Blar i Faculty of Science and Technology på tidsskrift "Limnology and Oceanography"
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Biological transformation of Arctic dissolved organic matter in a NE Greenland fjord
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-12-07)Arctic waters are often enriched with terrestrial dissolved organic matter (DOM) characterized by having elevated visible wavelength fluorescence (commonly termed humic-like). Here, we have identified the sources of ... -
Caught in broad daylight: Topographic constraints of zooplankton depth distributions
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-05)For visual predators, sufficient light is critical for prey detection and capture. Because light decays exponentially with depth in aquatic systems, vertical movement has become a widespread strategy among zooplankton for ... -
Model of mesopelagic fish predation on eggs and larvae shows benefits of tuna spawning under full moon
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Most mesopelagic fish are small planktivores that migrate up at nightfall to feed in the safety of darkness and descend to depth at dawn to escape visual predators. However, the trophic roles can reverse since mesopelagic ... -
Removal of large viruses and their dispersal through fecal pellets of the appendicularian Oikopleura dioica during Emiliania huxleyi bloom conditions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Despite their importance in shaping the structure and function of marine microbial food webs, little is known about factors regulating marine virus abundance. Previous work demonstrated clearance of laboratory-cultured ... -
Reproducing the virus-to-copepod link in Arctic mesocosms using host fitness optimization.
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)By shunting material out of the predatory pathway toward detritus and dissolved material, viruses are believed to have an important impact on biogeochemical functions of the pelagic microbial food web. To include viruses ... -
Seasonal and diel variation in greenhouse gas emissions from an urbanpond and its major drivers
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-09)Small water systems are important hotspots of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission, but estimates are poorly constrained as data are scarce. Small ponds are often constructed in urban areas, where they receive large amounts of ... -
Spawning site distribution of a bluefin tuna reduces jellyfish predation on early life stages
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Bluefin tunas across the world migrate long distances to spawn in particularly warm and oligotrophic areas constrained by oceanographic fronts. The low abundance of predators in these areas increases survival chances of ... -
Sub-surface maxima in buoyant fish eggs indicate vertical velocity shear and spatially limited spawning grounds
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Observed vertical profiles of buoyant particles, in this case pelagic Northeast Arctic cod eggs, occasionally deviate from the vertical diffusion-buoyancy balance by displaying sub-surface maxima. Here we present a mechanism ... -
Subsurface maxima in buoyant fish eggs indicate vertical velocity shearand spatially limited spawning grounds
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-05)Observed vertical profiles of buoyant particles, in this case pelagic Northeast Arctic (NEA) cod eggs, occasionally deviate from the vertical diffusion‐buoyancy balance by displaying subsurface maxima. Here, we present a ... -
Visual predation risk and spatial distributions of large Arctic copepods along gradients of sea ice and bottom depth
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Changes in the community size structure of Arctic copepods toward smaller and less fat individuals or species have been linked to environmental changes. The underpinning mechanisms are, however, poorly understood. We use ... -
What we do in the dark: Prevalence of omnivorous feeding activity in Arctic zooplankton during polar night
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)During the productive polar day, zooplankton and sea-ice amphipods fulfill a critical role in energy transfer from primary producers to higher trophic-level species in Arctic marine ecosystems. Recent polar night studies ...