Browsing Department of Linguistics, Literary and Aestetic Studies by Subject "711509"
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Ad notandum, inveniendum, memorandum: Funksjonen av Notamonogrammer i et Cistercienser-manuskript fra sent 1100-tall
(Master thesis, 2016-05-25)The subject of my Master thesis is the function of Nota-signs in the margins of a late 12th century manuscript, Ms.28, owned by the Library of the University of Bergen. The signs in question are 107 monograms of the word ... -
Greske aspekter ved Plinius den eldre: Et studium av romersk encyklopedisme, tospråklighet og legelatinske gresismer
(Master thesis, 2017-12-09)The influence of Greek language and culture on the Roman world is difficult to underestimate, and the use of Greek borrowings into the Latin language was extensive in works of both poetry and prose. The results of this can ... -
Teleological sentiments from Saint Augustine's De Civitate Dei contra Paganos and the extra- inter- and subtextual potentiality of appeal to its pagan aristocratic reader
(Master thesis, 2013-11-19)This Master's thesis demonstrates a plurality of textual rapports between a pagan aristocratic reader, imposed as a straw man, and Saint Augustine of Hippo's text of De Civitate Dei contra Paganos. It frequently uses ... -
Titus Labienus: Fra Homo Novus til Homo Militaris
(Master thesis, 2009-11-18)Denne oppgaven tar for seg Titus Labienus og hans karriere. Labienus er mest kjent for sin skifte av allianse før borgerkrigen mellom Caesar og Pompeius. I oppgaven vises det gjennom en mikrohistorisk fremstilling hvordan ... -
When Galba was still alive: A comparative study of Tacitean vocabulary and language
(Master thesis, 2013-05-12)This thesis explores a particular Tacitean phrase, which occurs twice in his corpus. I argue that this phrase is intentionally ambiguous and reflects Tacitus' clever use of heightened rhetoric. "Incolumi adhuc Galba" occurs ...