Nøkkelen til det innelåste? En kvalitativ studie om preferansebasert musikk i demensomsorgen
This master's thesis is a qualitative study focusing on the role of preference-based music in dementia care. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with five music therapists all working with clients with dementia. The goal has been to let each music therapist reflect upon why they use preference-based music and what benefits they have seen using this approach. Through a hermeneutical approach an analysis of the findings was conducted by interpreting the answers from these informants. The findings were contextualized through relevant literature and three main themes were identified: 1) person-centered care, 2) identity and 3) verbalization. The findings from this master's thesis suggest that preference-based music is of crucial significance to the patients in dementia care. Preference-based music seems to be a tool for music therapists to help people with dementia reconnect with their identity and find themselves through music. It may also be a rare opportunity for verbalization and cognitive stimulation.