• The Arctic Fjord Breeze: Characteristics of a Combined Sea Breeze and Valley Wind in a Svalbard Fjord Valley 

      Henkies, Matthias Markus; Høyland, Knut Vilhelm; Shestov, Aleksey; Duscha, Christiane Anabell; Sjöblom, Anna (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Thermally-driven circulations are a frequent meteorological phenomenon in complex Arctic terrain, but the Arctic fjord breeze, a combined sea-breeze and up-valley wind, has received little attention. A field campaign was ...
    • Arctic freshwater fluxes: sources, tracer budgets and inconsistencies 

      Forryan, Alexander; Bacon, Sheldon; Tsubouchi, Takamasa; Torres-Valdes, Sinhue; Garabato, Alberto C. Naveira (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      The net rate of freshwater input to the Arctic Ocean has been calculated in the past by two methods: directly, as the sum of precipitation, evaporation and runoff, an approach hindered by sparsity of measurements, and by ...
    • Arctic Ocean Amplification in a warming climate in CMIP6 models 

      Shu, Qi; Wang, Qiang; Årthun, Marius; Wang, Shizhu; Song, Zhenya; Zhang, Min; Qiao, Fangli (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Arctic near-surface air temperature warms much faster than the global average, a phenomenon known as Arctic Amplification. The change of the underlying Arctic Ocean could influence climate through its interaction with sea ...
    • Arctic Ocean carbon biogeochemistry under climate change and ocean acidification 

      Silyakova, Anna (Doctoral thesis, 2013-05-10)
      Human-induced CO2 emissions to the atmosphere cause climate change and ocean acidification. The strongest indicators of climate change and ocean acidification are expected to be found in the Arctic Ocean (AO). The AO area ...
    • Arctic Ocean CO2 uptake: An improved multiyear estimate of the air-sea CO2 flux incorporating chlorophyll a concentrations 

      Yasunaka, Sayaka; Siswanto, Eko; Olsen, Are; Hoppema, Mario; Watanabe, Eiji; Fransson, Agneta Ingrid; Chierici, Melissa; Murata, Akihiko; Lauvset, Siv Kari; Wanninkhof, Rik; Takahashi, Taro; Kosugi, Naohiro; Omar, Abdirahman; van Heuven, Steven; Mathis, Jeremy T. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-03-22)
      We estimated monthly air–sea CO2 fluxes in the Arctic Ocean and its adjacent seas north of 60∘ N from 1997 to 2014. This was done by mapping partial pressure of CO2 in the surface water (pCO2w) using a self-organizing map ...
    • The Arctic Ocean in a Fresh and Warm Future 

      Nummelin, Aleksi (Doctoral thesis, 2016-10-28)
      The Arctic Ocean remains one of the least known ocean regions due to its remote location, year-round sea ice cover, and harsh weather conditions. Today, knowledge of the Arctic atmosphere-sea ice-ocean system increases in ...
    • Arctic Ocean Response to Greenland Sea Wind Anomaliesin a Suite of Model Simulations 

      Muilwijk, Morven; Ilicak, Mehmet; Cornish, Sam B.; Danilov, Sergey; Gelderloos, Renske; Gerdes, Rüdiger; Haid, Verena; Haine, Thomas W.N.; Johnson, Helen L.; Kostov, Yavor; Kovács, Tamás; Lique, Camille; Marson, Juliana M.; Myers, Paul G.; Scott, Jeffery; Smedsrud, Lars H.; Talandier, Claude; Wang, Qiang (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-08-04)
      Plain Language Summary: The North Atlantic Current is an extension of the Gulf Stream, which brings warm Atlantic Water northward as the current flows through the Nordic Seas. Eventually, it enters the cold deep Arctic ...
    • The Arctic Sea Ice - Melting During Summer or not Freezing in Winter? 

      Skaret, Henriette Bærheim (Master thesis, 2016-06-01)
      The Arctic sea ice cover has retreated rapidly during the last three decades, concurrent with recent global temperature increase both in the atmosphere and in the ocean. The sea ice cover has experienced a retreat in extent ...
    • Arctic sea ice altimetry - advances and current uncertainties 

      Zygmuntowska, Marta (Doctoral thesis, 2014-06-11)
      One of the most prominent features of global climate change is the reduction in Arctic sea ice thickness. The main tool to derive sea ice thickness on an Arctic wide scale is altimetry from satellites, yet current estimates ...
    • Arctic sea ice and climate change - will the sea ice disappear in this century? 

      Johannessen, Ola M.; Miles, Martin W. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2000)
    • Arctic sea ice and Eurasian climate: A review 

      Gao, Yongqi; Sun, Jianqi; Li, Fei; He, Shengping; Sandven, Stein; Yan, Qing; Zhang, Zhongshi; Lohmann, Katja; Keenlyside, Noel; Furevik, Tore; Suo, Lingling (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-11-28)
      The Arctic plays a fundamental role in the climate system and has shown significant climate change in recent decades, including the Arctic warming and decline of Arctic sea-ice extent and thickness. In contrast to the ...
    • The Arctic sea ice extent change connected to Pacific decadal variability 

      Yang, Xiao-Ying; Wang, Guihua; Keenlyside, Noel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      After an unprecedented retreat, the total Arctic sea ice cover for the post-2007 period is characterized by low extent and a remarkable increase in annual cycle amplitude. We have identified the leading role of spring ...
    • Arctic Sea level Budget Assessment During the GRACE/Argo Time Period 

      Raj, Roshin Pappukutty; Andersen, Ole Baltazar; Johannessen, Johnny Andre; Benjamin, Gutknech; Chatterjee, Sourav; Rose, Stine; Bonaduce, Antonio; Horwath, Martin; Ranndal, Heidi; Richter, Kristin; Palanisamy, Hindumathi; Ludwigsen, Carsten; Bertino, Laurent; Nilsen, Jan Even Øie; Knudsen, Per; Hogg, Anna E.; Cazenave, Anny; Benveniste, Jérôme (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Sea level change is an important indicator of climate change. Our study focuses on the sea level budget assessment of the Arctic Ocean using: (1) the newly reprocessed satellite altimeter data with major changes in the ...
    • The Arctic Summer Cloud Ocean Study (ASCOS): Overview and experimental design 

      Tjernström, Michael; Leck, Caroline; Birch, Cathryn E.; Bottenheim, Jan W.; Brooks, Barbara J.; Brooks, Ian M.; Bäcklin, Leif; Chang, Rachel; de Leeuw, Gerrit; Di Liberto, Luca; De La Rosa, Sara; Granath, Eva; Graus, Martin; Hänsel, Armin; Heintzenberg, Jost; Held, Andreas; Hind, Andrew; Johnston, Paul; Knulst, Johan C.; Martin, Maria; Matrai, Patricia A.; Mauritsen, Thorsten; Müller, Markus; Norris, Sarah J.; Orellana, Mónica V.; Orsini, Douglas A.; Paatero, Jussi; Persson, P. Ola G.; Gao, Qiuju; Rauschenberg, Carlton; Ristovski, Zoran; Sedlař, Joseph; Shupe, Matthew D.; Sierau, Berko; Sirevaag, Anders; Sjögren, Staffan; Stetzer, Olaf; Swietlicki, Erik; Szczodrak, Malgorzata; Vaattovaara, Petri; Wahlberg, Nils; Westberg, Maria; Wheeler, Cassie R. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-03-19)
      The climate in the Arctic is changing faster than anywhere else on earth. Poorly understood feedback processes relating to Arctic clouds and aerosol–cloud interactions contribute to a poor understanding of the present ...
    • Arctic tidal current atlas 

      Baumann, Till Martin; Polyakov, Igor V.; Padman, Laurie; Danielson, Seth L.; Fer, Ilker; Janout, Markus; Williams, William; Pnyushkov, Andrey V. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Tidal and wind-driven near-inertial currents play a vital role in the changing Arctic climate and the marine ecosystems. We compiled 429 available moored current observations taken over the last two decades throughout the ...
    • Arctic Warming and Eurasian Cooling: Weakening and Reemergence 

      Xu, Xinping; He, Shengping; Zhou, Botao; Wang, Huijun; Sun, Bo (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      The observed Eurasian winter surface cooling from the 1990s to the early 2010s, which is contrary to global warming, has been extensively studied. Previous studies revealed that the surface cooling trend has significantly ...
    • Arctic Wintertime Sea Ice Breakup Events - Detection and Evolution 

      Ordahl, Johanne (Master thesis, 2024-06-03)
      Openings in the Arctic sea ice give rise to strong localized heat fluxes from the ocean to the atmosphere, causing ocean mixing and potentially leading to new sea ice growth. Despite the increased attention on sea ice ...
    • Arctic-Atlantic Climate Variability and Predictability in Observations and in a Dynamical Prediction System 

      Goncalves Dos Passos, Leilane (Doctoral thesis, 2023-11-03)
      Hovedfokuset i denne doktorgradsoppgaven er å forstå dekadisk klimaprediktabilitet (forutsigbarhet i klimaet) for å forbedre klimamodeller og klimavarsel. Klimavarseling viser lovende resultat, men det er fremdeles ...
    • Arctic/Atlantic exchanges via the Subpolar Gyre 

      Langehaug, Helene Reinertsen; Medhaug, Iselin; Eldevik, Tor; Otterå, Odd Helge (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)
      In the present study we investigate the decadal variability in the strength and shape of the Subpolar Gyre (SPG) in a 600-year pre-industrial simulation using the Bergen Climate Model. The atmospheric influence on the SPG ...