Master theses
Recent Submissions
Testing of Chemical Vapor Deposition Lab-Grown Diamonds
(Master thesis, 2024-11-20)Over the last years, Dr. Justas Zalieckas has led research at the nanophysics group at IFT, developing novel CVD diamond growth technology for a range of applications. One of the target areas has been the production of ... -
Improved wake recovery - A comparison of flow measurements behind modified single-rotor and multi-rotor wind turbines
(Master thesis, 2024-11-20)Several measures are currently being researched to optimize energy efficiency and decrease energy production costs of offshore wind farms. This thesis narrows in on the wind turbine wake, which is a stream of turbulent ... -
Programmering for læring i fysikkfaget
(Master thesis, 2024-08-21)Med de nye læreplanene har programmering kommet inn for fullt i norsk skole. I fysikk skal programmering i utgangspunktet brukes som et middel for læring i faget. Dette, samt egen interesse for programmering, førte til at ... -
Nanofabrication and simulation of nanogratings for geometric induced doping in photovoltaic application
(Master thesis, 2024-08-01)Geometrisk indusert doping, som et nytt alternativ til tradisjonelle ione dopings metoder for produksjon av silisium baserte solceller, blir utforsket i denne avhandlingen, noe som kan forbedre solcellenes levetid og ... -
Biological Effectiveness of Intensity-Modulated Proton Therapy and Proton Arc Therapy
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Purpose: Proton therapy offers precise tumor targeting with minimal radiation to healthy tissue, making it especially valuable for treating pediatric patients with brain tumors. Proton Arc Therapy (PAT) takes this a step ... -
Searching for a Downward Birkeland Current Associated with the Sunlight Terminator
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)In space physics the relationship between the Sun and its effects on the space around Earth is studied. The magnetosphere, where the geomagnetic field dominates, is constantly interacting with the solar wind and interplanetary ... -
The design of ground support equipment for ORION-BE ASICs and detector modules for the THESUS mission
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03) -
Statistical investigation of the Auroral oval boundaries using IMAGE WIC
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)The aurora is a visible effect of Earth’s coupling to the Sun, it appears in an approximate oval form over the magnetic poles. The aurora moves to lower latitudes as the geomagnetic activity increases, and the poleward ... -
Kritisk tenkning i elevdialoger knyttet til oppgavesituasjoner i Fysikk 1
(Master thesis, 2024-06-17)Med utgangspunktet i Bailin og Battersbys (2016) beskrivelse av kritisk tenkning som dyder ved argumentering, og med innslag fra Facione (1990) og Dewey (2011), undersøker denne empiriske studien hvordan kritisk tenkning ... -
A physics-based approach to wind turbine SCADA data analysis and power curve outlier explanation
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)In a world where the energy demands only increase, new forms of renewable energy are critical. Amidst the need for new forms of energy, offshore wind energy is a growing industry with promising results. Although it is a ... -
Experimental Study on Flow Interruption by Cyclopentane Hydrates-in-Water
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)This work investigates the flow behaviour and plugging potential of cyclopentane hydrates within a dynamic flow loop system, focusing on the effects of different hydrate volume fractions. The primary objective was to ... -
Developing a Modular Uncertainty Calculation Tool for Hydrogen Refueling Stations
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)The rapidly expanding hydrogen industry has highlighted the need for reliable metrology to ensure accurate fiscal measurements throughout its supply chain. Despite advancements, significant measurement challenges have been ... -
The Open Porous Media Flow reservoir simulator for Undeground Hydrogen Storage: Validation and Scenario Analysis
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03) -
Theoretical Modeling of pH-Sensitive Spontaneous Decay of Carbon Dots in Solution
(Master thesis, 2024-05-03)Since many biological and chemical processes strongly depend on pH, its precise detection is essential for a wide range of applications. Due to their distinct luminescence characteristics, carbon quantum dots, or CDs, have ... -
Design and Integration of the Power System for the pCT project
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)The ProtonCT project is a collaborative effort spearheaded by the University of Bergen. It aims to develop a novel CT machine that uses protons instead of photons. This will increase the accuracy of measuring the relative ... -
Biological optimization of proton therapy based on repeated PET imaging
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Background and aim: Proton therapy has the potential to deliver dose in a more precise way than traditional photon therapy, which allows for increased sparing of organs at risk (OAR). The aim of this thesis is to determine ... -
Optimisation of multi-rotor wind turbine configurations for maximum performance
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03) -
A Cylindrical Cavity Resonator System for Characterisation of Hydrogen Gas
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03) -
Assessment of turbulence measurement methods for ADCP integration
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Previous studies on methods for measuring turbulence in the ocean using an acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) are characterized by applying the methods to data sets in the post-processing stage. This thesis explores ... -
Hydrodynamic Modeling of a Catenary-Moored Floating Offshore Wind Turbine using the Moving Frame Method.
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Floating offshore wind turbines are seen as vital to harnessing the greater power potential of higher wind speeds offshore, in deep water. Since offshore turbines are coupled with mooring lines, an advanced model of mooring ...