• A faster algorithm for computing c-closure 

      Kvalsøren, Tuva Ulveseth (Master thesis, 2023-06-13)
      Exploiting the structure of graphs is a well-known strategy for solving hard problems on complex graphs. In our studies we consider structural characteristics of social network graphs, in particular ways to exploit the ...
    • Analyzing Solidity smart contracts 

      Nilsen, Sondre Åsemoen (Master thesis, 2022-08-16)
    • Diverting Networks with Odd Paths 

      Simonnes, Steinar (Master thesis, 2024-06-17)
      Problemet Kortest Odde Sti er å finne en sti fra en node til en annen i en graf, der antall kanter i stier må være et oddetall. Selv om problemet virker som kun intet annet enn en kuriøsitet, er verdien i det at mange ...
    • Machine Teaching for Explainable AI: Proof of Concept 

      Håvardstun, Brigt Arve Toppe (Master thesis, 2022-06-21)
      In today’s society, AI and machine learning are becoming more and more relevant. Following this, the field of Explainable AI is becoming of more relevance. The research project ”Machine Teaching for Explainable AI” aims ...
    • Object Tracking Approach for Catch Estimation on Trawl Surveys 

      Liessem, Peter Løkhammer (Master thesis, 2023-06-16)
      In the Norwegian Sea, coordinated multinational surveys are regularly undertaken with the aim of assessing the size and composition of marine life populations - a fundamental practice for ensuring long-term ecological ...
    • Properties of locally checkable vertex partitioning problems in digraphs 

      Daae, Petter (Master thesis, 2022-05-31)
      While, for undirected graphs, locally checkable vertex subset and partitioning problems have been studied extensively, the equivalent directed problems have not received nearly as much attention yet. We take a closer look ...