Den betydningsfulle tilknytningen - En kvalitativ dokumentanalyse av fylkesnemndsvedtak om omsorgsovertakelse av små barn henhold til §4-12
Formålet med denne studien er å undersøke hva tilknytning betyr i vurdering av omsorgsovertakelse og hvilke vurderinger som gjøres i forbindelse med eventuell skade ved brudd i barnets relasjon til nære andre. Denne studien kan bidra til økt kunnskap omkring tema tilknytningens betydning i saker om omsorgsovertakelse jf. barnevernloven §4-12, for små barn. Metoden som er benyttet i denne studien er kvalitativ dokumentanalyse på et utvalg av 14 vedtak om omsorgsovertakelse i henhold til §4-12 fra Fylkesnemnda for barnevern og sosiale saker, hvor fylkesnemndas slutninger er fokus for analyse. Analytisk tilnærming for studien er tematisk analyse. Studiens funn viser et vesentlig fokus på tilknytning eller tilknytningsrelaterte begreper i de fleste av studiens slutninger. Tilknytning fremkommer i stor grad i sammenheng med barnets omsorgs-og utviklingsbehov som også er tildelt vesentlig plass i vurderingene. Videre viser funnene at det i liten grad foreligger problematisering i forhold skade ved brudd i relasjon til nære andre, og særlig brudd med biologiske foreldre er gitt liten plass fylkesnemndas vurderinger i denne studien. Disse funnene kan bidra til økt bevissthet knyttet til tilknytningens betydning i saker om omsorgsovertakelse og en indikasjon på hvilke vurderinger som i dag gjøres i forbindelse med brudd i relasjon mellom små barn og nære andre. The study´s purpose is to investigate how attachment is understood by the Norwegian county social welfare board in cases of care-order and furthermore how potential damage of removal from close relations is emphasized in these decisions. The study can contribute to increased knowledge about the subject of attachment in cases of care-order. The methodical approach for this study is qualitative document analysis on a selection of 14 decisions made by the Norwegian county social welfare board. Thematic analysis is the chosen method for analysis. The study shows a considerable focus on attachment or attachment related terms in most of the decicions in the study. The children´s developmental needs are also an important part of the decisions which is closely linked with attachment in the judgements which leads to the decision of care-order. Furthermore, the study finds that potential damage from removal from the child´s significant others is given little space in the decisions, especially when it comes to biological parents. These findings can increase the awareness about the meaning and use of attachment in decisions of care order, and present an indication of which considerations that are made in decisions about care order for the youngest children today. The study´s purpose is to investigate how attachment is understood by the Norwegian county social welfare board in cases of care-order and furthermore how potential damage of removal from close relations is emphasized in these decisions. The study can contribute to increased knowledge about the subject of attachment in cases of care-order. The methodical approach for this study is qualitative document analysis on a selection of 14 decisions made by the Norwegian county social welfare board. Thematic analysis is the chosen method for analysis. The study shows a considerable focus on attachment or attachment related terms in most of the decicions in the study. The children´s developmental needs are also an important part of the decisions which is closely linked with attachment in the judgements which leads to the decision of care-order. Furthermore, the study finds that potential damage from removal from the child´s significant others is given little space in the decisions, especially when it comes to biological parents. These findings can increase the awareness about the meaning and use of attachment in decisions of care order, and present an indication of which considerations that are made in decisions about care order for the youngest children today. Keywords: Attachment, care order, decision, child welfare, The Norwegian county social welfare board, document analysis