Nye registreringer

  • New symmetries of the two-Higgs-doublet model 

    Ferreira, P.M.; Grzadkowski, B.; Øgreid, Odd Magne; Osland, Per (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    The Two Higgs Doublet Model invariant under the gauge group SU(2) × U(1) is known to have six additional global discrete or continuous symmetries of its scalar sector.We have discovered regions of parameter space of the ...
  • 3D Pixel Sensors and the ITkPix Readout Chip for the ATLAS Phase II Upgrade 

    Huiberts, Simon Kristian (Doctoral thesis, 2025-02-14)
    ATLAS-detektoren, som ligger 100 meter under bakken ved grensen mellom Sveits og Frankrike, måler partikler fra høyenergi-protonkollisjoner akselerert av LHC ved CERN. Partiklene blir først detektert i det innerste systemet ...
  • Testing the Limits of Atmospheric Correction over Turbid Norwegian Fjords 

    Tessin, Elinor; Hamre, Børge; Kristoffersen, Arne Skodvin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    Atmospheric correction, the removal of the atmospheric signal from a satellite image, still poses a challenge over optically complex coastal water. Here, we present the first atmospheric correction validation study performed ...
  • Improved Prediction of Pump Performance Through the Rotation–Curvature Correction—An Experimental and Numerical Study of a Low-Specific-Speed Helico-Axial Compression Cell in Series 

    Gundersen, Ted Ørjan Seim; Torbergsen, Erik Andre; Balakin, Boris; Arntzen, Bjørn Johan; Hoffmann, Alex Christian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2025)
    Within turbomachines, turbulence production and redistribution are affected by system rotation and streamline curvature. However, the most frequently used turbulence models do not account for these effects. In the present ...
  • Antarctic Blue Ice Areas are hydrologically active, nutrient rich and contain microbially diverse cryoconite holes 

    Nowak, Aga; Isaksson, Elisabeth; Sunde, Øyvind; Elvevold, Synnøve; Sandven, Håkon Johan; Moholdt, Geir; Hudson, Stephen R.; Urset, Anne; Edwards, Arwyn; Rassner, Sara M. E.; Pearce, David A.; Hamre, Børge; Hodson, Andrew (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    Antarctica is the coldest, windiest and least inhabited place on Earth. One of its most enigmatic regions is scoured by katabatic winds blue ice that covers 235,000 km2 of the Antarctic fringe. Here, we demonstrate that ...
  • How the Ionosphere Responds Dynamically to Magnetospheric Forcing 

    Laundal, Karl Magnus; Hatch, Spencer Mark; Reistad, Jone Peter; Ohma, Anders; Tenfjord, Paul Arne Riksheim; Madelaire, Michael (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    Ground magnetic field variations have been used to investigate ionospheric dynamics for more than a century. They are usually explained in terms of an electric circuit in the ionosphere driven by an electric field, but ...
  • Overcoming limitations to ALP parameter inference using Neural Ratio Estimation 

    Kluge, Gert Werner; DAmico, Giacomo; Djuvsland, Julia Isabell; Sandaker, Heidi (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    In the hunt for new physics phenomena, such as Axion-like particles (ALPs), it is crucial to compare experimental data to theoretical models. This involves inferring the most likely values of a model’s parameters — such ...
  • A Quantitative Analysis of the Uncertainties on Reconnection Electric Field Estimates Using Ionospheric Measurements 

    Gasparini, Sara; Hatch, Spencer Mark; Reistad, Jone Peter; Ohma, Anders; Laundal, Karl Magnus; Walker, Samuel James; Madelaire, Michael (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    Calculating the magnetic flux transfer across the open-closed boundary (OCB) per unit time and distance—the reconnection electric field—is an important means of remotely monitoring magnetospheric dynamics. Ground-based ...
  • Comparison of deep inspiration breath hold and free breathing intensity modulated proton therapy of locally advanced lung cancer 

    Fjellanger, Kristine; Heijmen, Ben J.M.; Breedveld, Sebastiaan; Sandvik, Inger Marie; Hysing, Liv Bolstad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    Background and purpose: For locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer (LA-NSCLC), intensity-modulated proton therapy (IMPT) can reduce organ at risk (OAR) doses compared to intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT). Deep ...
  • A Modular Smart Ocean Observatory for Development of Sensors, Underwater Communication and Surveillance of Environmental Parameters 

    Bergh, Øivind; Danre, Jean-Baptiste; Stensland, Kjetil; Lima, Keila; Nguyen, Ngoc Thanh; Heldal, Rogardt; Kristensen, Lars Michael; Oyetoyan, Tosin Daniel; Graves, Inger; Sætre, Camilla; Skålvik, Astrid Marie; Tomasi, Beatrice; Henriksen, Bård; Holstad, Marie Bueie; Walree, Paul van; Altamiranda, Edmary; Bjerke, Erik; Husøy, Thor Storm; Henne, Ingvar; Wehde, Henning; Stiansen, Jan Erik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    The rapid growth of marine industries has emphasized the focus on environmental impacts for all industries, as well as the influence of key environmental parameters on, for instance, offshore wind or aquaculture performance, ...
  • Numerical Integration and Angular Spectrum Modeling of Resonant and Non-Resonant Wave Interaction with a Solid Plate 

    Sæther, Mathias Myrtveit (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    The angular spectrum (AS) model is widely used to calculate the pressure transmitted through, and reflected from, a fluid-immersed solid plate, using a baffled piston as source. However, narrow peaks (infinite peaks for ...
  • Prompt and non-prompt J/Psi production at midrapidity in Pb-Pb collisions at √s = 5.02 TeV with ALICE 

    Sætre, Jon-Are (Doctoral thesis, 2024-11-22)
    ALICE-eksperimentet studerer tungionekollisjonar ved Large Hadron Collider (LHC) for å utvide forståinga vår av den sterke vekselverknaden ved ekstremt høge energiar. Meir spesifikt blir produksjon av charmonium brukt til ...
  • Image Reconstruction for Proton Therapy Range Verification via U-NETs 

    Setterdahl, Lena Marie; Lionheart, William R. B.; Holman, Sean F.; Skjerdal, Kyrre; Ratliff, Hunter Nathaniel; Ytre-Hauge, Kristian Smeland; Lathouwers, Danny; Meric, Ilker (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    This study aims to investigate the capability of U-Nets in improving image reconstruction accuracy for proton range verification within the framework of the NOVO (Next generation imaging for real-time dose verification ...
  • Enhancing peer instruction in physics: Understanding cognitive processes and refining rules 

    Gjerde, Vegard; Hagane, Sivert (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    Peer Instruction gives practice in the abstract language of physics, addresses common misconceptions among students, and is more effective than traditional lecturing. However, it is not clear what makes Peer Instruction ...
  • Machine Learning-Based Retrieval of Total Ozone Column Amount and Cloud Optical Depth from Irradiance Measurements 

    Sztipanov, Milos; Krizsán, Levente; Li, Wei; Stamnes, Jakob J.; Svendby, Tove Marit; Stamnes, Knut (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    A machine learning algorithm combined with measurements obtained by a NILU-UV irradiance meter enables the determination of total ozone column (TOC) amount and cloud optical depth (COD). In the New York City area, a NILU-UV ...
  • Developing the Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS) 

    Christiansen, Hanne H; Matero, Ilkka S.O.; Baddeley, Lisa; Holmén, Kim Johan; Hoppe, Clara J.M.; Loonen, Maarten J.J.E.; Storvold, Rune; Vitale, Vito; Zaborska, Agata; Lihavainen, Heikki (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    Based on the ongoing large climatic and environmental changes and the history of science coordination in Svalbard leading to the development of Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS), we present an overview ...
  • Engineering Meter-scale Porous Media Flow Experiments for Quantitative Studies of Geological Carbon Sequestration 

    Eikehaug, Kristoffer; Haugen, Malin Quande; Folkvord, Olav Parelius; Benali, Benyamine; Bang Larsen, Emil; Tinkova, Alina Valerieva; Rotevatn, Atle; Nordbotten, Jan Martin; Fernø, Martin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    This technical note describes the FluidFlower concept, a new laboratory infrastructure for geological carbon storage research. The highly controlled and adjustable system produces a strikingly visual physical ground truth ...
  • QCD challenges from pp to AA collisions: 4th edition 

    Altmann, Javira; Andres, Carlota; Andronic, Anton; Antinori, Federico; Antonioli, Pietro; Beraudo, Andrea; Berti, Eugenio; Bianchi, Livio; Boettcher, Thomas; Capriotti, Lorenzo; Christiansen, Peter; Contreras Nuño, Jesus Guillermo; Cunqueiro Mendez, Leticia; da Silva, Cesar; Dainese, Andrea; Dembinski, Hans Peter; Dobrigkeit Chinellato, David; Dubla, Andrea; Faggin, Mattia; Flett, Chris; Greco, Vincenzo; Grishmanovskii, Ilia; Holguin, Jack; Kanakubo, Yuuka; Kim, Dong Jo; Lea, Ramona; Lee, Su Houng; Mariani, Saverio; Matyja, Adam; Mazeliauskas, Aleksas; Minissale, Vincenzo; Morsch, Andreas; Oliva, Lucia; Orusa, Luca; Paakkinen, Petja; Pablos, Daniel; Paić, Guy; Pierog, Tanguy; Plumari, Salvatore; Prino, Francesco; Rossi, Andrea; Sestini, Lorenzo; Skands, Peter; Soloveva, Olga; Soramel, Francesca; Soto Ontoso, Alba; Spousta, Martin; Stahl Leiton, Andre Govinda; Sun, Jiayin; Takacs, Adam; Trogolo, Stefano; Turrisi, Rosario; Verweij, Marta; Vislavicius, Vytautas; Wang, Jing; Werner, Klaus; Zaccolo, Valentina; Zhang, Mingyu; Zhu, Jianhui; Zuliani, Davide (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    This paper is a write-up of the ideas that were presented, developed and discussed at the fourth International Workshop on QCD Challenges from pp to AA, which took place in February 2023 in Padua, Italy. The goal of the ...
  • Ratiometric Fluorescent pH Sensing with Carbon Dots: Fluorescence Mapping across pH Levels for Potential Underwater Applications 

    Szapoczka, Wiktoria Karolina; Olla, Chiara; Carucci, Cristina; Truskewycz, Adam Leo; Skodvin, Tore; Salis, Andrea; Carbonaro, Carlo Maria; Holst, Bodil; Thomas, Peter James (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024-09-02)
    Ocean acidification has become a major climate change concern requiring continuous observation. Additionally, in the industry, pH surveillance is of great importance. Consequently, there is a pressing demand to develop ...

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