Browsing Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences by Issue Date
Now showing items 21-40 of 10303
Perturbation about neutral solutions occurring in shear flows in stratified, incompressible and inviscid fluids.
(Department of Applied Mathematics report, Research report, 1973-06) -
On the mass transport induced by time-dependent oscillations of finite amplitude in a nonhomogeneous fluid. II: General results for a liquid
(Department of Applied Mathematics report, Research report, 1973-08) -
The effects of trapped and untrapped particles on an electrostatic wave packet
(Department of Applied Mathematics report, Research report, 1973-12) -
Isavsmeltinga i Eksingedalen og områda omkring
(Master thesis, 1974) -
Kvartærstratigrafiske undersøkelser i Os, Hordaland
(Master thesis, 1974) -
The propagation of discontinuities for linear hyperbolic partial differential equations
(Department of Applied Mathematics report, Research report, 1974-08) -
An algorithm for internal morging of two subsets with small extra storage requirements.
(Department of Applied Mathematics report;50, Research report, 1974-09) -
Mass transport induced by wave motion in a rotating fluid
(Department of Applied Mathematics report, Research report, 1974-10) -
A random exchange model with constant decrements.
(Department of Applied Mathematics report, Research report, 1974-12) -
Isavsmelting og postglaciale flaumskredvifter i Arna, Hordaland
(Master thesis, 1975) -
On stability in ideal compressible hydrodynamics
(Department of Applied Mathematics report, Research report, 1975-05) -
A Note on the Stability of Steady Inviscid Helical Gas Flows
(Department of Applied Mathematics report, Research report, 1976-01) -
Corrections to Classical Kinetic and Transport Theory for a Two-Temperature, Fully lonized Plasma in Electromagnetic Fields
(Department of Applied Mathematics report, Research report, 1977-06) -
Koprofile discomycetar (Ascomycetes : Discomycetes operculati = Pezizales) i Noreg : med særleg vekt på innsamling i Hordaland og Sogn og Fjordane
(Master thesis, 1978)Det er tilsaman omtala 51 koprofile discomycet-arter fordelt på 15 slekter i denne oppgåva. Av desse er 3 slekter nye for Noreg: Ascodesmis, Ascozonus og Coprotus. Dessutan er fylgjande 26 arter funne nye for Noreg: Ascobolus ... -
Kinetic Equation for an Electron Gas (Non-Neutral Plasma) in Strong Fields and Inhomogenities
(Department of Applied Mathematics report, Research report, 1978-06) -
Deglasiasjonsforløpet i Samnanger og Kvam, Hordaland
(Master thesis, 1979) -
Jordartskartlegging, glasialgeologi og kvartær stratigrafi på Stad og Vågsøy, Ytre Nordfjord
(Master thesis, 1979) -
Some Computing Aspects of Projective Geometry I. Basic functions, algorithms and procedures.
(Department of Pure Mathematics report no. 16, Research report, 1980-09) -
A numerical study of algebraic space curves.
(Department of Pure Mathematics report no. 19, Research report, 1981-12)