Browsing Geophysical Institute by Subject "752903"
Now showing items 1-20 of 52
3D mechanical and thermal analysis of an Aluminium piston for a high-speed Diesel laboratory engine
(Master thesis, 2018-06-22)A cast aluminium piston of a single cylinder Petter Diesel engine is modelled using the finite element method. The engine is intended to be supercharged, which will increase the thermal loading on the piston, and so the ... -
A POD-Based Reduced Order Model for Offshore Wind Applications, using LiDAR Measurements and WRF-PALM Simulations
(Master thesis, 2022-06-03)Wind flow fields within a wind farm, including wake dynamics, are a complex system of large degrees of freedom. The wake shape and velocity deficit downstream of a turbine may be calculated using numerical modeling, such ... -
Akvakultur og små vindturbinar: Eit moglegheitsstudie av i kva grad små vindturbinar kan dekkje energiforbruket ved norske oppdrettsanlegg
(Master thesis, 2018-06-21)The world’s population is growing rapidly, and it will become necessary, to a greater extent, to use the ocean for harvesting food. Norway is the largest exporter of salmon in the world. Prognosis says that aquaculture in ... -
An Investigation of the Optical Properties of Metal Nanoparticles for the Application in a Diffuse Light Solar Cell
(Master thesis, 2020-06-25)The need of renewable energy is increasing as the global energy demand increases concurrently with greenhouse gas emissions from energy use. According to the International Energy Agency, the energy demand will rise by 1.3 ... -
Analyse av energi, eksergi og eksergoøkonomi for en stempelmotorbasert CHP-enhet kombinert med en organisk Rankine-syklus (ORC)
(Master thesis, 2015-08-17)Waste heat recovery is a concept that is relevant for reducing consumption and emissions from thermal machinery. Waste heat recovery can performed in two ways: by Combined Heat and Power production (CHP) or Waste Heat ... -
Analyses of the potential role of hydrogen for Norway in the transition to a zero-emission society
(Master thesis, 2017-06-23)The objective of this thesis is to analyze the potential role of hydrogen for Norway in the transition to a zero-emission society. The main sector of focus is the transport sector. Here, socioeconomic analyses are carried ... -
Avansert styringssystem for optimalisering av energilagring i distribusjonsnett
(Master thesis, 2019-01-17)I distribusjonsnettet har det lenge blitt opererert med tradisjonell nettutbygging for handtering av kapasitetsproblem eller spenningsproblem. Med stor vekst i tal el-bilar, meir energikrevjande apparat, samt befolkningsvekst ... -
Avvik mellom estimert og faktisk energiproduksjon for småkraftverk
(Master thesis, 2016-06-01)I denne oppgaven har jeg sett på årsakene til avviket mellom estimert og faktisk energiproduksjon for tre av kraftverkene som Småkraft AS sammen med grunneier har hatt i drift i 8-9 år. Kraftverkene jeg har sett på er Ytre ... -
Batterilading i hybride fremdriftssystemer ved hjelp av tapsenergi fra forbrenningsmotoren
(Master thesis, 2017-06-23)In a time when emission standards are getting stricter, the search for more environmentally friendly propulsion is more relevant than ever. Hybridization and electric propulsion has, thus, become more common in some sectors, ... -
Cold nuclear fusion theories. Exploration of exotic hydrogen states
(Master thesis, 2018-05-10)Nuclear fusion technologies hold the potential to revolutionize the way we produce energy on earth. It is an opportunity to lift our current dependency on external factors such as weather and fossil reserves while producing ... -
Constructive and experimental examination of reliability and robustness in dynamically stressed bolted joints
(Master thesis, 2018-12)Loosening and failure of bolts and nuts is, and has historically always been, a challenge for industries all over the world. This thesis examines the bolted connections of a local plough manufacturer (hereafter referred ... -
Cool Roofs in Smart Cities: Implications for Urban Heat Island Mitigation and Building Energy Efficiency in Different Climate Zones
(Master thesis, 2018-10-05)As climate change contributes to elevate urban temperatures, undesirable consequences like increased energy consumption, reduced air and water quality and elevated levels of thermal stress for the population continue to ... -
Design of rectifier system for electric ferries
(Master thesis, 2018-06-16)This study investigates the requirements and technologies to provide power from shore to ship when the electric ferry is at quay. Different rectifier systems will be evaluated in terms of requirements given by the utility ... -
Development and Comparison of Compressor Models for Heat Pump Applications in TRNSYS
(Master thesis, 2018-06-22)Heat pump systems may serve as a replacement for many heating systems using fossil fuels for heating purposes. Heat pumps are widely used in Norway where electric energy is abundant and inexpensive. Research and development ... -
Dynamic Modelling of Squirrel Cage Induction Motors for Studying Motor Current Signature Analysis
(Master thesis, 2018-06-16)This study investigates dynamic modelling of induction motors with a variety of different defects and condition monitoring of these. The focus is directed at squirrel cage induction motors(SCIM) which is the most used ... -
Energy Storage in the Distribution Grid
(Master thesis, 2017-12-23)The implementation of distributed energy storage will play a vital role in the Smart Grid of the future, which is the merging of IT and the electrical power grid. With the increasing penetration of distributed energy ... -
Evaluation of structural dynamic response of piping subjected to multiphase flow-induced vibration
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Flow-induced Vibration (FIV) in piping systems pose a problem for the energy infrastructure, where maintaining the integrity of pipelines is essential to ensure stable provision of power supply. In the petrochemical industry, ... -
Finite Element Analysis of the fatigue strength of a big-end bolt
(Master thesis, 2017-06-23)This thesis investigates, with the use of finite element method, the stress formation in a big-end bolt during the power stroke in an IC piston engine. The method used is quasi-static analysis of the lower part of the ... -
Frequency Regulation of Synchronous Generator
(Master thesis, 2017-06-20)The objective of this thesis is to create a Load Frequency Control (LFC) to regulate the active power output and frequency of a synchronous generator, and to conduct experiments to verify frequency stability. The electrical ...