Browsing University Museum of Bergen by Title
Now showing items 401-420 of 495
Scanning electron microscopy observations of Loa loa (Nematoda)
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)We present a case report of periocular Loa loa. The key feature of L. loa distinguishing it from other human filarial parasites are cuticular bosses, which are presented in images from a light microscope and a scanning ... -
Scener fra vikingtid som kilde til kosmologi
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)Viking Age art is dominated by animal motifs. In particular, the so-called ‘gripping-beasts’ spread from the end of the eighth century. This article discusses a couple of examples of motifs on archaeological objects in ... -
Seasonal dynamics of mites (Acari) in pastures and meadows in Poland, with species analysis of Oribatida
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)The study involved three pastures, grazed by geese, goats and fallow deer, and three nearby meadows (control plots) situated in north-central Poland. Samples of 150 cm3 each (6 cm of soil and 3 cm of lower parts of plants) ... -
Seasonal variation in urban pollen resource use by north temperate European honeybees
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Urban green infrastructure can provide important habitats for pollinators and support urban ecosystem services. Therefore, these areas must be managed to maximize biodiversity and density of pollinating insects. We used ... -
Sedentary people or short time events? High resolution radiocarbon chronology from a Late Mesolithic dwelling site in Western Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)A Late Mesolithic (LM: 6500–4000 BCE) site with two dwellings and a midden were investigated on the coast of Western Norway. Occupation took place at repeated intervals on this site for nearly 2000 years, and 69 radiocarbon ... -
Selection of territorial habitat in a declining population of Lapland Longspurs Calcarius lapponicus
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The population of Lapland Longspur Calcarius lapponicus has declined drastically in the Scandinavian mountains over the last decades. One hypothesis is that the population decline has been caused by a change in vegetation ... -
Selective feeding on jellyfish organs by northern fulmars Fulmarus glacialis
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Several marine animals prey extensively on jellyfish in spite of the low energy contents of this type of prey. Northern Fulmars Fulmarus glacialis observed in the Barents Sea feeding on medusae of lion’s mane jellies Cyanea ... -
Setting the baseline for the dynamics of siphonophores and hydromedusae in Oslofjorden
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Knowledge of the spatio-temporal dynamics of hydromedusae and siphonophores is scarce despite their key role as predators. In the temperate inlet of Oslofjorden, studies dealing with these organisms are limited to a few ... -
Sexual dimorphism and phylogenetic position of Chilodendron (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) – a long isolated lineage endemic to Madagascar
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Chilodendron Schedl, 1953 is resurrected as a valid genus based on Chilodendron planicolle Schedl, 1953. This is the only representative of the tribe Hylesinini Erichson, 1836 found on Madagascar and a molecular phylogenetic ... -
Shrimps of the genus Periclimenes (Crustacea, Decapoda, Palaemonidae) associated with mushroom corals (Scleractinia, Fungiidae): Linking DNA barcodes to morphology
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Most marine palaemonid shrimp species live in symbiosis with invertebrates of various phyla. These associations range from weak epibiosis to obligatory endosymbiosis and from restricted commensalism to semi-parasitism. On ... -
Sikringsgraving av gravrøys og avgrensa undersøking av to tufter
(Arkeologiske utgravingsrapporter fra Fornminneseksjonen;10-2020, Research report, 2020-10-23)I september 2019 vart det gjennomført ei arkeologisk sikringsundersøking av Askeladden id. 229556 på Giskegjerdet i Giske kommune. Undersøkinga var finansiert gjennom post 70-midlar frå Riksantikvaren. Hovudformålet med ... -
Sikringsundersøkelse av dyrkningslokaliteter nær vikingplassen Bjørkum
(Arkeologiske utgravingsrapporter fra Fornminneseksjonen;1-2021, Research report, 2021-01-14)Denne rapporten omhandler de arkeologiske undersøkelsene som foregikk i mai 2019 av Askeladden lokalitetene id 248364, 248366 og 248367 som ligger langs Lærdalselvi på Bjørkum Søre gbnr 4/1, i Lærdal kommune, Vestland ... -
Sikringsundersøkelse i erosjonssonen ved Kvevatn. Funn av to lokaliteter fra steinalder på høgfjellet i Lærdal k.
(Arkeologiske utgravingsrapporter fra Fornminneseksjonen;12-2018, Research report, 2018)I forbindelse med en midlertidig neddemming av det regulerte vannet Kvevatn (1473 m.o.h.) i Lærdal k. ble det gjennomført arkeologisk feltarbeid finansiert av Miljøverndirektoratets sikringsmidler (post 70). Arbeidet ble ... -
Sikringsundersøkelser ved fonner og fangstanlegg i Fjord kommune 2019. Storfjellbreen, Litlehornet, Krynkelen og Bjorstadfjellet. Askeladden ID: ID 238090, ID 2380905, ID 242365, ID 237767, ID180675 mfl.
(Arkeologiske utgravingsrapporter fra Fornminneseksjonen;14/2020, Research report, 2020-11) -
Simultaneous barcode sequencing of diverse museum collection specimens using a mixed RNA bait set
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)A growing number of publications presenting results from sequencing natural history collection specimens reflect the importance of DNA sequence information from such samples. Ancient DNA extraction and library preparation ... -
Situasjonsrapport fra Øvre Kvemma prosjektet, med fokus på flerfaset lokalitet 1, Askeladden id 270505
(Arkeologiske utgravingsrapporter fra Fornminneseksjonen;19-2021, Research report, 2021-11-10)Fornminneseksjonen ved Universitetsmuseet i Bergen har i oktober 2021 utført arkeologiske undersøkelser på Øvre Kvamme gnr/bnr 67/1 i Lærdal kommune av Askeladden id 270505, 270508 og 270516. Ved granskingene av id 270505 ... -
Size variation in mid-Holocene North Atlantic Puffins indicates a dynamic response to climate change
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021-02-24)Seabirds are one of the most at-risk groups, with many species in decline. In Scandinavia, seabirds are at a heightened risk of extinction due to accelerated global warming. Norway is home to significant portion of the ... -
Skipavika Næringspark - undersøkelse av askeladdenID 232483
(Arkeologiske utgravingsrapporter fra Fornminneseksjonen;2-2021, Research report, 2021-02-12)Bakgrunnen for undersøkelsen var Skipavika Næringspark AS sin plan om å utvide Skipavika Næringspark og detaljregulere nytt areal til industri-og næringsformål. I perioden 23.-27. oktober 2017 utførte Sogn og Fjordane ... -
Skipping-type migration in a small Arctic wader, the Temminck's stint Calidris temminckii
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-03)By using morphometric data and geolocator tracking we investigated fuel loads and spatio-temporal patterns of migration and non-breeding in Temminck's stints Calidris temminckii. Body masses in stints captured at autumn ... -
The smallest known species of Afrotropical Scolytoplatypus Schaufuss (Curculionidae, Scolytinae) - with unique features and an isolated phylogenetic position
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-04-10)Recent flight intercept trapping in Gabon provided four female specimens of a new species of Scolytoplatypus Schaufuss with several unusual features. It is the smallest known Afrotropical species found to date (1.6 mm ...