Prosthetic rehabilitation of the edentulous. A randomized controlled trial comparing implant-retained mandibular overdentures and conventionally relined mandibular dentures
Purpose: To investigate variables associated with satisfaction and self-perceived oral health among complete denture wearers. Subsequently, to assess the effect of two treatment modalities on masticatory ability, diet, self-perceived oral health and quality of life among denture wearers dissatisfied with their mandibular denture. Materials & Methods: Patients treated with one or two complete dentures at the dental clinic, University of Bergen, were invited to an appointment to assess variables associated with satisfaction with their dentures and oral health. Of the 272 listed patients 176 responded and finally 172 constituted the study sample. Of these 16 were recruited to the RCT, a further 44 were recruited by advertisement in the Bergen area, compiling a study sample for the RCT of 60 participants. The RCT compared treatment of the mandibular denture with either conventionally relining or implant-retaining the denture. Results: Most complete denture wearers (79%) reported satisfaction with their dentures as well as good or excellent oral health (65%). Denture wearers dissatisfied with their mandibular denture and who then got it turned into an implant-retained overdenture reported significantly improved chewing ability and less food avoidance, improved oral health and oral health related quality of life, persisting two years after treatment. However, dietary habits, nutrient intake, health related quality of life or overall quality of life did not change. Conclusions: The modality of implant-retaining the mandibular denture in dissatisfied denture wearers significantly improves denture function and quality of life aspects related to this.
Has parts
Paper I: Gjengedal, Harald, Berg, Einar, Bøe, Olav E. & Trovik, Tordis A. (2011) Self- Reported Oral Health and Denture Satisfaction in Partially and Completely Edentulous Patients. International Journal of Prosthodontics 24(1): 9-15, February 2011. Full text not available in BORA due to publisher restrictions. The article is available at: II: Gjengedal, Harald, Dahl, Lisbeth, Lavik, Ågot, Trovik, Tordis A., Bøe, Olav E., Berg, Einar & Malde, Marian K. (2012) Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Dietary Intake in Patients with Implant-Retained Overdentures and Conventionally Relined Dentures. International Journal of Prosthodontics 25(4): 340-347, August 2012. Full text not available in BORA due to publisher restrictions. The article is available at:
Paper III: Gjengedal, Harald, Berg, Einar, Grønningsæter, Arne G., Dahl, Lisbeth, Malde, Marian K., Bøe, Olav E. & Trovik, Tordis A. (2013) The influence on healthrelated quality of life of relining or implant retaining existing mandibular dentures. A two-year follow-up randomized clinical study of dissatisfied edentulous patients. International journal of prosthodontics 26(1): 68-78, January 2013. Full text not available in BORA due to publisher restrictions. The article is available at: