• Bioimage analysis workflows: community resources to navigate through a complex ecosystem [version 1; peer review: 2 approved] 

      Paul-Gilloteaux, Perrine; Tosi, Sébastien; Hériche, Jean-Karim; Gaignard, Alban; Ménager, Hervé; Marée, Raphaël; Baecker, Volker; Klemm, Anna; Kalaš, Matúš; Zhang, Chong; Miura, Kota; Colombelli, Julien (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Workflows are the keystone of bioimage analysis, and the NEUBIAS (Network of European BioImage AnalystS) community is trying to gather the actors of this field and organize the information around them. One of its most ...
    • EDAM-bioimaging: the ontology of bioimage informatics operations, topics, data, and formats (update 2020) 

      Kalaš, Matúš; Plantard, Laure; Lindblad, Joakim; Jones, Martin; Sladoje, Nataša; Kirschmann, Moritz A.; Chessel, Anatole; Scholz, Leandro; Rössler, Fabianne; Nicolás Sáenz, Laura; Gómez de Mariscal, Estibaliz; Bogovic, John; Dufour, Alexandre; Heiligenstein, Xavier; Waithe, Dominic; Domart, Marie-Charlotte; Karreman, Matthia; Van de Plas, Raf; Haase, Robert; Hörl, David; Paavolainen, Lassi; Vrhovac Madunić, Ivana; Karaica, Dean; Muñoz-Barrutia, Arrate; Sampaio, Paula; Sage, Daniel; Munck, Sebastian; Golani, Ofra; Moore, Josh; Levet, Florian; Ison, Jon; Gaignard, Alban; Ménager, Hervé; Zhang, Chong; Miura, Kota; Colombelli, Julien; Paul-Gilloteaux, Perrine (Others, 2020)
      EDAM is a well-established ontology of operations, topics, types of data, and data formats that are used in bioinformatics and its neighbouring fields [1,2] . EDAM-bioimaging is an extension of EDAM dedicated to bioimage ...
    • EDAM: the bioscientific data analysis ontology (update 2021) [version 1; not peer reviewed] 

      Black, Melissa; Lamothe, Lucie; Eldakroury, Hager; Kierkegaard, Mads; Priya, Ankita; Machinda, Anne; Singh Khanduja, Uttam; Patoliya, Drashti; Rathi, Rashika; Che Nico, Tawah Peggy; Umutesi, Gloria; Blankenburg, Claudia; Op, Anita; Chieke, Precious; Babatunde, Omodolapo; Laurie, Steve; Neumann, Steffen; Schwämmle, Veit; Kuzmin, Ivan; Hunter, Chris; Karr, Jonathan; Ison, Jon; Gaignard, Alban; Brancotte, Bryan; Ménager, Hervé; Kalaš, Matúš (Others, 2021)
      EDAM [1] is a domain ontology of data analysis and data management in bio- and other sciences, and science-based applications. It comprises concepts related to analysis, modelling, optimisation, and data life-cycle. ...
    • EDAM: the ontology of bioinformatics operations, topics, data, and formats (update 2020) 

      Kalaš, Matúš; Ménager, Hervé; Gaignard, Alban; Schwämmle, Veit; Ison, Jon (Others, 2020)
      Project website: http://edamontology.org Source code: https://github.com/edamontology/edamontology License: CC BY-SA 4.0 EDAM is an ontology of well-established, familiar concepts that are prevalent within bioinformatics, ...
    • The ELIXIR Biodiversity Community: Understanding short- and long-term changes in biodiversity 

      Waterhouse, Robert M.; Adam-Blondon, Anne-Françoise; Balech, Bachir; Barta, Endre; Ying Shi Chua, Physilia; Di Cola, Valeria; Heil, Katharina F.; Hughes, Graham M.; Jermiin, Lars S.; Kalaš, Matúš; Lanfear, Jerry; Pafilis, Evangelos; Palagi, Patricia M.; Papageorgiou, Aristotelis C.; Paupério, Joana; Psomopoulos, Fotis; Raes, Niels; Burgin, Josephine; Gabaldón, Toni (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Biodiversity loss is now recognised as one of the major challenges for humankind to address over the next few decades. Unless major actions are taken, the sixth mass extinction will lead to catastrophic effects on the ...
    • Norwegian e-Infrastructure for Life Sciences (NeLS) 

      Tekle, Kidane M; Gundersen, Sveinung; Klepper, Kjetil; Bongo, Lars Ailo; Raknes, Inge Alexander; Li, Xiaxi; Zhang, Wei; Andreetta, Christian; Mulugeta, Teshome Dagne; Kalaš, Matúš; Rye, Morten Beck; Hjerde, Erik; Antony Samy, Jeevan Karloss; Fornous, Ghislain; Azab, Abdulrahman; Våge, Dag Inge; Hovig, Eivind; Willassen, Nils Peder; Drabløs, Finn; Nygård, Ståle; Petersen, Kjell; Jonassen, Inge (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)
      The Norwegian e-Infrastructure for Life Sciences (NeLS) has been developed by ELIXIR Norway to provide its users with a system enabling data storage, sharing, and analysis in a project-oriented fashion. The system is ...
    • Perspectives on automated composition of workflows in the life sciences [version 1; peer review: 2 approved] 

      Lamprecht, Anna-Lena; Palmblad, Magnus; Ison, Jon; Schwämmle, Veit; Al Manir, Mohammad Sadnan; Altintas, Ilkay; Baker, Christopher J. O.; Ben Hadj Amor, Ammar; Capella-Gutierrez, Salvador; Charonyktakis, Paulos; Crusoe, Michael R.; Gil, Yolanda; Goble, Carole; Griffin, Timothy J.; Groth, Paul; Ienasescu, Hans; Jagtap, Pratik; Kalaš, Matúš; Kasalica, Vedran; Khanteymoori, Alireza; Kuhn, Tobias; Mei, Hailiang; Ménager, Hervé; Möller, Steffen; Richardson, Robin A.; Robert, Vincent; Soiland-Reyes, Stian; Stevens, Robert; Szaniszlo, Szoke; Verberne, Suzan; Verhoeven, Aswin; Wolstencroft, Katherine (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Scientific data analyses often combine several computational tools in automated pipelines, or workflows. Thousands of such workflows have been used in the life sciences, though their composition has remained a cumbersome ...