Faculty of Science and Technology
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Department of Chemistry [556]
Department of Earth Science [1244]
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Geophysical Institute [1409]
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Recent Submissions
Functional characterisation of salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) labial gland proteins: Implications for host immune modulation and anti-coagulation
(Doctoral thesis, 2025-01-31)Den ektoparasittiske lakselusen, som infesterer laksefisk mens den spiser på vertens slim, hud og blod, utgjør et betydelig problem for oppdrett av atlantisk laks. Nåværende behandlingsstrategier er ikke bærekraftige og ... -
Cell death induced by Lepeophtheirus salmonis labial gland protein 3 in salmonid fish leukocytes: A mechanism for disabling host immune responses
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) is an ectoparasite feeding on mucus, skin, and blood of salmonids. On parasitised fish erosions and, at later lice stages, ulcerations appear at the louse feeding site. In susceptible ... -
Tigecycline-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae strains from sewage in Norway carry heavy-metal resistance genes encoding conjugative plasmids
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Objectives Tigecycline is a last-resort antibiotic used for treatment of infections with carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae. The aim of the study was to understand the genetic mechanism of resistance and the genetic ... -
Biofilter and degasser performance at different alkalinity levels in a brackish water pilot scale recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) for post-smolt Atlantic salmon
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Maintaining pH stability in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) is essential, as it has a direct impact on the toxicity of ammonia, CO2, and other metabolite compounds, as well as the efficiency of critical processes ... -
Fra istidene til storpolitikken-Klima-forskningen ved Institutt for geovitenskap
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Palaeoclimate research at The University of Bergen (UiB) has through the last 50 years been developed into a central research environment in Norwegian and international climate research. As a central element of the Bjerknes ... -
Can machine-learning algorithms improve upon classical palaeoenvironmental reconstruction models?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Classical palaeoenvironmental reconstruction models often incorporate biological ideas and commonly assume that the taxa comprising a fossil assemblage exhibit unimodal response functions of the environmental variable of ... -
Warm Arctic-Cold Eurasia pattern helps predict spring wildfire burned area in West Siberia
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Extreme wildfires have devastating impacts on multiple fronts, and associated carbon greatly heats the earth’s climate. Whether and how to predict wildfires becomes a critical question. In this study, we find that the ... -
Sognefjorden in western Norway – physiography, geomorphology, marine levels and deglaciation history
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The landscape formation along Sognefjorden, Norway’s longest and the world’s second longest fjord, involves tectonic activity, glacial erosion during numerous Quaternary ice ages, and mass movements during interglacials ... -
Spatio-temporal averaging of jets obscures the reinforcement of baroclinicity by latent heating
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Latent heating modifies the jet stream by modifying the vertical geostrophic wind shear, thereby altering the potential for baroclinic development. Hence, correctly representing diabatic effects is important for modelling ... -
Hvilke klimavariabler er viktig for variasjon i diversitet og komposisjon av floraen på fjelltopper i Nord-Norge?
(Master thesis, 2024-11-20)Denne studien undersøker hvordan diversitet og komposisjon av karplanter på fjelltopper i Nord-Norge påvirkes av dagens klimatiske situasjon. Lignende studier har blitt gjennomført tidligere, men gjerne på et mer globalt ... -
Does pollinator-dependency in vascular plants affect the elevational range expansion of species in the northern Scandinavian mountains?
(Master thesis, 2024-11-20)Rising temperatures have led to the number of species increasing on mountain peaks across Europe. A greater increase in species richness leads to more competition for resources on the mountains which threatens local species. ... -
In vitro responses of Northern Elephant Seals (Mirounga angustirostris) endothelial cells to contaminants under hypoxic and high pressure conditions
(Master thesis, 2024-11-27)Northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris), as apex predators in their marine ecosystem, are vital for maintaining ecological balance. These seals are expert divers, frequently reaching depths below 600 meters, where ... -
Aromatic plants in nests of blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus)
(Master thesis, 2024-11-20)Blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) build their nests out of moss and line them with insulating materials such as feathers, fur, and hair. In the southern areas of the species distribution range, blue tits often add aromatic ... -
Hvilken effekt har klimaendringer hatt på økologiske samfunn i alpine områder?
(Master thesis, 2024-11-20)Hensikt: Økende global oppvarming kan skape store konsekvenser for det biologiske mangfoldet. Med økende temperaturer er det observert en økning av termofile arter, og/eller nedgang av kuldetolerante arter i alpine områder. ... -
Effekter av klimaendringer på artskomposisjon av karplanter på fjelltopper i Nord-Norge
(Master thesis, 2024-11-20)Global oppvarming fører til omfattende endringer i strukturen og sammensetningen av plantesamfunn. Særlig utsatt er økosystemer som befinner seg på de kaldeste marginene på jorden, som fjelltopper. Planter i disse områdene ... -
Long-term changes in stratification and convection in the Nordic Seas : An observational perspective
(Doctoral thesis, 2025-01-21)I løpet av de siste tiårene har de Nordiske Hav gjennomgått en endring mot høyere temperatur og lavere tetthet. I Grønlandshavet ble den tyngste vannmassen i de Nordiske Hav dannet gjennom konveksjon som nådde helt til ... -
Does size matter? The importance of size and winter signal for the smoltification of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar, Linnaeus 1758)
(Master thesis, 2024-10-29)In Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) aquaculture, there has been a trend toward producing larger smolt in freshwater (FW) as a way to reduce production time in open net-pens at sea (SW). Earlier, the common way to induce ... -
Geofaglige vurderinger og kvantifisering av stislitasje i daler rundt Jostedalsbreen og i Jostedalsbreen nasjonalpark, Vestland fylke
(Master thesis, 2024-11-20)Det er forventet at det i fremtiden vil bli økt nedbør og høyere temperaturer, i tillegg til at flere turister vil komme til Vestlandet. En økt ferdsel vil kunne gi utfordringer knyttet til å bevare verneverdiene og ... -
Kjemididaktikk. Kompendium for lektorutdanningen
(Book, 2024) -
Simulating surface mass balance for Jostedalsbreen from 1971-2100
(Master thesis, 2024-11-20)