Now showing items 316-335 of 433

    • Post-adolescent developmental changes in cortical complexity 

      Sandu, Anca-Larisa; Izard, Edouard; Specht, Karsten; Beneventi, Harald; Lundervold, Arvid; Ystad, Martin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-11-27)
      Background: Post-adolescence is known to be a period of general maturation and development in the human brain. In brain imaging, volumetric and morphologic cortical grey-matter changes can easily be assessed, but the ...
    • Potential applications of digital technology in assessment, treatment, and self-help for hallucinations 

      Thomas, Neil; Bless, Josef J; Alderson-Day, Ben; Bell, Imogen H.; Cella, Matteo; Craig, Tom; Delespaul, Philippe; Hugdahl, Kenneth; Laloyaux, Julien Freddy; Larøi, Frank; Lincoln, Tania M.; Schlier, Björn; Urwyler, Prabitha; van den Berg, David; Jardri, Renaud (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      The field of digital mental health is rapidly expanding with digital tools being used in assessment, intervention, and supporting self-help. The application of digital mental health to hallucinations is, however, at a very ...
    • Pragmatic language impairment in children with Noonan syndrome 

      Selås, Magnhild; Helland, Wenche A (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)
      Noonan syndrome (NS) is a disorder causing symptoms like short stature, characteristic facial features, congenital heart disease, possible mental retardation, and pragmatic difficulties. This study describes the pragmatic ...
    • Pragmatisk kompetanse hos barn med leppe-, kjeve-, og/ eller ganespalte 

      Vederhus, Ole-Jacob (Master thesis, 2015-08-12)
      Denne tverrsnittstudiens hensikt er å kartlegge den pragmatiske kompetansen og de generelle kommunikasjonsferdighetene til barn med leppe-kjeve- og/ eller ganespalte. Barna (n = 17) i alderen 5:2-6:8 år ble kartlagt ved ...
    • Predicting conversion to Alzheimer’s disease in individuals with Mild Cognitive Impairment using clinically transferable features 

      Rye, Ingrid; Vik, Alexandra; Kocinski, Marek Michal; Lundervold, Alexander Selvikvåg; Lundervold, Astri J. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) have an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Early identification of underlying neurodegenerative processes is essential to provide treatment before the disease is well ...
    • Prediction of peptide mass spectral libraries with machine learning 

      Cox, Juergen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      The recent development of machine learning methods to identify peptides in complex mass spectrometric data constitutes a major breakthrough in proteomics. Longstanding methods for peptide identification, such as search ...
    • Predictors of real-time fMRI neurofeedback performance and improvement – A machine learning mega-analysis 

      Haugg, Amelie; Renz, Fabian M.; Nicholson, Andrew A; Lor, Cindy; Götzendorfer, Sebastian J.; Sladky, Ronald; Skouras, Stavros; McDonald, Amalia; Craddock, Cameron; Hellrung, Lydia; Kirschner, Matthias; Herdener, Marcus; Koush, Yury; Papoutsi, Marina; Keynan, Jackob N.; Hendler, Talma; Cohen Kadosh, Kathrin; Zich, Catharina; Kohl, Simon H; Hallschmid, Manfred; MacInnes, Jeff; Adcock, R. Alison; Dickerson, Kathryn; Chen, Nan-Kuei; Young, Kymberly; Bodurka, Jerzy; Marxen, Michael; Yao, Shuxia; Becker, Benjamin; Auer, Tibor; Schweizer, Renate; Pamplona, Gustavo; Lanius, Ruth A.; Emmert, Kirsten; Haller, Sven; Van De Ville, Dimitri; Kim, Dong-Youl; Lee, Jong-Hwan; Marins, Theo; Megumi, Fukuda; Sorger, Bettina; Kamp, Tabea; Liew, Sook-Lei; Veit, Ralf; Spetter, Maartje; Weiskopf, Nikolaus; Scharnowski, Frank; Steyrl, David (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Real-time fMRI neurofeedback is an increasingly popular neuroimaging technique that allows an individual to gain control over his/her own brain signals, which can lead to improvements in behavior in healthy participants ...
    • Predictors of treatment response to an internet-delivered intervention targeting residual cognitive symptoms after major depressive disorder 

      Myklebost, Sunniva Brurok; Gjestad, Rolf; Inal, Yavuz; Hammar, Åsa Karin; Nordgreen, Tine (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Objective: Residual cognitive symptoms after depression are common and associated with reduced daily life functioning and an increased risk of depression relapse. There is a lack of knowledge on treatments targeting residual ...
    • Prevalence and Characteristics of Borderline Intellectual Functioning in a Cohort of Patients With Polysubstance Use Disorder 

      Hetland, Jens; Braatveit, Kirsten; Hagen, Egon; Lundervold, Astri J.; Erga, Aleksander H. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021-07-14)
      Objective: To determine the prevalence and associated demographic and clinical features of borderline intellectual functioning (BIF) among individuals with polysubstance use disorder (pSUD). Methods: We applied a ...
    • Prevalence of auditory hallucinations in Norwegian adolescents: Results from a population-based study 

      Kompus, Kristiina; Løberg, Else-Marie; Posserud, Maj-Britt Rocio; Lundervold, Astri (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-05-12)
      Knowing the prevalence and characteristics of auditory verbal hallucinations (AVH) in adolescents is important for estimations of need for mental health care and assessment of psychosis risk. In this report we assess the ...
    • Prevalence of auditory verbal hallucinations in a general population: A group comparison study 

      Kråkvik, Bodil; Larøi, Frank; Kalhovde, Anne Martha; Hugdahl, Kenneth; Kompus, Kristiina; Salvesen, Øyvind; Stiles, Tore C; Vedul-Kjelsås, Einar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-10)
      The present study was specifically designed to investigate the prevalence of auditory verbal hallucinations (AVH) in the general population, and sought to compare similarities and differences regarding socio-demographics, ...
    • A primer on dichotic listening as a paradigm for the assessment of hemispheric asymmetry 

      Westerhausen, Rene (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-03-28)
      Dichotic listening is a well-established method to non-invasively assess hemispheric specialization for processing of speech and other auditory stimuli. However, almost six decades of research also have revealed a series ...
    • Progressive modulation of resting‑state brain activity during neurofeedback of positive‑social emotion regulation networks 

      Krylova, Marina; Skouras, Stavros; Razi, Adeel; Nicholson, Andrew A; Karner, Alexander; Steyrl, David; Boukrina, Olga; Rees, Geraint; Scharnowski, Frank; Koush, Yury (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Neurofeedback allows for the self-regulation of brain circuits implicated in specific maladaptive behaviors, leading to persistent changes in brain activity and connectivity. Positive-social emotion regulation neurofeedback ...
    • The promise of music therapy for Alzheimer's disease: A review 

      Matziorinis, Anna Maria; Koelsch, Stefan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease associated with cognitive decline. Memory problems are typically among the first signs of cognitive impairment in AD, and they worsen considerably as the ...
    • A psychological symptom based machine learning model for clinical evaluation of irritable bowel syndrome 

      Haleem, Noman; Lundervold, Astri J.; Lied, Gülen Arslan; Randulff Hillestad, Eline Margrethe; Bjorkevoll, Maja; Bjørsvik, Ben René; Teige, Erica; Brønstad, Ingeborg; Steinsvik, Elisabeth Kjelsvik; Nagaraja, Bharath Halandur; Hausken, Trygve; Jacobsen, Birgitte Berentsen; Lundervold, Arvid (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Background: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic functional gastrointestinal disorder characterized by recurrent abdominal pain associated with alterations in stool form and/or stool frequency. Co-morbidities such ...
    • Psychometric investigation of the French version of the Aberrant Salience Inventory (ASI): Differentiating patients with psychosis, patients with other psychiatric diagnoses and non-clinical participants 

      Golay, Philippe; Laloyaux, Julien; Moga, Mihaela; Della Libera, Clara; Larøi, Frank; Bonsack, Charles (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-10)
      During the prodromal phase of psychosis, individuals may experience an aberrant attribution of salience to irrelevant stimuli. The concept of aberrant salience has been hypothesized to be a central mechanism in the emergence ...
    • Pust inn, stemme ut- kan strupens ventilfunksjon fangast opp i Voice Handicap Index? 

      Funderud, Ragnhild Sofie Kopperstad; Smørdal, Ina Christin Lundstrøm (Master thesis, 2017-06-14)
      In order to produce voice, one needs breath, and breath is therefore a fundamental element within the field of voice. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether correlation exists between the aerodynamic parameter ...
    • Quantifying auditory impressions in dreams in order to assess the relevance of dreaming as a model for psychosis 

      Fosse, Roar; Larøi, Frank (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      A long noted hypothesis is that mechanisms of dreaming play a role in psychotic hallucinations. One challenge for this hypothesis is that while psychotic hallucinations primarily are auditory, dreaming most characteristically ...
    • Quantitative and qualitative consequences of reduced pollen loads in a mixed-mating plant 

      Hildesheim, Laura; Opedal, Øystein Hjorthol; Armbruster, Scott; Pelabon, Christophe (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-12)
      Greater pollination intensity can enhance maternal plant fitness by increasing seed set and seed quality as a result of more intense pollen competition or enhanced genetic sampling. We tested experimentally these effects ...
    • The questionnaire for psychotic experiences: An examination of the validity and reliability 

      Rossell, Susan L.; Schutte, Maya J.L.; Toh, Wei Lin; Thomas, Neil; Strauss, Clara; Linszen, Mascha M.J.; van Dellen, Edwin; Heringa, Sophie M.; Teunisse, Rob; Slotema, Christina W.; Sommer, Iris Else Clara (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-02-01)
      Psychotic experiences are prevalent across a wide variety of psychiatric, neurological, and medical conditions. Yet current assessments are often designed for one disorder, or are limited in their examination of phenomenological ...