• The Effect of Femtosecond Laser Irradiation and Plasmon Field on the Degree of Conversion of a UDMA-TEGDMA Copolymer Nanocomposite Doped with Gold Nanorods 

      Bonyár, Attila; Szalóki, Melinda; Borók, Alexandra; Rigó, István; Kámán, Judit; Zangana, Shereen; Veres, Miklós; Rácz, Péter; Aladi, Márk; Kedves, Miklós Ákos; Szokol, Ágnes; Petrik, Péter; Fogarassy, Zsolt; Molnár, Kolos; Csete, Mária; Szenes, András; Tóth, Emese; Vas, Dávid; Papp, Istvan; Galbács, Gábor; Csernai, László Pál; Biró, Tamás S.; Kroó, Norbert; Collaboration, N.A.P.L.I.F.E. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      In this work, the effects of femtosecond laser irradiation and doping with plasmonic gold nanorods on the degree of conversion (DC) of a urethane dimethacrylate (UDMA)–triethylene glycol dimethacrylate (TEGDMA) nanocomposite ...
    • Kinetic model of resonant nanoantennas in polymer for laser induced fusion 

      Papp, Istvan; Bravina, Larissa; Csete, Mária; Kumari, Archana; Mishustin, Igor N.; Motornenko, Anton; Rácz, Péter; Satarov, Leonid M.; Stöcker, Horst; Strottman, Daniel D:; Szenes, András; Vass, Dávid; Szokol, Ágnes Nagyné; Kámán, Judit; Bonyár, Attila; Biró, Tamás S.; Csernai, László Pál; Kroó, Norbert (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Studies of resilience of light-resonant nanoantennas in vacuum are extended to consider the case of polymer embedding. This modifies the nanoantenna’s lifetime and resonant laser pulse energy absorption. The effective ...
    • Plasmonic nanoresonator distributions for uniform energy deposition in active targets 

      Vass, Dávid; Szenes, András; Tóth, Emese; Bánhelyi, Balázs; Papp, Istvan; Bíró, Tamás; Csernai, László Pál; Kroó, Norbert; Csete, Mária (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Active targets implanted with core-shell-composition (CS) and nanorod-shaped (NR) plasmonic nanoresonators and doped with dyes were designed to ensure uniform energy deposition during illumination by two-counter propagating ...
    • With Nanoplasmonics towards Fusion 

      Biró, Tamás Sándor; Kroó, Norbert; Csernai, László Pál; Veres, Miklós; Aladi, Márk; Papp, Istvan; Kedves, Miklós Ákos; Kámán, Judit; Szokol, Ágnes Nagyné; Holomb, Roman; Rigó, István; Bonyár, Attila; Borók, Alexandra; Zangana, Shireen; Kovács, Rebeka; Tarpataki, Nóra; Csete, Mária; Szenes, András; Vass, Dávid; Tóth, Emese; Galbács, Gábor; Szalóki, Melinda (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      A status report is presented about the Nanoplasmonic Laser Induced Fusion Experiment (NAPLIFE). The goal is to investigate and verify plasmonically enhanced phenomena on the surfaces of nanoantennas embedded in a polymer ...