Faculty of Science and Technology
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Department of Chemistry [557]
Department of Earth Science [1247]
Department of Informatics [1222]
Department of Mathematics [1118]
Geophysical Institute [1418]
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Recent Submissions
Controllability and diffeomorphism groups on manifolds with boundary
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)In this article we consider diffeomorphism groups of manifolds with smooth boundary. We show that the diffeomorphism groups of the manifold and its boundary fit into a short exact sequence which admits local sections. In ... -
Modelling and validation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons emissions from offshore oil production facilities
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The development of numerical models for investigating the risks and impact caused by human activities to the marine environment is important. Herein, the recently developed ChemicalDrift Lagrangian dispersion model was ... -
Adaptive Covariance Hybridization for the Assimilation of SST Observations Within a Coupled Earth System Reanalysis
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Ensemble data assimilation methods, such as the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF), are well suited for climate reanalysis because they feature flow-dependent covariance. However, because Earth System Models are heavy ... -
Modelling the fate and transport of pollutants in the marine environment : Investigations of the emissions from shipping and offshore oil and gas production facilities
(Doctoral thesis, 2025-02-21)Denne avhandlingen beskriver en ny numerisk modell, ChemicalDrift, som er utviklet for å simulere spredning og skjebne av kjemikalier i marine miljøer. Modellens evner blir demonstrert gjennom to casestudier som ser på ... -
Ethical approaches for engaging extended peer communities: Insight into responsible workshopping with citizens
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2025)The United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represent the most ambitious and encompassing global framework for ecological, economic, and social sustainability for our planet to date. However, the relevance of ... -
A Membrane-Assisted Mechanism for the Release of Ceramide from the CERT START Domain
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Ceramide transfer protein CERT is the mediator of nonvesicular transfer of ceramide from the ER to Golgi. In CERT, START is the domain responsible for the binding and transport of ceramide. A wealth of structural data has ... -
The parasitic copepod, Sarcotretes scopeli Jungersen, 1911 castrate its mesopelagic fish host Benthosema glaciale
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The mesopelagic fish Benthosema glaciale [Actinopterygii: Myctophiformes: Myctophidae], abundant in open ocean and deep fjords, is targeted for future exploitation despite existing knowledge gaps on population vital rates. ... -
New symmetries of the two-Higgs-doublet model
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The Two Higgs Doublet Model invariant under the gauge group SU(2) × U(1) is known to have six additional global discrete or continuous symmetries of its scalar sector.We have discovered regions of parameter space of the ... -
Systematic revision of Orbiniidae (Annelida)
(Doctoral thesis, 2025-02-07)Orbiniidae er en mangfoldig gruppe annelider, som omfatter mer enn 200 beskrevne arter gruppert i 20 slekter. Orbiniider er vanlige og rikelig i bløtbunnssamfunn, og utgjør et viktig ledd i bentiske næringskjeder (inkludert ... -
3D Pixel Sensors and the ITkPix Readout Chip for the ATLAS Phase II Upgrade
(Doctoral thesis, 2025-02-14)ATLAS-detektoren, som ligger 100 meter under bakken ved grensen mellom Sveits og Frankrike, måler partikler fra høyenergi-protonkollisjoner akselerert av LHC ved CERN. Partiklene blir først detektert i det innerste systemet ... -
Testing the Limits of Atmospheric Correction over Turbid Norwegian Fjords
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Atmospheric correction, the removal of the atmospheric signal from a satellite image, still poses a challenge over optically complex coastal water. Here, we present the first atmospheric correction validation study performed ... -
The orientation mechanisms of juvenile Atlantic lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) and the role of geomagnetic cues in their migration
(Master thesis, 2024-11-20)The Atlantic lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) is a species that is of both ecological and economic importance, yet its migratory orientation mechanisms are poorly understood. This study investigated whether juvenile lumpfish ... -
Freshwater history influences farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) performance in seawater
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The quality of smolts is one of the key factors for successful salmon production. We compared growth performance, physiological traits, and environmental adaptation in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) after transfer into a ... -
How does a change in climate variability impact the Greenland ice sheet surface mass balance?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Given the long response time of ice sheets, simulations of the Greenland ice sheet typically exceed the availability of input climate data to reliably simulate the fast processes underlying surface mass balance. Strong ... -
A multi-omics approach to Fervidobacterium, a group of thermophilic feather-degrading anaerobes
(Doctoral thesis, 2025-02-14)Keratin er et av de mest tallrike molekylene på jorden og utmerker seg også for sin motstandskraft og holdbarhet. Det er et strukturelt protein som finnes i epidermis hos virveldyr, hovedsakelig involvert i isolasjons- og ... -
Improved Prediction of Pump Performance Through the Rotation–Curvature Correction—An Experimental and Numerical Study of a Low-Specific-Speed Helico-Axial Compression Cell in Series
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2025)Within turbomachines, turbulence production and redistribution are affected by system rotation and streamline curvature. However, the most frequently used turbulence models do not account for these effects. In the present ... -
A line search algorithm for multiphysics problems with fracture deformation
(Journal article, 2024)Models for multiphysics problems often involve significant nonlinearities. When fracture contact mechanics are incorporated, discontinuous derivatives arise at the interfaces between open and closed fractures, or between ... -
Wave measurements using open source ship mounted ultrasonic altimeter and motion correction system during the one ocean circumnavigation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)This study reviews the design and signal processing of ship borne ultrasonic altimeter wave measurements. The system combines a downward facing ultrasonic altimeter to capture the sea surface elevation as a time series, ... -
Comprehensive contact tracing during an outbreak of alpha-variant SARS-CoV-2 in a rural community reveals less viral genomic diversity and higher household secondary attack rates than expected
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Sequencing of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) genomes throughout the COVID-19 pandemic has generated a wealth of data on viral evolution across populations, but only a few studies have so far ... -
Comparing physiological responses of acute and chronically stressed diploid and triploid Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)We compared the performance and physiological response of diploid and triploid Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) following 21 days of either unpredictable chronic stress (UCS) or no disturbance (control). Thereafter, all four ...