• Forensic autopsies in Norway 1996–2017: A retrospective study of factors associated with deaths undergoing forensic autopsy 

      Ellingsen, Christian Lycke; Alfsen, G. Cecilie; Braut, Geir Sverre (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Aims: Forensic autopsies are important for the investigation of deaths with a legal or public-health interest, as well as being a source for cause-of-death statistics. The aim of this study was to investigate the use of ...
    • The forgotten agenda of wasting in Southeast Asia: Burden, determinants and overlap with stunting: A review of nationally representative cross-sectional demographic and health surveys in six countries 

      Mutunga, Mueni; Frison, Severine; Santangelo Rava, Matteo; Bahwere, Paluku (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Childhood wasting is among the most prevalent forms of undernutrition globally. The Southeast Asia region is home to many wasted children, but wasting is not recognized as a public health problem and its epidemiology is ...
    • Forskning og praksis: En kvalitativ studie om hvordan sykepleiere forholder seg til sykepleieforskning som kunnskapsgrunnlag for praksis og pasientomsorg 

      Ødegaard, Marianne (Master thesis, 2017)
      Since nursing science was established as a university discipline in Norway in the 1980s, there has been a significant increase in the generation of nursing research. Today, it is an explicit aim that nursing is to develop ...
    • Fra skjema til system. En kvalitativ studie av leders erfaringer med kvalitetssystem som styringsredskap 

      Olsen, Cecilie Marie (Master thesis, 2023-06-15)
      Bakgrunn: Kvalitetsforbedringsforskriften stiller krav om systematisk forbedring, kvalitet, system og kultur. Et velfungerende kvalitetssystem er en forutsetning for effektiv virksomhetsstyring. I 2019 ble et elektronisk ...
    • Fra sosialproblem til helseproblem? En praxeologisk analyse av narkotikapolitikken i Norge 

      Gjertsen, Anna (Master thesis, 2017-06-21)
      I denne oppgaven søker jeg å beskrive narkotikafeltets utvikling i Norge, gjennom registrantanalyse av stortingsmeldinger og andre statlige dokumenter fra 1960-tallet og frem til 2012. Jeg forsøker å avdekke feltets struktur, ...
    • Fractional exhaled nitric oxide among cement factory workers: a cross sectional study 

      Tungu, Alexander Mtemi; Bråtveit, Magne; Mamuya, Simon H. D.; Moen, Bente E. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013-05)
      Background: It has been suggested that dust exposure causes airway inflammation among cement factory workers. However, there is limited information on the mechanisms of this effect. We explored any associations between ...
    • Frailty and survival in elderly intensive care patients in Norway 

      Andersen, Finn Husøy; Haaland, Øystein Ariansen; Klepstad, Pål; Flaatten, Hans (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Background Today, 10%-15% of Norwegian intensive care patients are ≥80 years. This proportion will increase significantly over the next 20 years, but it is unlikely that resources for intensive care increase correspondingly. ...
    • Free-Market Illusions: Health Sector Reforms In Uganda 1987–2007 

      Okuonzi, Sam Agatre (Doctoral thesis, 2009-10-30)
      Introduction: By the late 1980s, Uganda’s health system had been devastated by two decades of conflict and mismanagement. At the same time, public-funded and run health systems had begun to be viewed as inefficient and ...
    • Freely distributed bed-net use among Chano Mille residents, south Ethiopia: a longitudinal study 

      Loha Shumbullo, Eskindir; Tefera, Kebede; Lindtjørn, Bernt (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013-01-18)
      Background: A huge discrepancy was reported between ownership versus utilization of insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs). To acquire the benefits of ITNs, households need to use and not merely own them. The objective of ...
    • Frequent attenders in general practice and immigrant status in Norway: a nationwide cross-sectional study 

      Diaz, Esperanza; Gimeno-Feliu, Luis A.; Calderón-Larrañaga, Amaia; Prados-Torres, Alexandra (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)
      Objective. To compare the likelihood of being a frequent attender (FA) to general practice among native Norwegians and immigrants, and to study socioeconomic and morbidity factors associated with being a FA for natives and ...
    • Frihet under ansvar eller bare ansvar? 

      Vetaas, Turid; Handeland, Vibeke Henriette Køhn (Master thesis, 2015-09-28)
      Background: Following the introduction of unified leadership have first-line managers had transferred more responsibilities and duties than they had previously. First-line managers are the leaders in healthcare who have ...
    • Frihetens dilemmaer i rushelsetjenesten. En studie av handlingsrom hos profesjonsutøvere i rushelsetjenesten 

      Kjellerød, Irene Tveit (Master thesis, 2018-06-26)
      Background: Health services within substance abuse treatment continue to make significant changes, and clinical professions have over the past few decades received greater individual responsibility and more tasks than ...
    • From direct attendance to telephone triage in an emergency primary healthcare service: An observational study 

      Midtbø, Vivian; Fotland, Siri-Linn Schmidt; Johansen, Ingrid Hjulstad; Hunskår, Steinar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Objectives: To describe how an intervention to limit direct attendance in an emergency primary healthcare service affected the contacts to the clinic and the level of care given, and which factors were associated with a ...
    • From genotype to phenotype: Through chromatin 

      Romanowska, Julia; Joshi, Anagha (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-01-23)
      Advances in sequencing technologies have enabled the exploration of the genetic basis for several clinical disorders by allowing identification of causal mutations in rare genetic diseases. Sequencing technology has also ...
    • From knowing our needs to enacting change: findings from community consultations with indigenous communities in Bangladesh 

      Hussain, Sameera; Ruano, Ana Lorena; Raman, Atiya; Faiz Rashid, Sabina; Hill, Peter S (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-11-09)
      Introduction: Indigenous peoples are among the most marginalized peoples in the world due to issues relating to well-being, political representation, and economic production. The research consortium Goals and Governance ...
    • Full breastfeeding protection against common enteric bacteria and viruses: Results from the MAL-ED cohort study 

      Mccormick, Benjamin J. J; Richard, Stephanie A; Murray-Kolb, Laura E; Kang, Gagandeep; Lima, Aldo A. M; Mduma, Estomih; Kosek, Margaret N; Rogawski Mcquade, Elizabeth T; Houpt, Eric R; Bessong, Pascal; Shrestha, Sanjaya; Bhutta, Zulfiqar; Ahmed, Tahmeed; Caulfield, Laura E; Acosta, Angel Mendez; De Burga, Rosa Rios; Chavez, Cesar Banda; Flores, Julian Torres; Olotegui, Maribel Paredes; Pinedo, Silvia Rengifo; Salas, Mery Siguas; Trigoso, Dixner Rengifo; Vasquez, Angel Orbe; Ahmed, Imran; Alam, Didar; Ali, Asad; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A.; Qureshi, Shahida; Rasheed, Muneera Abdul; Soofi, Sajid; Turab, Ali; Yousafzai, Aisha; Zaidi, Anita K. M.; Bodhidatta, Ladaporn; Ammu, Geetha; Babji, Sudhir; Bose, Anuradha; George, Ajila T.; Hariraju, Dinesh; Jennifer, M Steffi; John, Sushil; Kaki, Shiny; Karunakaran, Priyadarshani; Koshy, Beena; Lazarus, Robin P.; Muliyil, Jayaprakash; Ragasudha, Preethi; Raghava, Mohan Venkata; Raju, Sophy; Ramachandran, Anup; Ramadas, Rakhi; Ramanujam, Karthikeyan; Rose, Anuradha; Roshan, Reeba; Sharma, Srujan L.; Shanmuga Sundaram, Sundaram; Thomas, Rahul J.; Pan, William K.; Ambikapathi, Ramya; Carreon, J. Daniel; Doan, Viyada; Hoest, Christel; Knobler, Stacey; McCormick, Benjamin J. J.; McGrath, Monica; Miller, Mark A.; Psaki, Stephanie; Rasmussen, Zeba; Seidman, Jessica C.; Gottlieb, Michael; Lang, Dennis R.; Tountas, Karen H.; Svensen, Erling; Amour, Caroline; Bayyo, Eliwaza; Mduma, Estomih R.; Mvungi, Regisiana; Nshama, Rosemary; Pascal, John; Swema, Buliga Mujaga; Yarrot, Ladislaus; Mason, Carl J.; Shamsir Ahmed, Ahmed; Alam, Md Ashraful; Haque, Rashidul; Haque, Umma; Hossain, Md Iqbal; Islam, Munirul; Mahfuz, Mustafa; Mondal, Dinesh; Nahar, Baitun; Tofail, Fahmida; Chandyo, Ram Krishna; Shrestha, Prakash Sunder; Shrestha, Rita; Chandyo, Manjeswori Ulak; Bauck, Aubrey; Black, Robert E.; Checkley, William; Lee, Gwenyth O.; Schulze, Kerry; Yori, Pablo Peñataro; Ross, A. Catharine; Schaefer, Barbara; Simons, Suzanne; Pendergast, Laura; Abreu, Cláudia B.; Costa, Hilda; Di Moura, Alessandra; Filho, José Quirino; Havt, Alexandre; Leite, Álvaro M.; Lima, Noélia L.; Lima, Ila F.; Maciel, Bruna L. L.; Medeiros, Pedro H. Q. S.; Moraes, Milena; Mota, Francisco S.; Oriá, Reinaldo B.; Quetz, Josiane; Soares, Alberto M.; Mota, Rosa M. S.; Patil, Crystal L.; Mahopo, Cloupas; Maphula, Angelina; Nyathi, Emanuel; Samie, Amidou; Barrett, Leah; Dillingham, Rebecca; Gratz, Jean; Guerrant, Richard L.; Houpt, Eric; Petri, William A.; Platts-Mills, James; Rogawski, Elizabeth; Scharf, Rebecca; Rogawski, Elizabeth T.; Shrestha, Binob; Rayamajhi, Bishnu Bahadur; Strand, Tor Arne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Background Breastfeeding is known to reduce the risk of enteropathogen infections, but protection from specific enteropathogens is not well characterized. Objective The aim was to estimate the association between full ...
    • Fun, influence and competence-a mixed methods study of prerequisites for high school students' participation in physical education 

      Abildsnes, Eirik; Rohde, Gudrun E.; Berntsen, Sveinung; Stea, Tonje Holte (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-03-10)
      Background: Many adolescents do not reach the recommended levels of physical activity (PA), and students attending vocational studies are less committed to take part in physical education (PE) than other students. The ...
    • Functional evaluation and work participation in health care workers with musculoskeletal disorders 

      Ask, Tove (Doctoral thesis, 2016-06-22)
      Background: In Norway and other western countries, musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are the most frequent reasons for sick leave and disability pensions, and particularly employees in the health and social sector have a ...
    • Fur glowing under ultraviolet: in situ analysis of porphyrin accumulation in the skin appendages of mammals 

      Toussaint, Séverine L. D.; Ponstein, Jasper; Thoury, Mathieu; Métivier, Rémi; Kalthoff, Daniela C.; Habermeyer, Benoît; Guilard, Roger; Bock, Steffen; Mortensen, Peter; Sandberg, Sverre; Gueriau, Pierre; Amson, Eli (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Examples of photoluminescence (PL) are being reported with increasing frequency in a wide range of organisms from diverse ecosystems. However, the chemical basis of this PL remains poorly defined, and our understanding of ...
    • Further benefits by early start of HIV treatment in low income countries: Survival estimates of early versus deferred antiretroviral therapy 

      Johansson, Kjell Arne; Robberstad, Bjarne; Norheim, Ole Frithjof (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2010-01-16)
      Background International HIV guidelines have recently shifted from a medium-late to an early-start treatment strategy. As a consequence, more people will be eligible to Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART). We ...