• Analysis of storm surge events along the Norwegian coast 

      Wolf, Tobias; Outten, Stephen; Mangini, Fabio; Chen, Linling; Nilsen, Jan Even Øie (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-08)
      Observed extreme sea levels are caused by a combination of extreme astronomical tide and extreme storm surge, or by an extreme value in one of these variables and a moderate value in the other. We analyzed measurements ...
    • An Assessment of Geophysical Survey Techniques for Characterising the Subsurface Around Glacier Margins, and Recommendations for Future Applications 

      Watts, Hannah; Booth, Adam D.; Reinardy, Benedict T. I.; Killingbeck, Siobhan F.; Jansson, Peter; Clark, Roger A.; Chandler, Benjamin M. P.; Nesje, Atle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Geophysical surveys provide an efficient and non-invasive means of studying subsurface conditions in numerous sedimentary settings. In this study, we explore the application of three geophysical methods to a proglacial ...
    • Behaviourally modern humans in coastal southern Africa experienced an increasingly continental climate during the transition from Marine Isotope Stage 5 to 4 

      Göktürk, Ozan Mert; Simon, Margit Hildegard; Sobolowski, Stefan Pieter; Zhang, Zhongshi; van der Bilt, Willem Godert Maria; Mørkved, Pål Tore; D’Andrea, William J.; Niekerk, Karen Loise van; Henshilwood, Christopher Stuart; Armitage, Simon James; Jansen, Eystein (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023-07-25)
      Unravelling evolution-by-environment interactions on the gut microbiome is particularly relevant considering the unprecedented level of human-driven disruption of the ecological and evolutionary trajectories of species. ...
    • Citizen Seismology in the Arctic 

      Jeddi, Zeinab; Voss, Peter H.; Sørensen, Mathilde B.; Danielsen, Finn; Dahl-Jensen, Trine; Larsen, Tine B.; Nielsen, G.; Hansen, A.; Jakobsen, P.; Frederiksen, P.O. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Landslides, earthquakes and other natural disasters are expected to increase in the Arctic, yet our ability to make informed decisions about safety is tightly limited by lack of data. As part of the Integrated Arctic ...
    • Contrasting geomorphic and stratigraphic responses to normal fault development during single and multi-phase rifting 

      Pechlivanidou, Sofia; Geurts, Anna Helena; Duclaux, Guillaume; Gawthorpe, Rob; Pennos, Christos; Finch, Emma (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022-01-10)
      Understanding the impact of tectonics on surface processes and the resultant stratigraphic evolution in multi-phase rifts is challenging, as patterns of erosion and deposition related to older phases of extension are ...
    • Deep-water syn-rift stratigraphy as archives of Early-Mid Pleistocene palaeoenvironmental signals and controls on sediment delivery 

      Cullen, Tim; Collier, Richard E.L.I.; Hodgson, David M.; Gawthorpe, Robert Leslie; Kouli, Katerina; Maffione, Marco; Trygvason Eliassen, Gauti (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      The timing and character of coarse siliciclastic sediment delivered to deep-water environments in active rift basins is governed by the complicated interactions of tectonics, climate, eustasy, hinterland geology, and shelf ...
    • Displacement/Length Scaling Relationships for Normal Faults; a Review, Critique, and Revised Compilation 

      Lathrop, B.A.; Jackson, C.A.L.; Bell, R.E.; Rotevatn, Atle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      The relationship between normal fault displacement (D) and length (L) varies due to numerous factors, including fault size, maturity, basin tectonic history, and host rock lithology. Understanding how fault D and L relate ...
    • Editorial: Sedimentary System Response to External Forcings: A Process-Based Perspective 

      Romans, Brian W; Fosdick, Julie C; Poyatos More, Miquel; Helland-Hansen, William (Journal article, 2020)
    • Impact of Fjord Geometry on Grounding Line Stability 

      Åkesson, Henning; Nisancioglu, Kerim Hestnes; Nick, Faezeh M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-06-05)
      Recent and past retreat of marine-terminating glaciers are broadly consistent with observed ocean warming, yet responses vary significantly within regions experiencing similar ocean conditions. We assess how fjord geometry ...
    • Lake Sediments Reveal Large Variations in Flood Frequency Over the Last 6,500 Years in South-Western Norway 

      Ekblom Johansson, Fanny Maria; Bakke, Jostein; Støren, Eivind Wilhelm Nagel; Paasche, Øyvind; Engeland, Kolbjørn; Arnaud, Fabien (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Lake sediments can retain imprints of past floods, enabling reconstructions that span well-beyond instrumental time series. Time series covering thousands of years can document the natural range of flood variability, which ...
    • The Making of the NEAM Tsunami Hazard Model 2018 (NEAMTHM18) 

      Basili, R.; Brizuela, B.; Herrero, A.; Iqbal, S.; Lorito, S.; Maesano, F.E.; Murphy, S.; Perfetti, P.; Romano, F.; Scala, A.; Selva, J.; Taroni, M.; Tiberti, M.M.; Thio, Hong Kie; Tonini, R.; Volpe, M.; Glimsdal, Sylfest; Harbitz, Carl Bonnevie; Løvholt, Finn; Baptista, Maria Ana; Fernando, Carrilho; Matias, Luis Manuel; Omira, Rachid; Babeyko, Andrey; Hoechner, A.; Gurbuz, M.; Pekcan, O.; Yalciner, Ahmet C.; Canals, M.; Lastras, G.; Agalos, A.; Papadopoulos, G.; Triantafyllou, I.; Benchekroun, S.; Agrebi Jaouadi, K.; Ben Abdallah, S.; Bouallegue, A.; Hamdi, H.; Oueslati, F.; Amato, A.; Armigliato, Alberto; Behrens, Jörn; Davies, G.; Di Bucci, D.; Dolce, M.; Geist, Eric; Gonzalez Vida, J.M.; Gonzalez, M; Macías Sánchez, J.; Meletti, C.; Ozer Sozdinler, C.; Pagani, M.; Parsons, T.; Polet, J.; Power, W.; Sørensen, Mathilde Bøttger; Zaytsev, A. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      The NEAM Tsunami Hazard Model 2018 (NEAMTHM18) is a probabilistic hazard model for tsunamis generated by earthquakes. It covers the coastlines of the North-eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean, and connected seas (NEAM). ...
    • Mapping of the Subglacial Topography of Folgefonna Ice Cap in Western Norway—Consequences for Ice Retreat Patterns and Hydrological Changes 

      Ekblom Johansson, Fanny; Bakke, Jostein; Støren, Eivind Wilhelm Nagel; Gillespie, Mette Kusk; Laumann, Tron (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022-06-13)
      Folgefonna consists of three ice caps which are rapidly retreating in response to warmer temperatures. The melting of Folgefonna has implications for meltwater drainage and hydropower production, as well as the potential ...
    • Mechanical properties of selected granitoids along the Karora hydropower project, Besham, Northern Pakistan: Insights from petrography and joint analysis 

      Khan, Musa; Li, Huan; Khan, Asad; Hussain, Waqas; Khan, Rehan; Ali, Rashid (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      The stability of tunnel site depends upon the deformation behaviors of the surrounding rocks, including joint density, mineral composition, micro cracks, and grain boundaries. The aim of this study was to analyze the ...
    • Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard and Risk Analysis: A Review of Research Gaps 

      Behrens, Jörn; Løvholt, Finn; Jalayer, Fatemeh; Lorito, Stefano; Salgado-Gálvez, Mario A.; Sørensen, Mathilde Bøttger; Abadie, Stephane; Aguirre-Ayerbe, Ignacio; Aniel-Quiroga, Iñigo; Babeyko, Andrey; Baiguera, Marco; Basili, Roberto; Belliazzi, Stefano; Grezio, Anita; Johnson, Kendra; Murphy, Shane; Paris, Raphaël; Rafliana, Irina; De Risi, Raffaele; Rossetto, Tiziana; Selva, Jacopo; Taroni, Matteo; Del Zoppo, Marta; Armigliato, Alberto; Bureš, Vladimír; Cech, Pavel; Cecioni, Claudia; Christodoulides, Paul; Davies, Gareth; Dias, Frédéric; Bayraktar, Hafize Başak; González, Mauricio; Gritsevich, Maria; Guillas, Serge; Harbitz, Carl Bonnevie; Kânoǧlu, Utku; Macías, Jorge; Papadopoulos, Gerassimos A.; Polet, Jascha; Romano, Fabrizio; Salamon, Amos; Scala, Antonio; Stepinac, Mislav; Tappin, David R.; Thio, Hong Kie; Tonini, Roberto; Triantafyllou, Ioanna; Ulrich, Thomas; Varini, Elisa; Volpe, Manuela; Vyhmeister, Eduardo (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Tsunamis are unpredictable and infrequent but potentially large impact natural disasters. To prepare, mitigate and prevent losses from tsunamis, probabilistic hazard and risk analysis methods have been developed and have ...
    • Rapid Tephra Identification in Geological Archives With Computed Tomography: Experimental Results and Natural Applications 

      Van Der Bilt, Willem; Cederstrøm, Jan Magne; Støren, Eivind Wilhelm Nagel; Berben, Sarah Miche Patricia; Rutledal, Sunniva (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Volcanic ash (tephra) horizons represent powerful chronological and stratigraphic markers: rapid and widespread deposition allows for correlation of geological records in time and space. Recent analytical advances enable ...
    • Recent Evolution of Glaciers in the Manaslu Region of Nepal From Satellite Imagery and UAV Data (1970–2019) 

      Racoviteanu, Adina E.; Glasser, Neil F.; Robson, Benjamin Aubrey; Harrison, Stephan; Millan, Romain; Kayastha, Rijan B.; Kayastha, Rakesh (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Glacierized mountain ranges such as the Himalaya comprise a variety of glacier types, including clean and debris-covered glaciers. Monitoring their behaviour over time requires an assessment of changes in area and elevation ...
    • Stratigraphic expression of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum climate event during long-lived transient uplift—An example from a shallow to deep-marine clastic system in the Norwegian Sea 

      Sømme, Tor Oftedal; Huwe, Simone Isabelle; Martinsen, Ole Jakob; Sandbakken, Pål Trygve; Skogseid, Jakob; Valore, Lucas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-20)
      Seismic geomorphology and stratigraphic analysis can reveal how source-to-sink systems dynamically respond to climatic and tectonic forcing. This study uses seismic reflection data from the Norwegian Sea to investigate the ...
    • The Volcanic Hazards of Jan Mayen Island (North-Atlantic) 

      Gjerløw, Eirik; Höskuldsson, Ármann; Bartolini, Stefania; Biass, Sebastien; Mossoux, Sophie; Gilbert, Jennie S.; Pedersen, Rolf Birger Svarstad; Marti, Joan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Hazard assessment of remote volcanic islands provides many challenges compared to other volcanoes and volcanic fields. Here we present the first systematic volcanic hazard assessment of Jan Mayen Island, a remote island ...
    • Volcaniclastic Dispersal During Submarine Lava Effusion: The 2012 Eruption of Havre Volcano, Kermadec Arc, New Zealand 

      Murch, AP; White, JDL; Barreyre, Thibaut Laurent Gilbert; Carey, Rebecca J.; Mundana, Rhiannon; Ikegami, Fumihiko (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Understanding clast dispersal from subaqueous volcanism is hampered by uncertainty in the source and extent of seafloor deposits. Extensive sampling in situ of seafloor deposits from the 2012 submarine eruption of Havre ...