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Barn og ungdom fra planlagte lesbiske og homofile familier. En litteraturgjennomgang av studier fra år 2010 til 2017
(Master thesis, 2017)This literature review addresses studies of psychosocial outcomes for children and adolescents in planned lesbian and gay families. A systematic literature search detected 16 relevant studies published between the years ... -
Evidensgrunnlaget for metakognitiv terapi: en systematisk litteraturgjennomgang av randomiserte kontrollerte studier
(Master thesis, 2017)This is a presentation of metacognitive therapy and a systematic review of the evidence for the therapy. The paper reviews clinical trials of metacognitive therapy for patients with emotional disorders. The inclusion ... -
Sammenhengen mellom tilknytningsstiler hos voksne og borderline personlighetsforstyrrelse: En litteraturgjennomgang
(Master thesis, 2018-12-13)The primary aim of this paper was to conceptually replicate the findings of the literature review of Agrawal et al., (2004) on the relationship between attachment style and Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). A secondary ...