Relasjonelle øyeblikk - En kvalitativ studie om hvordan relasjon kan oppstå i musikkterapi med mennesker rammet av demens
A qualitative study that examines how relations can be created in music therapy with people with dementia. This is a qualitative study that examines how music therapists experience relationships with people with dementia. What is needed to achieve a relationship, and is it possible to create lasting relationships with patients with a degenerative, cognitive disease? To investigate this, four music therapists with different experience from working in the dementia field in nursing homes has been interviewed. Theory on relations, person-centered care, intersubjectivity, therapeutic alliance from both the field of music therapy and psychology are emphasized as a context for discussion. The findings suggest that security, affirmation and a recognition of the patients plays an important role in accomplishing contact with the patients with dementia. The active role of the music therapist seems to be of importance, and this paper suggest a framework for accomplishing relations with this patient group. A person-centered approach is explored to better understand the elements needed to create relational moment. Respectful involvement from the therapist, security for the patient and contact can lead to relational moments, which is a term that I consider as particularly useful for a theoretical investigation of music therapy in elderly care.