• Interactive Semantic and Aesthetic Guidance for Multi-View Visualization Design 

      Kristiansen, Yngve Sekse (Doctoral thesis, 2023-01-09)
      I det siste har mengden data i omløp blitt stadig større. Det er nyttig å analysere denne dataen ved hjelp av visualisering, men det er også vanskelig for brukere som ikke er eksperter i dette feltet. For å vise mer innblikk ...
    • Interactive visual analysis of multi-faceted scientific data 

      Kehrer, Johannes (Doctoral thesis, 2011-05-27)
      Visualization plays an important role in exploring, analyzing and presenting large and heterogeneous scientific data that arise in many disciplines of medicine, research, engineering, and others. We can see that model and ...
    • Interactive Visual Analysis of Process Data 

      Lampe, Ove Daae (Doctoral thesis, 2011-11-30)
      Data gathered from processes, or process data, contains many different aspects that a visualization system should also convey. Aspects such as, temporal coherence, spatial connectivity, streaming data, and the need for ...
    • Interactive Visual Analysis of Streaming Data 

      Smestad, Geir (Master thesis, 2014-09-23)
      Interactive Visual Analysis (IVA) has proven to be a robust set of methods for visually exploring complex data sets and generating hypotheses from data. Datasets and techniques where the temporal aspect is central has been ...
    • Interactive Visual Analysis of Structure-borne Noise Data 

      Splechtna, Rainer; Gračanin, Denis; Todorović, Goran; Goja, Stanislav; Bedić, Boris; Hauser, Helwig; Matković, Krešimir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Numerical simulation has become omnipresent in the automotive domain, posing new challenges such as high-dimensional parameter spaces and large as well as incomplete and multi-faceted data. In this design study, we show ...
    • Interactive Visual Analysis of Time-dependent Flows: Physics- and Statistics-based Semantics 

      Pobitzer, Armin (Doctoral thesis, 2012-06-22)
      With the increasing use of numerical simulations in the fluid mechanics community in recent years flow visualization increasingly gains importance as an advanced analysis tool for the simulation output. Up to now, flow ...
    • Interactive Visual Exploration and Analysis of Multi-Modal Geospatial Data Collections 

      Hein, Christian Scheie (Master thesis, 2022-10-24)
      This thesis presents PanoVis, a geovisualization web application for hikers looking for online hiking inspiration. Hikers can add panoramic imagery to the application, and annotations with information about the mountain ...
    • Interactive visual exploration of metabolite ratios in MR spectroscopy studies 

      Garrison, Laura; Vašíček, Jakub; Craven, Alexander R.; Grüner, Renate; Smit, Noeska Natasja; Bruckner, Stefan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is an advanced biochemical technique used to identify metabolic compounds in living tissue. While its sensitivity and specificity to chemical imbalances render it a valuable tool in ...
    • Interactive Visualization of Streaming Data with Kernel Density Estimation 

      Lampe, Ove Daae; Hauser, Helwig (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      In this paper, we discuss the extension and integration of the statistical concept of Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) in a scatterplotlike visualization for dynamic data at interactive rates. We present a line kernel for ...
    • Interactively illustrating polymerization using three-level model fusion 

      Kolesar, Ivan; Parulek, Julius; Viola, Ivan; Bruckner, Stefan; Stavrum, Anne-Kristin; Hauser, Helwig (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-10-14)
      Background: Research in cell biology is steadily contributing new knowledge about many aspects of physiological processes, both with respect to the involved molecular structures as well as their related function. Illustrations ...
    • Interaksjon og Søk i Dynamic Presentation Generator 

      Olsen, Tobias Rusås (Master thesis, 2010-06)
      Denne oppgaven handler om hvordan interaksjon og søk kan integreres i Dynamic Presentation Generator. Dette innholdshåndteringssystemet benytter seg av presentasjonsmønstre, en ide som går ut på å skille struktur og innhold. ...
    • Interaktive bridgetjenester for Internett og Mobil 

      Tenold, Eirik; Monsen, Remy (Master thesis, 2008)
      Denne rapporten presenterer utviklingen av to forskjellige systemer til bruk i forbindelse med kortspillet bridge. Det første systemet er et web-basert administrasjonssystem for bridge-turneringer, mens det andre systemet ...
    • Interfacing concepts: Why declaration style shouldn't matter 

      Bagge, Anya Helene; Haveraaen, Magne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2010-09-17)
      A concept (or signature) describes the interface of a set of abstract types by listing the operations that should be supported for those types. When implementing a generic operation, such as sorting, we may then specify ...
    • Interpolation-based Decoding of Nonlinear Maximum Rank Distance Codes 

      Li, Chunlei (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      In this paper, we formulate a generic construction of MRD codes that covers almost all the newly found MRD codes. Among those MRD codes, we particularly investigate the encoding and decoding of a family of nonlinear MRD ...
    • Introduction to Lattices and Its Applications in Compute-and-Forward Strategy 

      Lidsheim, Maria van der Reek (Master thesis, 2023-06-01)
      The Compute-and-Forward (CF) strategy was proposed as a physical layer network coding (PNC) framework by Nazer and Gastpar in 2011. CF exploits interference to obtain higher rates between users in a network. This thesis ...
    • Introduction to total dominator edge chromatic number 

      Alikhani, Saeid; Ghanbari, Nima (Journal article, 2022)
      We introduce the total dominator edge chromatic number of a graph G. A total dominator edge coloring (briefly TDE-coloring) of G is a proper edge coloring of G in which each edge of the graph is adjacent to every edge of ...
    • Invariants for EA- and CCZ-equivalence of APN and AB functions 

      Kaleyski, Nikolay Stoyanov (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      An (n,m)-function is a mapping from \({\mathbb {F}_{2}^{n}}\) to \({\mathbb {F}_{2}^{m}}\). Such functions have numerous applications across mathematics and computer science, and in particular are used as building blocks ...
    • Investigating and evaluating the authentication and authorisation of the JAliEn grid middleware framework 

      Fossum, Vilde Kristine (Master thesis, 2023-08-01)
      Grid computing involverer en distribuert samling av ressurser over hele verden, som inkluderer mange komponenter. Dette gjør at det er en rekke angrepsflater for potensielle sikkerhetstrusler. Denne oppgaven utforsker ...
    • Investigating Biases in Rules Extracted from Language Models 

      Blum, Sophie Martina (Master thesis, 2023-08-01)
      We investigate an approach for extracting occupational gender bias in the form of logical rules from Large Language Models (LLM)s based on Angluin's exact learning model with membership and equivalence queries to an oracle. ...
    • Investigating Streamless Sets 

      Parmann, Erik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      In this paper we look at streamless sets, recently investigated by Coquand and Spiwack. A set is streamless if every stream over that set contain a duplicate. It is an open question in constructive mathematics whether the ...