Browsing The Grieg Academy – Department of Music by Document Types "Doctoral thesis"
Now showing items 1-16 of 16
Being with friends and having fun! : Music therapy with refugee children in a Norwegian primary school context
(Doctoral thesis, 2024-06-11)Flyktningbarn kan være utsett for svært belastande livsomstende, og helse og utvikling er i stor grad avhengig av trivsel og livskvalitet i landet dei reetablerer seg i. Skulen er ein viktig utviklingskontekst, men forsking ... -
Between instrument and everyday sound
(Doctoral thesis, 2014-03-24)The aim of the project is to explore multidimentional, amorphous and vague expressions arising when many aspects of the music are given more independent roles than in traditional musical writing styles. What interests me ... -
Fornuft og kjensle – å framføre musikk av Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach
(Doctoral thesis, 2018-02-09)Dette er refleksjonen i Ingrid E. Hagen sitt kunststipendiatarbeid. Med utgangspunkt i mitt personlege møte med Emanuel Bach (1714–'88) sin musikk og hans idear om musikalsk empati har eg utforska formidlinga til publikum, ... -
Glocalizing Catholicism Through Musical Performance: Kampala Archdiocesan Post-Primary Schools Music Festivals
(Doctoral thesis, 2012-01-27)This study examines the extent to which musical performances in the Kampala Archdiocesan Post Primary Schools Music Festivals serve both global and local interests of the Catholic Church. Considering music making as essential ... -
The groove of recovery: A qualitative study of how people diagnosed with psychosis experience music therapy
(Doctoral thesis, 2014-11-25)An understanding of recovery as a personal and social process has emerged within mental health systems, and is increasingly shaping international mental health policy and practice. In this critical and user-oriented ... -
How do we understand children's restlessness? A cooperative and reflexive exploration of children's restlessness as a bioecological phenomenon
(Doctoral thesis, 2016)This thesis is a reflexive and cooperative exploration of children’s restlessness as bioecological phenomenon. According to the ecological systems model, development can be understood as the result of interactions between ... -
The importance of fun : Perceptions of music therapy for children at an inpatient unit in mental health care
(Doctoral thesis, 2023-04-14)Barns psykiske helse, trivsel og livskvalitet er i stor grad påvirket av deres omgivelser. Dette er spesielt aktuelt nå da covid-19 pandemien viser seg å ha hatt store konsekvenser for barnas psykiske helse. Barns ... -
Innanfor og utanfor: Rockens rolle innan kriminalomsorg og ettervern
(Doctoral thesis, 2014-10-24) -
Kjønn på spill – kjønn i spill: En studie av ungdomsskoleelevers musisering
(Doctoral thesis, 2013-11-26)This doctoral thesis is an investigation of gender constructions in Norwegian secondary school music education. With the high influence of popular music and band instrumentation in the classroom, the study questions how ... -
Kyrkjemusikkdiskursen. Musikklivet i Den norske kyrkja som diskursiv praksis
(Doctoral thesis, 2005-04-29)The Church Music Discourse. Musical Life in the Church of Norway as Cultural Practice. Church music as contemporary culture Debates about contemporary musical life in the Church of Norway are characterized by tensions ... -
Music therapy following preterm birth : Results from a pragmatic trial evaluating the effects of parental singing on bonding and parent mental health
(Doctoral thesis, 2023-01-20)Bakgrunn Prematur fødsel er et stort globalt helseproblem som rammer både foreldre og barn. Som regel er prematur fødsel en uventet hendelse som medfører mye stress og bekymring for foreldre. Usikkerhet, og frykt for ... -
Musikalske grammatikker : En Wittgenstein-tilnærming til kunnskap i utøvende musikk applisert i tre paradigmatiske casestudier fra ulike sjangrer
(Doctoral thesis, 2021-12-03)In this thesis, perspectives from Wittgenstein's late philosophy are applied to three case studies from different genres in music performance, with the aim of identifying rules governing ways of playing and singing. The ... -
Musikk - Fortelling - Fellesskap. En kvalitativ undersøkelse av ungdommers perspektiver på deltagelse i samfunnsmusikkterapeutisk praksis i barnevernsarbeid
(Doctoral thesis, 2012-03-02)The present work explores how adolescents living under the care of Norwegian child welfare use music in different settings. The study aims to gain knowledge based on how young people describe their use of music in settings ... -
Turkish rap in The Netherlands: Globalization, Diasporic Identity and Cultural Conservatism
(Doctoral thesis, 2011-09-13)This research, first, looks at how rap music and hip-hop culture have become a significant means of imagination of diasporic identity in the Netherlands among Turks in terms of explorations mainly on globalism, multiculturalism ... -
Vokal identitet En diskursteoretisk analyse av profesjonelle sangeres identitetsdannelse
(Doctoral thesis, 2007-12-14)The main focus of the dissertation is identity formation. Three Norwegian professional singers within classical, pop, and jazz music, respectively, have been interviewed about their thoughts on becoming and being singers. ... -
Åpen form – en utvidet utøverrolle
(Doctoral thesis, 2016-02-29)