• The Atlantic Water flow along the Vøring Plateau: Detecting frontal structures in oceanic station time series 

      Nilsen, Jan Even Øie; Nilsen, Frank (Journal article, 2007-01-13)
      The topographic steering of the baroclinic western branch of the Norwegian Atlantic Current (NwAC) determines the extent of Atlantic Water and location of the Arctic Front in the Nordic Seas. In this paper the geographical ...
    • Atlantic water transformation along its poleward pathway across the Nordic Seas 

      Bosse, Anthony; Fer, Ilker; Søiland, Henrik; Thomas, Rossby (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-08-23)
      The warm and salty Atlantic Water is substantially modified along its poleward transit across the Nordic Seas, where it reaches deeper isopycnals. In particular, the Lofoten Basin, exposed to intense air‐sea interactions, ...
    • Barents Sea ice cover reflects Atlantic inflow 

      Årthun, Marius; Eldevik, Tor; Smedsrud, Lars Henrik; Skagseth, Øystein (Working paper, 2011)
      The recent Arctic winter sea-ice retreat is most pronounced in the Barents Sea. Using available observations of the Atlantic inflow to the Barents Sea and results from a regional ice-ocean model we assess the role of ...
    • Bottom melting of Arctic Sea Ice in the Nansen Basin due to Atlantic Water influence 

      Muilwijk, Morven Korneel (Master thesis, 2016-05-24)
      The hydrographic situation for a region north of Svalbard is investigated using observations from the Norwegian Young Sea Ice Cruise (N-ICE2015). Observations from January to June 2015 are compared to historical observations ...
    • Loss of sea ice during winter north of Svalbard 

      Onarheim, Ingrid Husøy; Smedsrud, Lars Henrik; Ingvaldsen, Randi; Nilsen, Frank (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-06-05)
      Sea ice loss in the Arctic Ocean has up to now been strongest during summer. In contrast, the sea ice concentration north of Svalbard has experienced a larger decline during winter since 1979. The trend in winter ice area ...
    • Variability along the Atlantic water pathway in the forced Norwegian Earth System Model 

      Langehaug, Helene R.; Sandø, Anne Britt; Årthun, Marius; Ilicak, Mehmet (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-03-27)
      The growing attention on mechanisms that can provide predictability on interannual-to-decadal time scales, makes it necessary to identify how well climate models represent such mechanisms. In this study we use a high (0.25° ...
    • Warming of Atlantic Water in two west Spitsbergen fjords over the last century (1912-2009) 

      Pavlov, Alexey K.; Tverberg, Vigdis; Ivanov, Boris; Nilsen, Frank; Falk-Petersen, Stig; Granskog, Mats A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013-05-06)
      The recently observed warming of west Spitsbergen fjords has led to anomalous sea-ice conditions and has implications for the marine ecosystem. We investigated long-term trends of maximum temperature of Atlantic Water (AW) ...