Blar i Department of Clinical Psychology på dokumenttype "Doctoral thesis"
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Accommodating trauma in police interviews. An exploration of rapport in investigative interviews of traumatized victims
(Doctoral thesis, 2017-09-08)In the investigation of a criminal offense, the investigative interview is one of the most important methods used by the police. In interviews, the police investigator may encounter suspects, witnesses or victims who ... -
Being a therapist in difficult therapeutic impasses: A hermeneutic-phenomenological analysis of skilled psychotherapists’ experiences, needs, and strategies in difficult therapies ending well
(Doctoral thesis, 2011-03-08)The aim of this thesis is to explore from the first person perspective the experiences of processes involved in difficult therapies that are resolved constructively. The methodological approach towards this aim is qualitative ... -
The effect of bright light on rest-activity rhythms and behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia
(Doctoral thesis, 2022-12-12)De fleste som lever med demens har også atferdsmessige- og psykologiske symptomer ved demens (APSD) som for eksempel depresjon, angst, agitasjon, og søvnforstyrrelser. APSD påvirker livskvalitet og pleiebehov. Aktivitetsrytmen ... -
The effect of bright light on sleep in nursing home patients with dementia
(Doctoral thesis, 2021-01-29)Background: Up to 70% of nursing home patients with dementia suffer from disrupted sleep, often characterized by multiple awakenings at night and excessive daytime sleep. Sleep disruption may have negative effects on the ... -
The Emotional Brain in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
(Doctoral thesis, 2019-11-19)Background Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by distressing obsessions and time-consuming compulsions. The disorder affects 1-3% and can be highly impairing to daily functioning and detrimental to the ... -
Experiences of Members of a Crisis Resolution Home Treatment Team: Personal history, professional role and emotional support in a CRHT team
(Doctoral thesis, 2014-12-03)The main aim of this thesis was to explore the characteristics of the work done in a CRHT team, from the point of view of staff members. After an initial literature review, we conducted interviews and participant observation ... -
Facing social fears. An investigation of mindfulness-based stress reduction for young adults with social anxiety disorder
(Doctoral thesis, 2016-08-26)Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is a prevalent condition that often leads to co-morbid mental disorders and chronic functional impairments in most domains of human life. Psychological interventions are often effective, but ... -
Fathers' mental health and child development: The predictive value of fathers' psychological distress during pregnancy for the social, emotional and behavioral development of their children
(Doctoral thesis, 2014-11-26)Background: While the effect of mothers’ mental health on children’s development is well documented, studies of the predictive value of psychological distress in fathers for their children’s early psychosocial and behavioural ... -
Foreldrenes status og rolle i familie- og nærmiljøbaserte intervensjoner for barn med atferdsvansker
(Doctoral thesis, 2019-06-07)During the last two decades, there has been a marked change in the public services for children with conduct problems in Norway, both at the primary and specialist level. Norwegian authorities have taken an initiative to ... -
Insomnia in older adults Consequences, assessment and treatment
(Doctoral thesis, 2006-11-23)Objective: Insomnia is one of the most common conditions in older adults, affecting almost one third of adults aged 55 years or older. Insomnia has been linked to a number of individual adverse medical and psychological ... -
Internet-based self-help for social anxiety disorder and panic disorder. Factors associated with effect and use of self-help
(Doctoral thesis, 2011-11-08)Studies have documented the effect of self-help interventions for social anxiety disorder and panic disorder, and self-help interventions have been proposed as a way to improve access to psychological interventions for ... -
Kliniske tilbakemeldingssystemer i psykisk helsevern – implementering og praktisering
(Doctoral thesis, 2020-05-11)Clinical feedback systems or progress monitoring systems (CFS) have gained increasing interest over the past twenty years. They were developed to enable clinicians to monitor treatment and to enhance patient outcome. Several ... -
Lærer-elev-relasjoner, elevers psykiske helse og frafall i videregående skole. En eksplorerende studie om samarbeid og den store betydningen av de små ting
(Doctoral thesis, 2017-03-23)The aim of this thesis is twofold (1) To explore the importance of teacher-student relationship (TSR) for students' mental health and dropout from upper secondary school. (2) To explore subjective experiences of qualities ... -
Mental Disorders in Foster Children: A Study of Prevalence, Comorbidity, and Risk Factors
(Doctoral thesis, 2015-10-23)Children in foster care have often experienced multiple adverse childhood experiences, including maltreatment and the rupture of attachment bonds. Maltreatment and the rupture of attachment bonds make foster children ... -
Mentalization-based treatment of female patients with severe personality disorder and substance use disorder
(Doctoral thesis, 2018-10-12)Personality disorder (PD) and substance use disorder (SUD) are frequently co-occurring conditions which severely affect individuals in different domains of their life. Around half of patients with SUD also suffer from a ... -
Momentary well-being in dementia : Observational assessment of psychosocial interventions and music therapy
(Doctoral thesis, 2022-03-04)Background: Dementia is an increasingly prevalent condition world-wide. A cure is yet to be found. The adverse behavioral and psychological symptoms accompanying dementia are best approached through non-pharmacological ... -
Multifamily Group Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Child and Adolescent Anxiety Disorders : An investigation into the effectiveness and role of family accommodation and parental early life maltreatment
(Doctoral thesis, 2023-02-16)Angstlidelser er vanlig hos ungdom (12–18 år), og har skadelige effekter for individet og samfunnet både på kort og lang sikt. Dessverre er mange ungdommer fortsatt plaget av angst etter regulær poliklinisk behandling ... -
Panic disorder: Treatment outcomes and psychophysiological concomitants
(Doctoral thesis, 2013-10-17)Panic disorder (PD) is severe anxiety disorder that follows a chronic course if left untreated. The recurrent panic attacks and persistent worrying of new attacks that are characteristic of PD is highly distressing and can ... -
Predictors and moderators of treatment outcome from high- and low-intensity cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety disorders: Association between patient and process factors, and the outcome from guided self-help, stepped care, and face-to-face cognitive behavioral therapy
(Doctoral thesis, 2015-03-09)The understanding of factors that are associated with the outcome from cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for anxiety disorders is limited. Identifying characteristics that are related to the treatment outcome can improve ... -
Processing emotions in emotion-focused therapy. Exploring the impact of the two-chair dialogue intervention
(Doctoral thesis, 2018-05-07)An increasing range of approaches to psychotherapy emphasize the importance of unprocessed emotions in explaining the root of psychological problems. These approaches suggest different interventions intended to enhance ...