• Assessment of Self-Reported Executive Function in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome Using a Machine-Learning Framework 

      Lundervold, Astri J.; Randulff Hillestad, Eline Margrethe; Lied, Gülen Arslan; Billing, Julie Eirin; Johnsen, Tina Emilie; Steinsvik, Elisabeth Kjelsvik; Hausken, Trygve; Jacobsen, Birgitte Berentsen; Lundervold, Arvid (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Introduction: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is characterized as a disorder of the gut–brain interaction (DGBI). Here, we explored the presence of problems related to executive function (EF) in patients with IBS and tested ...
    • Assessment of visual problems after acquired brain injury: a survey of current practice in Danish hospitals 

      Schow, Trine; Wehling, Eike Ines; Falkenberg, Helle Kristine; Norup, Anne; Kristensen, Karin S (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Objectives: To explore current hospital practice in relation to the assessment of vision problems in patients with acquired brain injury. Design: A survey study. Subjects: A total of 143 respondents from hospital ...
    • The association of PTSD symptom severity with amygdala nuclei volumes in traumatized youths 

      Ousdal, Olga Therese; Milde, Anne Marita; Hafstad, Gertrud Sofie; Hodneland, Erlend; Dyb, Grete; Craven, Alexander R.; Melinder, Annika Maria D; Endestad, Tor; Hugdahl, Kenneth (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      The amygdala is a core component in neurobiological models of stress and stress-related pathologies, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). While numerous studies have reported increased amygdala activity following ...
    • Associations between lesion size, lesion location and aphasia in acute stroke 

      Døli, Hedda; Helland, Wenche A.; Helland, Turid; Specht, Karsten (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Background: The localization and organization of language has been an ongoing research interest ever since the early findings of Paul Broca. The emergence of neuroimaging the past 20 years has given us new insights on the ...
    • Associations between stroke severity, aphasia severity, lesion location, and lesion size in acute stroke, and aphasia severity one year post stroke 

      Døli, Hedda; Helland, Wenche Andersen; Helland, Turid; Næss, Halvor; Hofstad, Håkon; Specht, Karsten (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Background The aim of the present study was to investigate the associations stroke severity, aphasia severity, lesion location and lesion size in acute stroke, and aphasia severity in the subacute and chronic stages post ...
    • Attention Network Test in adults with ADHD - the impact of affective fluctuations 

      Lundervold, Astri Johansen; Adólfsdóttir, Steinunn; Halleland, Helene Barone; Halmøy, Anne; Plessen, Kerstin von; Haavik, Jan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011-07-27)
      Background: The Attention Network Test (ANT) generates measures of different aspects of attention/executive function. In the present study we investigated whether adults with ADHD performed different from controls on ...
    • The attention network test: a characteristic pattern of deficits in children with ADHD 

      Adólfsdóttir, Steinunn; Sørensen, Lin; Lundervold, Astri Johansen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2008-02-12)
      Background: The Attention Network test (ANT) gives measures of different aspects of the complex process of attention. We ask if children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) will show a characteristic pattern ...
    • Auditive training effects from a dichotic listening app in children with dyslexia 

      Morken, Frøydis; Bless, Josef J; Valderhaug, Hanna V.; Eiken, Monica; Helland, Wenche Andersen; Torkildsen, Janne von Koss (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-11)
      Dichotic listening (DL) taps information on the brain's language laterality, processing, and attention. Research has shown that DL responses in dyslexia deviate from the typical pattern. Here, effects of DL training and ...
    • Auditory hallucinations, top-down processing and language perception: a general population study 

      de Boer, Janna N.; Linszen, Mascha M.J.; de Vries, J. Hans; Schutte, Maya J.L.; Begemann, Marieke J.H.; Heringa, Sophie M.; Bohlken, Marc Marijn; Hugdahl, Kenneth; Aleman, André; Wijnen, Frank N.K.; Sommer, Iris Else Clara (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Background: Studies investigating the underlying mechanisms of hallucinations in patients with schizophrenia suggest that an imbalance in top-down expectations v. bottom-up processing underlies these errors in perception. ...
    • Auditory verbal hallucinations in persons with and without a need for care 

      Johns, Louise C.; Kompus, Kristiina; Connell, Melissa; Humpston, Clara; Lincoln, Tania M.; Longden, Eleanor; Preti, Antonio; Alderson-Day, Ben; Badcock, Johanna C.; Cella, Matteo; Fernyhough, Charles; McCarthy-Jones, Simon; Peters, Emmanuelle; Raballo, Andrea; Scott, James; Siddi, Sara; Sommer, Iris E.; Larøi, Frank (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)
      Auditory verbal hallucinations (AVH) are complex experiences that occur in the context of various clinical disorders. AVH also occur in individuals from the general population who have no identifiable psychiatric or ...
    • Autism spectrum symptoms in children with neurological disorders 

      Ryland, Hilde Katrin; Hysing, Mari; Posserud, Maj-Britt Rocio; Gillberg, Christopher; Lundervold, Astri Johansen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012-11-12)
      Background: The aims of the present study were to assess symptoms associated with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in children with neurological disorders as reported by parents and teachers on the Autism Spectrum Screening ...
    • Autistic features in school age children: IQ and gender effects in a population-based cohort 

      Ryland, Hilde Katrin; Hysing, Mari; Posserud, Maj-Britt Rocio; Gillberg, Christopher; Lundervold, Astri (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-03)
      Level and characteristics of intellectual function (IQ) have been associated with symptom presentation in children with autism spectrum disorder. The present study examined associations between IQ and autistic features in ...
    • Behavioral measures of attention and cognitive control during a new auditory working memory paradigm 

      Kayser, Jurgen; Wong, Lidia Y X; Sacchi, Elizabeth; Casal-Roscum, Lindsey; Alvarenga, Jorge E; Hugdahl, Kenneth; Bruder, Gerard E; Jonides, John (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-12-03)
      Proactive control is the ability to manipulate and maintain goal-relevant information within working memory (WM), allowing individuals to selectively attend to important information while inhibiting irrelevant distractions. ...
    • Beyond trauma: A multiple pathways approach to auditory hallucinations in clinical and nonclinical populations 

      Luhrmann, Tanya Marie; Alderson-Day, Ben; Bell, Vaughan; Bless, Josef J; Corlett, Philip; Hugdahl, Kenneth; Jones, Nev; Larøi, Frank; Mosley, Peter; Padmavati, Ramachandran; Peters, Emmanuelle; Powers, Albert R.; Waters, Flavie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-02-01)
      That trauma can play a significant role in the onset and maintenance of voice-hearing is one of the most striking and important developments in the recent study of psychosis. Yet the finding that trauma increases the risk ...
    • Big GABA II: Water-referenced edited MR spectroscopy at 25 research sites 

      Mikkelsen, Mark; Rimbault, Daniel L.; Barker, Peter B.; Bhattacharyya, Pallab K.; Brix, Maiken Kirkegaard; Buur, Pieter F.; Cecil, Kim M.; Chan, Kimberly L.; Chen, David Y.-T.; Craven, Alexander R.; Cuypers, Koen; Dacko, Michael; Duncan, Niall W.; Dydak, Ulrike; Edmondson, David A.; Ende, Gabriele; Ersland, Lars; Forbes, Megan A.; Gao, Fei; Greenhouse, Ian; Harris, Ashley D.; He, Naying; Heba, Stefanie; Hoggard, Nigel; Hsu, Tun-Wei; Jansen, Jacobus F.A.; Kangarlu, Alayar; Lange, Thomas; Lebel, R. Marc; Li, Yan; Lin, Chien-Yuan E.; Liou, Jy-Kang; Lirng, Jiing-Feng; Liu, Feng; Long, Joanna R.; Ma, Ruoyun; Maes, Celine; Moreno-Ortega, Marta; Murray, Scott O.; Noah, Sean; Noeske, Ralph; Noseworthy, Michael D.; Oeltzschner, Georg; Porges, Eric C.; Prisciandaro, James J.; Puts, Nicolaas A.J.; Roberts, Timothy P.L.; Sack, Markus; Sailasuta, Napapon; Saleh, Muhammad G.; Schallmo, Michael-Paul; Simard, Nicholas; Stoffers, Diederick; Swinnen, Stephan P.; Tegenthoff, Martin; Truong, Peter; Wang, Guangbin; Wilkinson, Iain D.; Wittsack, Hans-Jörg; Woods, Adam J.; Xu, Hongmin; Yan, Fuhua; Zhang, Chencheng; Zipunnikov, Vadim; Zöllner, Helge J.; Edden, Richard A.E. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Accurate and reliable quantification of brain metabolites measured in vivo using 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is a topic of continued interest. Aside from differences in the basic approach to quantification, ...
    • Brain age prediction reveals aberrant brain white matter in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: A multi-sample diffusion tensor imaging study 

      Tønnesen, Siren; Kaufmann, Tobias; de Lange, Ann-Marie Glasø; Richard, Geneviève; Nhat Trung, Doan; Alnæs, Dag; van der Meer, Dennis; Rokicki, Jaroslav; Moberget, Torgeir; Maximov, Ivan; Agartz, Ingrid; Aminoff, Sofie Ragnhild; Beck, Dani; Barch, Deanna M.; Beresniewicz, Justyna; Cervenka, Simon; Fatouros-Bergman, Helena; Craven, Alexander R.; Flyckt, Lena; Gurholt, Tiril Pedersen; Haukvik, Unn Kristin H.; Hugdahl, Kenneth; Johnsen, Erik; Jönsson, Erik Gunnar; Schizophrenia Project (KaSP), Karolinska; Kolskår, Knut-Kristian; Kroken, Rune Andreas; Lagerberg, Trine Vik; Løberg, Else-Marie; Nordvik, Jan Egil; Sanders, Anne-Marthe; Ulrichsen, Kristine Moe; Andreassen, Ole Andreas; Westlye, Lars Tjelta (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Background Schizophrenia (SZ) and bipolar disorder (BD) share substantial neurodevelopmental components affecting brain maturation and architecture. This necessitates a dynamic lifespan perspective in which brain aberrations ...
    • Brain‑correlates of processing local dependencies within a statistical learning paradigm 

      Tsogli, Vera; Skouras, Stavros; Koelsch, Stefan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Statistical learning refers to the implicit mechanism of extracting regularities in our environment. Numerous studies have investigated the neural basis of statistical learning. However, how the brain responds to violations ...
    • Can a Questionnaire Be Useful for Assessing Reading Skills in Adults? Experiences with the Adult Reading Questionnaire among Incarcerated and Young Adults in Norway 

      Asbjørnsen, Arve Egil; Jones, Lise Øen; Eikeland, Ole-Johan; Manger, Terje (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Background: Good screening tools can be of immense value in educational counselling for adults. We report two studies where we explored the factor structure and discriminative power of the Adult Reading Questionnaire (ARQ) ...
    • Can we predict real-time fMRI neurofeedback learning success from pretraining brain activity? 

      Haugg, Amelie; Sladky, Ronald; Skouras, Stavros; McDonald, Amalia; Craddock, Cameron; Kirschner, Matthias; Herdener, Marcus; Koush, Yury; Papoutsi, Marina; Keynan, Jackob N.; Hendler, Talma; Cohen Kadosh, Kathrin; Zich, Catharina; MacInnes, Jeff; Adcock, R. Alison; Dickerson, Kathryn; Chen, Nan-Kuei; Young, Kymberly; Bodurka, Jerzy; Yao, Shuxia; Becker, Benjamin; Auer, Tibor; Schweizer, Renate; Pamplona, Gustavo; Emmert, Kirsten; Haller, Sven; Van De Ville, Dimitri; Blefari, Maria-Laura; Kim, Dong-Youl; Lee, Jong-Hwan; Marins, Theo; Fukuda, Megumi; Sorger, Bettina; Kamp, Tabea; Liew, Sook-Lei; Veit, Ralf; Spetter, Maartje; Weiskopf, Nikolaus; Scharnowski, Frank (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Neurofeedback training has been shown to influence behavior in healthy participants as well as to alleviate clinical symptoms in neurological, psychosomatic, and psychiatric patient populations. However, many real-time ...
    • Cannabis use in Parkinson’s disease—A nationwide online survey study 

      Erga, Aleksander Hagen; Maple-Grødem, Jodi; Alves, Guido Werner (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Objectives The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency of use, attitudes toward, and experiences with cannabis and cannabis-related products among people with Parkinson's disease (PwP) living in Norway. Me ...