Now showing items 1065-1084 of 1199

    • Tail-biting Codes for Lattice Wiretap Coding 

      Persson, Palma Rud (Master thesis, 2023-06-01)
      The secrecy gain of Construction A lattices obtained by tail-biting rate 1/2 convolutional codes is studied to evaluate the secrecy performance of a lattice in a wiretap channel communication. The higher the secrecy gain, ...
    • TailFindR: Alignment-free poly(A) length measurement for Oxford Nanopore RNA and DNA sequencing 

      Krause, Maximilian; Niazi, Adnan Muhammad; Labun, Kornel; Torres Cleuren, Yamila Nicole; Müller, Florian S; Valen, Eivind (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-07-02)
      Polyadenylation at the 3′-end is a major regulator of messenger RNA and its length is known to affect nuclear export, stability, and translation, among others. Only recently have strategies emerged that allow for genome-wide ...
    • Taming Graphs with No Large Creatures and Skinny Ladders 

      Gajarský, Jakub; Jaffke, Lars; Lima, Paloma Thome de; Novotná, Jana; Pilipczuk, Marcin; Rzążewski, Paweł; Souza, Uéverton S. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      We confirm a conjecture of Gartland and Lokshtanov [arXiv:2007.08761]: if for a hereditary graph class 𝒢 there exists a constant k such that no member of 𝒢 contains a k-creature as an induced subgraph or a k-skinny-ladder ...
    • Tangible Scalar Fields 

      Syvertsen, Anders Høyland (Master thesis, 2022-06-15)
      Data Visualization is a field that explores how to most efficiently convey information to the user, most often via visual representations like plots, graphs or glyphs. While this field of research has had great growth ...
    • Targeting performance and user-friendliness: GPU-accelerated finite element computation with automated code generation in FEniCS 

      Trotter, James David; Langguth, Johannes; Cai, Xing (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      This paper studies the use of automated code generation to provide user-friendly GPU acceleration for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) with finite element methods. By extending the FEniCS framework and its ...
    • Tau Lepton Classification With Graph Neural Networks 

      Kristensen, Tobias Sagvaag (Master thesis, 2024-06-03)
      This thesis investigates the use of deep learning to classify tau leptons in high- energy physics experiments by employing Graph Neural Network (GNN)s. Tau leptons, unstable subatomic particles of the lepton class, decay ...
    • Techniques in parameterized algorithm design 

      Sloper, Christian (Doctoral thesis, 2006-03-06)
      In this thesis we give a novel classification of techniques for designing parameterized algorithms, together with research publications applying these techniques, in particular Crown Decompositions, to various problems. ...
    • Ten Open Challenges in Medical Visualization 

      Gillmann, Christina; Smit, Noeska Natasja; Groller, Eduard; Preim, Bernhard; Vilanova, Anna; Wischgoll, Thomas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      The medical domain has been an inspiring application area in visualization research for many years already, but many open challenges remain. The driving forces of medical visualization research have been strengthened by ...
    • Testing with Concepts and Axioms in C++ 

      Bagge, Anya Helene; David, Valentin; Haveraaen, Magne (Reports in Informatics: 368, Research report, 2008-10)
      Modern development practices encourage extensive testing of code while it is still under development, using unit tests to check individual code units in isolation. Such tests are typically case-based, checking a likely ...
    • ThermoRawFileParser: Modular, Scalable, and Cross-Platform RAW File Conversion 

      Hulstaert, Niels; Shofstahl, Jim; Sachsenberg, Timo; Walzer, Mathias; Barsnes, Harald; Martens, Lennart; Perez-Riverol, Yasset (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      The field of computational proteomics is approaching the big data age, driven both by a continuous growth in the number of samples analyzed per experiment as well as by the growing amount of data obtained in each analytical ...
    • Thickness Distribution of Boolean Functions in 4 and 5 Variables 

      Hopp, Mathias Ludvig Presterud (Master thesis, 2020-05-12)
      This thesis explores the distribution of algebraic thickness of Boolean functions in four and five variables, that is, the minimum number of terms in the ANF of the functions in the orbit of a Boolean function, through all ...
    • Three Is Enough for Steiner Trees 

      Arrighi, Emmanuel; De Oliveira Oliveira, Mateus (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      In the Steiner tree problem, the input consists of an edge-weighted graph G together with a set S of terminal vertices. The goal is to find a minimum weight tree in G that spans all terminals. This fundamental NP-hard ...
    • Three problems on well-partitioned chordal graphs 

      Ahn, Jungho; Jaffke, Lars; Kwon, O-Joung; Lima, Paloma Thome de (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      In this work, we solve three problems on well-partitioned chordal graphs. First, we show that every connected (resp., 2-connected) well-partitioned chordal graph has a vertex that intersects all longest paths (resp., longest ...
    • Throughput and robustness of bioinformatics pipelines for genome-scale data analysis 

      Sztromwasser, Paweł (Doctoral thesis, 2014-02-19)
      The post-genomic era has been heavily influenced by the rapid development of highthroughput molecular-screening technologies, which has enabled genome-wide analysis approaches on an unprecedented scale. The constantly ...
    • Tight bounds for parameterized complexity of Cluster Editing 

      Fomin, Fedor; Kratsch, Stefan; Pilipczuk, Marcin; Pilipczuk, Michal Pawel; Villanger, Yngve (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)
      In the Correlation Clustering problem, also known as Cluster Editing, we are given an undirected graph G and a positive integer k; the task is to decide whether G can be transformed into a cluster graph, i.e., a disjoint ...
    • TimeBender: Interactive Authoring of 3D Space-Time Narratives 

      Aas, Rikke (Master thesis, 2022-09-12)
      Communication of scientific results and discoveries to, for example, fellow domain experts, business partners, students, or the general public, is an important part of research. Communication through visualization has been ...
    • The timing of pregnancies after bariatric surgery has no impact on children’s health—a nationwide population-based registry analysis 

      Beiglböck, Hannes; Mörth, Eric; Reichardt, Berthold; Stamm, Tanja; Itariu, Bianca; Harreiter, Jürgen; Eichelter, Jakob; Prager, Gerhard; Kautzky-Willer, Alexandra; Wolf, Peter; Krebs, Michael (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Purpose Bariatric surgery has a favorable effect on fertility in women. However, due to a lack of data regarding children’s outcomes, the ideal time for conception following bariatric surgery is unknown. Current guidelines ...
    • TMM@: a web application for the analysis of transmembrane helix mobility 

      Skjærven, Lars; Jonassen, Inge; Reuter, Nathalie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2007-07-02)
      Background: To understand the mechanism by which a protein transmits a signal through the cell membrane, an understanding of the flexibility of its transmembrane (TM) region is essential. Normal Mode Analysis (NMA) has ...
    • Tool support for specifying multi-way dataflow constraint systems 

      Jacobsen, Mathias Skallerud (Master thesis, 2022-11-21)