• Cannabis use in Parkinson’s disease—A nationwide online survey study 

      Erga, Aleksander Hagen; Maple-Grødem, Jodi; Alves, Guido Werner (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Objectives The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency of use, attitudes toward, and experiences with cannabis and cannabis-related products among people with Parkinson's disease (PwP) living in Norway. Me ...
    • The development of cognitive and emotional impairment after a minor stroke: A longitudinal study 

      Morsund, Åse Hagen; Ellekjær, Hanne; Gramstad, Arne; Reiestad, Magnus Tallaksen; Midgard, Rune; Sando, Sigrid Botne; Jonsbu, Egil; Næss, Halvor (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-09-04)
      Objectives: To study the development of cognitive and emotional symptoms between 3 and 12 months after a minor stroke. Material and Methods: We included patients from stroke units at hospitals in the Central Norway Health ...
    • Identifying Visual Impairment After Acquired Brain Injury—Current Practice, Referrals, and Barriers 

      Wehling, Eike Ines; Schow, Trine; Kristensen, Karing Spangsberg; Vikane, Eirik; Falkenberg, Helle Kristine (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Purpose: Visual impairment (VI) is still underdiagnosed in patients with acquired brain injury despite the large impact on daily life activities and rehabilitation. The aim of this study was to explore the current practice ...