Browsing Department of Earth Science by Issue Date
Now showing items 21-40 of 1249
Strandforskyvning på Nord-Karmøy basert på pollen- og diatomeanalyse
(Master thesis, 1987) -
The effect of radiation screens on Nordic time series of mean temperature
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 1997-12)A short survey of the historical development of temperature radiation screens is given based upon research in the archives of the Nordic meteorological institutes. In the middle of the nineteenth century most thermometer ... -
Sen-weichsel og tidlig holosen strandforskyvning i Os-området, Hordaland
(Master thesis, 2000)Late Weichselian and Early Holocene relative sea-level changes in four isolation basins in the Os area, Hordaland (Western Norway) were studied using both bio- and lithostratigraphical methods. Isolation and ingression ... -
Effects of upscaling and interpolation on log data
(Master thesis, 2000) -
The sedimentation pattern of the last deglaciation and postglacial phase in a high-arctic valley: Endalen, Spitsbergen
(Master thesis, 2000)The present study, focused in the valley-side gravel fans in the eastern part of Endalen and the adjoining side-slope of Adventdalen, has contributed to an understanding of the spatial pattern of the late Weichselian ... -
Crustal structure and seismicity of Cuba and Web-based applications for earthquake analysis
(Doctoral thesis, 2002)This thesis comprises six papers divided into two parts. Part I consist of four papers in which a study of the crust and seismicity of Cuba is presented. The main achievements in this part are: (1) A new Pwave velocity ... -
Fracture-generated permeability and groundwater yield in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2002)The transport of groundwater in bedrock is largely determined by interconnected fractures and their apertures. The conditions by which fractures become interconnected are thus of primary importance in understanding ... -
En Paleo-Middelhavs stredavsetning: Kalkarenitter tilhørende Azagadorleddet (miocen), Turreområdet, Almeria, SØ Spania
(Master thesis, 2002)The Vera basin is one of several small, intramontane Neogene basins which developed within the Alpine nappes of the Betic Cordillera of southeastern Spain. This system of interconnected basins acted as a marine strait ... -
Hydrogeologi og karstkorrosjon i Grønli-Seterakviferen, Mo I Rana
(Master thesis, 2002)Nykartlegging av grottesystemet ga en total lengde på 7,6 km (Grønligrotta – 4 100 m, Setergrotta – 3 020 m og Langgrotta-Isgrotta - 440 m). Den aktive akviferen under de tørrlagte grottene er undersøkt hovedsakelig ved ... -
The 'Little Ice Age' – only temperature?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2003)Understanding the climate of the last few centuries, including the 'Little Ice Age', may help us better understand modern-day natural climate variability and make climate predictions. The conventional view of the climate ... -
Akustiske bølger i periodiske medier
(Master thesis, 2003) -
Late Weichselian (Valdaian) and Holocene vegetation and environmental history of the northern Timan Ridge, European Arctic Russia
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2003)Lake and peat deposits from the Timan Ridge, Arctic Russia, were pollen analysed, reconstructing the vegetation history and paleoenvironment since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) 20–18,000 years ago. The sites studied are ... -
Anatomy and allostratigraphy of deep-marine Mount Messenger Formation (Miocene), eastern-margin Taranaki Basin, New Zealand
(Master thesis, 2003)Purpose of study: Sedimentological description of outcropping deep-water clastics within Mount Messenger Formation. Study area: North-Taranaki coastal region, North Island, New Zealand. Methodology: Mapping on foot and ... -
Lake stratigraphy implies an 80 000 yr delayed melting of buried dead ice in northern Russia
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2003)Sediment cores from lakes Kormovoye and Oshkoty in the glaciated region of the Pechora Lowland, northern Russia, reveal sediment gravity flow deposits overlain by lacustrine mud and gyttja. The sediments were deposited ... -
Bruddsystem og spenningsfelt tilknyttet tunneltraséen Ringveg Vest i Bergen
(Master thesis, 2003)Denne hovedfagsoppgaven er en del av forundersøkelsene som er utført i sammenheng med tunnelprosjektet Ringveg Vest i Bergen kommune, Hordaland, som har driftstart i 2005. Ringveg Vest er planlagt å ligge cirka 4 kilometer ...